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File metadata and controls

290 lines (221 loc) · 13.7 KB



new Notification() Creates a new instance of the Notification object.

Notification(title, options)
//@param {String} title 要显示的通知标题
//@param {Object} options 备选项参数,键值对


Notification.permission A string representing the current permission to display notifications. Possible value are: denied (the user refuses to have notifications displayed), granted (the user accepts having notifications displayed), or default (the user choice is unknown and therefore the browser will act as if the value were denied).

Notification.actions The actions array of the notification as specified in the options parameter of the constructor.

Notification.badge The URL of the image used to represent the notification when there is not enough space to display thenotification itself.

Notification.body The body string of the notification as specified in the options parameter of the constructor. Returns a structured clone of the notification’s data.

Notification.dir The text direction of the notification as specified in the options parameter of the constructor.

  • auto: adopts the browser's language setting behaviour (the default.)
  • ltr: left to right.
  • rtl : right to left. Note: Most browsers seem to ignore explicit ltr and rtl settings, and just go with the browser-wide setting.

Notification.lang The language code of the notification as specified in the options parameter of the constructor.

Notification.tag The ID of the notification (if any) as specified in the options parameter of the constructor. 标记当前通知的标签。

  • The idea of notification tags is that more than one notification can share the same tag, linking them together. One notification can then be programmatically replaced with another to avoid the users' screen being filled up with a huge number of similar notifications.

Notification.renotify 布尔值。新通知出现的时候是否替换之前的。如果设为true,则表示替换,表示当前标记的通知只会出现一个。true参数要想其作用,必须tag需要设置属性值。

Notification.icon The URL of the image used as an icon of the notification as specified in the options parameter of the constructor.

Notification.requireInteraction A Boolean indicating that on devices with sufficiently large screens, a notification should remain active until the user clicks or dismisses it.

Notification.silent Specifies whether the notification should be silent, i.e. no sounds or vibrations should be issued, regardless of the device settings. 布尔值。通知出现的时候,是否要有声音。默认false, 表示无声。

Notification.sound 字符串。音频地址。表示通知出现要播放的声音资源。

Notification.timestamp Specifies the time at which a notification is created or applicable (past, present, or future).

Notification.title The title of the notification as specified in the first parameter of the constructor.

Notification.vibrate Specifies a vibration pattern for devices with vibration hardware to emit. 通知显示时候,设备震动硬件需要的振动模式。所谓振动模式,指的是一个描述交替时间的数组,分别表示振动和不振动的毫秒数,一直交替下去。例如[200, 100, 200]表示设备振动200毫秒,然后停止100毫秒,再振动200毫秒。

`Notification.noscreen' 布尔值。是否不再屏幕上显示通知信息。默认false, 表示要在屏幕上显示通知内容。

###Event handlers

Notification.onclick A handler for the click event. It is triggered each time the user clicks on the notification.

Notification.onerror A handler for the error event. It is triggered each time the notification encounters an error.


###Static methods

These methods are available only on the Notification object itself.

Notification.requestPermission() Requests permission from the user to display notifications.

  • granted: The user has explicitly granted permission for the current origin to display system notifications.
  • denied: The user has explicitly denied permission for the current origin to display system notifications.
  • default: The user decision is unknown; in this case the application will act as if permission was denied.

###Instance methods

These properties are available only on an instance of the Notification object or through its prototype. The Notification object also inherits from the EventTarget interface.

Notification.close() Programmatically closes a notification.


Web Notifications是HTML5中一个令人欣喜的新特性,它支持开发者配置和显示桌面通知,为用户提供更好的体验,最令人称赞的是,即使用户忙于其他工作时也可以收到来自页面的消息通知,例如一个新邮件的提醒,或者一个在线聊天室收到的消息提醒等等。 接下来,我们就试着一步一步创建我们自己的消息通知。 要创建消息通知,首先我们要创建一个消息框,这非常很简单,直接使用window对象下面的Notification类即可,代码如下:

var n = new Notification("sir, you got a message", {  
    icon: 'img/icon.png',  
    body: 'you will have a meeting 5 minutes later.'  

在Notification这个类的构造函数中,有两个重要的参数,第一个是消息的标题,第二个是消息体对象,其中包括消息框的图标(icon)和消息内容(body)。 在执行完以上代码后,我们就成功地创建了一个消息框实例,在Chrome下面它最终会显示成这样: enter image description here

到这里我们已经成功了一半,但能不能正确地显示出这个消息框,最终还取决于用户的授权。鉴于浏览器的安全机制,只有用户同意网页弹出消息通知框,消息通知才能够真正的显示出来。所以现在我们要做的就是申请用户授权。 Notification类提供了一个requestPermission方法,用来请求用户授权,代码如下:

Notification.requestPermission(function(status) {  
    console.log('status: ' + status);  
    var permission = Notification.permission;  
    //default 用户没有接收或拒绝授权请求 不能显示通知  
    //granted 用户接受授权请求 允许显示通知  
    //denied  用户拒绝授权请求 不允许显示通知  
    console.log('permission: ' + permission);  

当这段代码执行时,浏览器会询问用户,是否允许该站点显示消息通知,如下图所示: enter image description here

如果用户点击了左边的Block按钮,无论我们如何创建Notification实例,消息始终是无法显示出来的;只有用户选择了Allow按钮,代码才能正确执行并且显示出消息框来。 正如上面代码中所描述的那样,requestPermission函数执行完后,会进入一个回调函数,该回调函数可以传递一个status参数,表示在用户做出选择后,最终的授权状态。如果用户点击了授权提示右边的关闭按钮,相当于忽视了授权请求,此时status为default,在default状态下是无法显示消息的;如果用户点击了Block按钮拒绝授权请求,则status会是denied状态,自然是无法显示消息;如果用户点击了Allow按钮接受授权请求,则此时status会变成granted状态,只有在granted状态下才可以正确显示消息。 同时,在执行完授权请求后,浏览器会将权限状态赋到Notification的permission属性上面,该属性对于开发者来讲是只读的,它的值跟上述的status值是一样的。所以如果我们要显示一个消息通知,可以先判断一下是否拥有权限:

if (Notification.permission === 'granted') {  
    //show notification  


var n = new Notification("sir, you got a message", {  
    icon: 'img/icon.png',  
    body: 'you will have a meeting 5 minutes later.'  
n.onshow = function() {  
    console.log('notification shows up');  
    setTimeout(function() {  
    }, 5000);  
n.onclick = function() {  
    alert('open the associated view');  
    //opening the view...  
n.onerror = function() {  
    console.log('notification encounters an error');  
    //do something useful  
n.onclose = function() {  
    console.log('notification is closed');  
    //do something useful  



var NotificationHandler = {  
    isNotificationSupported: 'Notification' in window,  
    isPermissionGranted: function() {  
        return Notification.permission === 'granted';  
    requestPermission: function() {  
        if (!this.isNotificationSupported) {  
            console.log('the current browser does not support Notification API');  
        Notification.requestPermission(function(status) {  
            console.log('status: ' + status);  
            var permission = Notification.permission;  
            //default 用户没有接收或拒绝授权 不能显示通知  
            //granted 用户接受授权 允许显示通知  
            //denied  用户拒绝授权 不允许显示通知  
            console.log('permission: ' + permission);  
    showNotification: function() {  
        if (!this.isNotificationSupported) {  
            console.log('the current browser does not support Notification API');  
        if (!this.isPermissionGranted()) {  
            console.log('the current page has not been granted for notification');  
        var n = new Notification("sir, you got a message", {  
            icon: 'img/icon.png',  
            body: 'you will have a meeting 5 minutes later.'  
        n.onshow = function() {  
            console.log('notification shows up');  
            setTimeout(function() {  
            }, 5000);  
        n.onclick = function() {  
            alert('open the associated view');  
            //opening the view...  
        n.onerror = function() {  
            console.log('notification encounters an error');  
            //do something useful  
        n.onclose = function() {  
            console.log('notification is closed');  
            //do something useful  
document.addEventListener('load', function() {  
    //try to request permission when page has been loaded.  


setTimeout(function() {  
    //if there has new mail, show notification  
}, 5000); 
