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STAT 540: Companion to Lecture 7: Linear Models

Keegan Korthauer

Note that the source Rmd for this document can be found here

Two-way ANOVA or a linear model with interaction

Which group means are we comparing in a model with 2 factors?

For simplicity, we first consider only two levels of dev_stage: E16 and P28

$$\mu_1=E[Y_{(WT,E16)}]$$ $$\mu_2=E[Y_{(NrlKO,E16)}]$$ $$\mu_3=E[Y_{(WT,P28)}]$$ $$\mu_4=E[Y_{(NrlKO,P28)}]$$

Reference-treatment effect parametrization

By default, lm assumes a reference-treatment effect parametrization. We just need more indicator variables!!

Mathematically (a bit more difficult…)

$$Y_{ijk}=\theta + \tau_{KO} x_{KO,ijk}+ \tau_{P28} x_{P28,ijk}+ \tau_{KO:P28} x_{KO,ijk} x_{P28,ijk}+ \varepsilon_{ijk}$$ Subscripts: $i$ indexes samples per group, $j={WT, NrlKO}$, $k={E16, P28}$

The names of these parameters and variables may look overwhelming but it helps to think of them as just names for:

$x_{KO,ijk}$: a indicator variable with value 1 for NrlKO genotype samples (any sample with j=NrlKO), and 0 otherwise. I call this variable $x_{KO}$

$x_{P28,ijk}$: a different indicator variable with value 1 for P28 samples (any sample with k=P28), and 0 otherwise. I call this variable $x_{P28}$

$\tau_{KO}$, $\tau_{P28}$, and $\tau_{KO:P28}$: parameters to model the simple effects of genotype (NrlKO), development (P28), and their interaction

Note: in this “simple” version with 2 levels per factor we need only one indicator variable per factor: $x_{KO}$ and $x_{P28}$. But this model can be extended to multiple factors with multiple levels. You just need to add more indicator variables!

Reference: WT & E16

As before, comparisons are relative to a reference but now we have reference levels in both factors: E16 and WT

$$Y_{ijk}=\theta + \tau_{KO} x_{KO,ijk}+ \tau_{P28} x_{P28,ijk}+ \tau_{KO:P28} x_{KO,ijk} x_{P28,ijk}+ \varepsilon_{ijk}$$

For any sample $i$ in the reference group: $j=WT$ and $k=E16$, then $x_{KO}=0$ and $x_{P28}=0$ (I’m omiting subscripts for clarity). Then only $\theta$ remains and we get: $$E[Y_{WT,E16}]=\theta$$

as before $\theta$ is the mean of the reference group

Here is the lm output table for the two factor fit (extracted using broom::tidy()).

twoFactFit <- lm(expression ~ genotype * dev_stage, oneGene)
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   term                       estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##   <chr>                         <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)                   9.91      0.157     62.9  2.02e-15
## 2 genotypeNrlKO                -0.984     0.240     -4.09 1.78e- 3
## 3 dev_stageP28                  1.64      0.223      7.35 1.44e- 5
## 4 genotypeNrlKO:dev_stageP28   -2.04      0.328     -6.23 6.47e- 5

Notice that the lm estimate, $\hat{\theta}$, is the sample mean of the reference group (WT E16).

(means.2Fact <- group_by(oneGene, dev_stage, genotype) %>% 
          summarize(cellMeans = mean(expression)) %>%
          ungroup() %>%
          mutate(txEffects = cellMeans - cellMeans[1],
                 lmEst = tidy(twoFactFit)$estimate))
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'dev_stage'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.

## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   dev_stage genotype cellMeans txEffects  lmEst
##   <fct>     <fct>        <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 E16       WT            9.91     0      9.91 
## 2 E16       NrlKO         8.92    -0.984 -0.984
## 3 P28       WT           11.5      1.64   1.64 
## 4 P28       NrlKO         8.52    -1.39  -2.04

To show this explicitly, we pull out the lm estimate for the reference group (WT E16):

means.2Fact %>% 
  filter(dev_stage == "E16" & genotype == "WT") %>%
## [1] 9.906954

And now the sample mean of the reference group (WT E16):

means.2Fact %>%
  filter(dev_stage == "E16" & genotype == "WT") %>%
## [1] 9.906954

Simple genotype effect: WT vs NrlKO at E16

$$Y_{ijk}=\theta + \tau_{KO} x_{KO,ijk}+ \tau_{P28} x_{P28,ijk}+ \tau_{KO:P28} x_{KO,ijk} x_{P28,ijk}+ \varepsilon_{ijk}$$

For any WT sample at E16: $x_{KO}=0$ and $x_{P28}=0$. Then $E[Y_{WT,E16}]=\theta$

For any KO sample at E16: $x_{KO}=1$ and $x_{P28}=0$. Then $E[Y_{NrlKO,E16}]=\theta + \tau_{KO}$

Substracting these expectations we get $\tau_{KO}$, the conditional genotype effect at E16 :


And its lm estimate, $\hat{\tau}_{KO}$, is the difference of sample respective means.

To show this explicitly, we pull out the lm estimate for the KO effect (diff between E16:NrlKO and E16:WT):

means.2Fact %>% 
  filter(dev_stage == "E16" & genotype == "NrlKO") %>%
## [1] -0.9844049

And now the differences in sample means between the E16:NrlKO group and the reference group (WT E16):

means.2Fact %>% 
  filter(dev_stage == "E16" & genotype == "NrlKO") %>%
## [1] -0.9844049

Simple developmental effect: E16 vs P28 in WT

$$Y_{ijk}=\theta + \tau_{KO} x_{KO,ijk}+ \tau_{P28} x_{P28,ijk}+ \tau_{KO:P28} x_{KO,ijk} x_{P28,ijk}+ \varepsilon_{ijk}$$

For any WT sample at E16: $x_{KO}=0$ and $x_{P28}=0$. Then $E[Y_{WT,E16}]=\theta$

For any WT sample at P28: $x_{KO}=0$ and $x_{P28}=1$. Then $E[Y_{WT,P28}]=\theta + \tau_{P28}$

Substracting these expectations we get $\tau_{P28}$, the conditional development effect in WT :


And its lm estimate, $\hat{\tau}_{P28}$, is the difference of respective sample means.

To show this explicitly, we pull out the lm estimate for the P28 effect (diff between P28:WT and E16:WT):

means.2Fact %>% 
  filter(dev_stage == "P28" & genotype == "WT") %>%
## [1] 1.636609

And now the differences in sample means between the E16:NrlKO group and the reference group (WT E16):

means.2Fact %>% 
  filter(dev_stage == "P28" & genotype == "WT") %>%
## [1] 1.636609

Interaction effect

Can we simply add up the simple effect of genotype NrlKO, and the simple effect of developmental stage P28, to get the effect at P28 in NrlKO?? If so, we’d expect the P28:NrlKO group to have a mean predicted by the dotted grey line (i.e.that the effect of KO is the same at E16 as it is at P28:

We see that this does not seem to be the case. This is where the interaction effect comes in. Let’s see what it means mathematically.

$$Y_{ijk}=\theta + \tau_{KO} x_{KO,ijk}+ \tau_{P28} x_{P28,ijk}+ \tau_{KO:P28} x_{KO,ijk} x_{P28,ijk}+ \varepsilon_{ijk}$$

For any KO sample at P28: $x_{KO}=1$ and $x_{P28}=1$. Then $E[Y_{NrlKO,P28}]=\theta + \tau_{KO} + \tau_{P28} + \tau_{KO:P28}$

Using the expectations from above, you can show that:

$$\tau_{KO:P28}= (E[Y_{NrlKO,P28}]-E[Y_{WT,P28}]) - (E[Y_{NrlKO,E16}]-E[Y_{WT,E16}]) $$

This term is represented by the blue arrow:

## Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.

And its lm estimate, $\hat{\tau}_{KO:P28}$, is the difference of the differences between NrlKO and WT at each developmental stage.

To show this explicitly, we pull out the lm estimate for the interaction effect:

means.2Fact %>% 
  filter(dev_stage == "P28" & genotype == "NrlKO") %>%
## [1] -2.040372

And now the differences in sample means between the E16:NrlKO group and the reference group (WT E16):

mean.E16.WT <- means.2Fact %>% filter(dev_stage == "E16" & genotype == "WT") %>% pull(cellMeans)
mean.E16.KO <- means.2Fact %>% filter(dev_stage == "E16" & genotype == "NrlKO") %>% pull(cellMeans)
mean.P28.WT <- means.2Fact %>% filter(dev_stage == "P28" & genotype == "WT") %>% pull(cellMeans)
mean.P28.KO <- means.2Fact %>% filter(dev_stage == "P28" & genotype == "NrlKO") %>% pull(cellMeans)

(mean.P28.KO - mean.P28.WT) - (mean.E16.KO - mean.E16.WT) 
## [1] -2.040372

Two-way ANOVA without interaction: additive models

The interpretation of the coefficients changed when we drop the interaction terms


$$Y_{ijk}=\theta + \tau_{KO} x_{KO,ijk}+ \tau_{P28} x_{P28,ijk} + \varepsilon_{ijk}$$ Note that this model is simpler and it has fewer parameters! but what do these mean?

As before, let’s look at the expectations of each group:

  • for any sample $i$ with $j=WT$ and $k=E16$: $x_{KO}=0$ and $x_{P28}=0$ (only $\theta$ remains): $$E[Y_{WT,E16}]=\theta$$

  • for any sample $i$ with $j=WT$ and $k=P28$: $x_{KO}=0$ and $x_{P28}=1$: $$E[Y_{WT,P28}]=\theta + \tau_{P28}$$

  • for any sample $i$ with $j=NrlKO$ and $k=E16$: $x_{KO}=1$ and $x_{P28}=0$: $$E[Y_{KO,E16}]=\theta + \tau_{KO}$$

  • for any sample $i$ with $j=NrlKO$ and $k=P28$: $x_{KO}=1$ and $x_{P28}=1$: $$E[Y_{KO,P28}]=\theta + \tau_{KO} + \tau_{P28}$$

After some simple algebra, you get:

$$(E[Y_{WT,P28}]-E[Y_{WT,E16}]) + (E[Y_{KO,P28}]-E[Y_{KO,E16}]) = 2 \tau_{P28}$$


$$\tau_{P28}= (\text{Eff}{P28|WT} + \text{Eff}{P28|KO})/2$$ is the average effect of P28 over the levels of genotype!!

Similar for the other main effect.

The intercept parameter is now $\bar{Y} - \bar{x}{ij,KO}\hat{\tau}{KO} - \bar{x}{ij,P28}\hat{\tau}{P28}$

Some additional examples

Example 4: development in WT is statistically significant

Here is an example gene which has only the effect of developmental stage significant (in WT). The other two terms are not significant (effect of genotype at E16 and interaction).

## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   term                       estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##   <chr>                         <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)                   6.12      0.143    42.8   1.37e-13
## 2 genotypeNrlKO                -0.119     0.218    -0.547 5.95e- 1
## 3 dev_stageP28                  1.11      0.202     5.47  1.94e- 4
## 4 genotypeNrlKO:dev_stageP28   -0.412     0.298    -1.39  1.93e- 1

Again, the interaction effect is not significant, so there may be a development effect regardless of the genotype. Or likewise a genotype effect regardless of developmental stage. We need to test those hypotheses (main effects) using anova

## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: expression
##                    Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## genotype            1 0.28444 0.28444  3.4808   0.08896 .  
## dev_stage           1 3.11838 3.11838 38.1606 6.933e-05 ***
## genotype:dev_stage  1 0.15690 0.15690  1.9200   0.19331    
## Residuals          11 0.89889 0.08172                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We see that there is indeed a significant main effect of developmental stage. But the main effect of genotype is not significant.

Example 5: both simple development and genotype are statistically significant

but not the interaction… note the almost parallel pattern

## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   term                       estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##   <chr>                         <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)                   9.47      0.127    74.6   3.11e-16
## 2 genotypeNrlKO                -0.526     0.194    -2.71  2.02e- 2
## 3 dev_stageP28                  0.795     0.180     4.43  1.01e- 3
## 4 genotypeNrlKO:dev_stageP28   -0.209     0.264    -0.791 4.45e- 1

Note that the main effects for both are also significant (but not the interaction).

## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: expression
##                    Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
## genotype            1 1.29452 1.29452 20.0799 0.0009298 ***
## dev_stage           1 1.81238 1.81238 28.1126 0.0002516 ***
## genotype:dev_stage  1 0.04039 0.04039  0.6265 0.4453874    
## Residuals          11 0.70915 0.06447                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1