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File metadata and controls

210 lines (194 loc) · 6.64 KB


This terraform module creates resources that can host several apps using AWS Cloudfront.

Table of Contents

How to Use

Module source


Setup and configuration sample

locals {
    region         = "us-east-1"
    env            = "test"
    app_name       = "test-app"
    domain_name    = ""
    acm_domain     = "*"
    hosted_zone_id = "ABC123"
    responses = [
            error_code         = 404,
            response_code      = 404,
            response_page_path = "/404"
            error_code         = 403,
            response_code      = 404,
            response_page_path = "/404"

    s3_apps = {
        "test-app" = {
            domain_name = "test.example.bucket"
            s3_config = {
                error_document = "index.html"
                index_document = "index.html"
                force_destroy  = true
                acl            = "private
            app_config  = null
            origin_path = ""
            cache_behavior = {
                path_pattern    = "*"
                allowed_methods = ["GET", "HEAD"]
                cached_methods  = ["GET", "HEAD"]
                forwarded_values = {
                    query_string = false
                    cookies      = "none"
                lambdas                = []
                default_ttl            = 3600
                min_ttl                = 0
                max_ttl                = 86400
                viewer_protocol_policy = "redirect-to-https"

    app_configs = {
        "api" = {
            domain_name = ""
            s3_config = null
            app_config = {
                http_port    = 80
                https_port   = 443
                protocol     = "https-only"
                ssl_protocol = ["TLSv1.2"]
            origin_path = "/dev" # api stagename
            cache_behavior = {
                path_pattern    = "api/v1/*"
                allowed_methods = ["HEAD", "DELETE", "POST", "GET", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "PATCH"]
                cached_methods  = ["GET", "HEAD"]
                forwarded_values = {
                    query_string = true
                    cookies      = "none"
                lambdas                = []
                min_ttl                = 0
                default_ttl            = 3600
                max_ttl                = 86400
                viewer_protocol_policy = "redirect-to-https" # allow-all, https-only, redirect-to-https

module "aws_cloudfront_app" {
  source                 = "git::"
  region                 = local.region
  env                    = local.env
  app_name               = local.app_name
  domain_name            = local.domain_name
  cloudfront_responses   = local.responses
  use_acm_certificate    = true
  route53_zone_id        = local.hosted_zone_id
  acm_certificate_domain = local.acm_domain
  default_app_name       = "samuelsouik-com"
  s3_app_configs         = local.s3_apps
  app_configs            = local.app_configs

Module Inputs

Name Required Type Default Description
region No string us-east-1 Qualifying AWS region (Example: us-east-2)
env No string dev Environment of the Infrastructure
app_name Yes string The name of the application
domain_name Yes string The domain name that the app will use
root_object No string index.html The path to the root object/file
cloudfront_responses No list(object(cloudfront_response)) cloudfront_response_default List of custom Cloudfront responses
use_acm_certificate No bool true Set to true to use ACM certificate and false to skip and use default cloudfront URL
route53_zone_id No string "" Hosted zone ID of the desired Route53 record
acm_certificate_domain No string "" The domain name that the desired ACM certificate covers (Example: *
default_app_name Yes string Name of the app that will be used as the default for cache. (Must match an app in the s3_app_config or app_configs)
s3_app_configs No map(app_config) {} List of configurations for web apps hosted in S3
app_configs No map(app_config) {} List of configurations for the web apps not hosted in S3

Either s3_app_configs or app_configs needs to be defined


    error_code         = number
    response_code      = number
    response_page_path = string


      error_code         = 404
      response_code      = 404
      response_page_path = "404.html"
      error_code         = 403
      response_code      = 403
      response_page_path = "403.html"
      error_code         = 500
      response_code      = 500
      response_page_path = "500.html"


    domain_name = string
    origin_path = string
    s3_config = {
        index_document = string
        error_document = string
        force_destroy  = bool
        acl            = string
    app_config = {
        http_port = number
        https_port = number
        protocol = string # "http-only", "https-only" or "match-viewer"
        ssl_protocol = list(string) # "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2", "SSLv3"
    cache_behavior = {
        path_pattern = string
        allowed_methods = list(string)
        cached_methods = list(string)
        forwarded_values = {
            query_string = bool
            cookies = string
        lambdas = list({
            event_type = string # viewer-request, viewer-response, origin-request, origin-response
            lambda_arn = string
            include_body = bool
        min_ttl = number
        default_ttl = number
        max_ttl = number
        viewer_protocol_policy = string

Module Outputs

Name Description
cloudfront_distribution_id The ID of the created CloudFront Distribution
cloudfront_distribution_arn The ARN of the created CloudFront Distribution
cloudfront_distribution_domain The domain name of the created CloudFront Distribution
cloudfront_distribution_hosted_zone_id The Hosted Zone ID of the created CloudFront Distribution