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RuTaBERT is a model solving the problem of Column Type Annotation with pre-trained large language model (BERT), trained on the Russian corpus.


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Model for solving the problem of Column Type Annotation with BERT, trained on RWT-RuTaBERT dataset.

RWT-RuTaBERT dataset contains 1 441 349 columns from Russian language Wikipedia tables. With headers matching 170 DBpedia semantic types. It has fixed train / test split:

Split Columns Tables Avg. columns per table
Test 115 448 55 080 2.096
Train 1 325 901 633 426 2.093

Table of contents


We trained RuTaBERT with two table serialization strategies:

  1. Neighboring column serialization;
  2. Multi-column serialization (based on Doduo's approach);

Benchmark results on RWT-RuTaBERT dataset:

Serialization strategy micro-F1 macro-F1 weighted-F1
Multi-column 0.962 0.891 0.9621
Neighboring column 0.964 0.904 0.9639

Training parameters:

Parameter Value
batch size 32
epochs 30
Loss function Cross-entropy
GD Optimizer AdamW(lr=5e-5, eps=1e-8)
GPU's 4 NVIDIA A100 (80 GB)
random seed 2024
validation split 5%

Project structure

 ┣ 📂checkpoints
 ┃ ┗ Saved PyTorch models `.pt` 
 ┣ 📂data
 ┃ ┣ 📂inference
 ┃ ┃ ┗ Tabels to inference `.csv`
 ┃ ┣ 📂test
 ┃ ┃ ┗ Test dataset files `.csv`
 ┃ ┣ 📂train
 ┃ ┃ ┗ Train dataset files `.csv`
 ┃ ┗  Directory for storing dataset files.
 ┣ 📂dataset
 ┃ ┗  Dataset wrapper classes, dataloaders
 ┣ 📂logs
 ┃ ┗ Log files (train / test / error)
 ┣ 📂model
 ┃ ┗ Model and metrics
 ┣ 📂trainer
 ┃ ┗ Trainer
 ┣ 📂utils
 ┃ ┗ Helper functions
 ┗ Entry points (,,, configuration, etc.


The model configuration can be found in the file config.json.

The configuratoin argument parameters are listed below:

argument description
num_labels Number of labels used for classification
num_gpu Number of GPUs to use
save_period_in_epochs Number characterizing with what periodicity the checkpoint is saved (in epochs)
metrics The classification metrics used are
pretrained_model_name BERT shortcut name from HuggingFace
table_serialization_type Method of serializing a table into a sequence
batch_size Batch size
num_epochs Number of training epochs
random_seed Random seed
logs_dir Directory for logging
train_log_filename File name for train logging
test_log_filename File name for test logging
start_from_checkpoint Flag to start training from checkpoint
checkpoint_dir Directory for storing checkpoints of model
checkpoint_name File name of a checkpoint (model state)
inference_model_name File name of a model for inference
inference_dir Directory for storing inference tables .csv
dataloader.valid_split Amount of validation subset split
dataloader.num_workers Number of dataloader workers
dataset.num_rows Number of readable rows in the dataset, if null read all rows in files
dataset.data_dir Directory for storing train/test/inference files
dataset.train_path Directory for storing train dataset files .csv
dataset.test_path Direcotry for storing test dataset files .csv

We recomend to change ONLY theese parameters:

  • num_gpu - Any positive ingeter number + {0}. 0 stand for training / testing on CPU.
  • save_period_in_epochs - Any positive integer number, measures in epochs.
  • table_serialization_type - "column_wise" or "table_wise".
  • pretrained_model_name - BERT shorcut names from Huggingface PyTorch pretrained models.
  • batch_size - Any positive integer number.
  • num_epochs - Any positive integer number.
  • random_seed - Any integer number.
  • start_from_checkpoint - "true" or "false".
  • checkpoint_name - Any name of model, saved in checkpoint directory.
  • inference_model_name - Any name of model, saved in checkpoint directory. But we recommend to use the best models: [,,].
  • dataloader.valid_split - Real number within range [0.0, 1.0] (0.0 stands for 0 % of train subset, 0.5 stands for 50 % of train subset). Or positive integer number (Denoting a fixed number of a validation subset).
  • dataset.num_rows - "null" stands for read all lines in dataset files. Positive integer means the number of lines to read in the files of the dataset.

Dataset files

Before training / testing the model you need to:

  1. Download dataset repository in the same directory as RuTaBERT, example source directory strucutre:
├── src
│  ├── RuTaBERT
│  ├── RuTaBERT-Dataset
│  │  ├──
  1. Run script from dataset repository, to move dataset files into RuTaBERT data directory:
RuTaBERT-Dataset$ ./
  1. configure config.json file before training.


RuTaBERT supports training / testing locally and inside Docker container. Also supports slurm workload manager.


  1. Create virtual environment:
RuTaBERT$ virtualenv venv


RuTaBERT$ python -m virtualenv venv
  1. Install requirements and start train and test.
RuTaBERT$ source venv/bin/activate &&\
    pip install -r requirements.txt &&\
    python3 2> logs/error_train.log &&\
    python3 2> logs/error_test.log
  1. Models will be saved in checkpoint directory.
  2. Output will be in logs/ directory (training_results.csv, train.log, test.log, error_train.log, error_test.log).



  1. Make sure all dependencies are installed.
  2. Build image:
RuTaBERT$ sudo docker build -t rutabert .
  1. Run image
RuTaBERT$ sudo docker run -d --runtime=nvidia --gpus=all \
    --mount source=rutabert_logs,target=/app/rutabert/logs \
    --mount source=rutabert_checkpoints,target=/app/rutabert/checkpoints \
  1. Move models and logs from container after training / testing.
RuTaBERT$ sudo cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/rutabert_checkpoints/_data ./checkpoints
RuTaBERT$ sudo cp -r /var/lib/docker/volumes/rutabert_logs/_data ./logs
  1. Don't forget to remove volumes after training! Docker wont do it for you.
  2. Models will be saved in checkpoint directory.
  3. Output will be in logs/ directory (training_results.csv, train.log, test.log, error_train.log, error_test.log).


  1. Create virtual environment:
RuTaBERT$ virtualenv venv


RuTaBERT$ python -m virtualenv venv
  1. Run slurm script:
RuTaBERT$ sbatch run.slurm
  1. Check job status:
RuTaBERT$ squeue
  1. Models will be saved in checkpoint directory.
  2. Output will be in logs/ directory (train.log, test.log, error_train.log, error_test.log).


  1. Make sure data placed in data/test directory.
  2. (Optional) Download pre-trained models:
RuTaBERT$ ./ table_wise


RuTaBERT$ ./ column_wise
  1. Configure which model to test in config.json.
  2. Run:
RuTaBERT$ source venv/bin/activate &&\
    pip install -r requirements.txt &&\
    python3 2> logs/error_test.log
  1. Output will be in logs/ directory (test.log, error_test.log).


  1. Make sure data placed in data/inference directory.
  2. (Optional) Download pre-trained models:
RuTaBERT$ ./ table_wise


RuTaBERT$ ./ column_wise
  1. Configure which model to inference in config.json
  2. Run:
RuTaBERT$ source venv/bin/activate &&\
    pip install -r requirements.txt &&\
  1. Labels will be in data/inference/result.csv