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With a perfect detector and readout electronics, the signal in any given readout would differ from that in the previous readout only as a result of detected photons. In reality, the readout electronics imposes its own signal on top of this. In its simplest form, the amplifiers add a constant value to each pixel, and this constant value is different from amplifier to amplifier in a given group, and varies from group to group for a given amplifier. The magnitude of this variation is of the order of a few counts. In addition, superposed on this signal is a variation that is mainly with row number that seems to apply to all amplifiers within a group.

The refpix step corrects for these drifts by using the reference pixels. NIR detectors have their reference pixels in a 4-pixel wide strip around the edge of the detectors that are completely insensitive to light, while the MIR detectors have 4 columns (1 column for each amplifier) of reference pixels at the left and right edges of the detector. They also have data read through a fifth amplifier, which is called the reference output, but these data are not currently used in any refpix correction.

The effect is more pronounced for the NIR detectors than for the MIR detectors.

Input details

The input file must be a 4-D ramp and it should contain both a science (SCI) extension and a pixel data quality (PIXELDQ) extension. The PIXELDQ extension is normally populated by the dq_init step, so running that step is a prerequisite for the refpix step.


The algorithms for the NIR and MIR detectors are somewhat different. An entirely different algorithm for NIRSpec IRS2 readout mode is described in IRS2.

NIR Detector Data

  1. The data from most detectors will have been rotated and/or flipped from their detector frame in order to give them the same orientation and parity in the telescope focal plane. The first step is to transform them back to the detector frame so that all NIR and MIR detectors can be treated equivalently.

  2. It is assumed that a superbias correction has been performed.

  3. For each integration and for each group:

    1. Calculate the mean value in the top and bottom reference pixels. The reference pixel means for each amplifier are calculated separately, and the top and bottom means are calculated separately. Optionally, the user can choose to calculate the means of odd and even columns separately by using the --odd_even_columns step parameter, because evidence has been found that there is a significant odd-even column effect in some datasets. Bad pixels (those whose DQ flag has the "DO_NOT_USE" bit set) are not included in the calculation of the mean.
    2. The mean is calculated as a clipped mean with a 3-sigma rejection threshold using the scipy.stats.sigmaclip method.
    3. Average the top and bottom reference pixel mean values
    4. Subtract each mean from all pixels that the mean is representative of, i.e. by amplifier and using the odd mean for the odd pixels and even mean for even pixels if this option is selected.
    5. If the --use_side_ref_pixels option is selected, use the reference pixels up the side of the A and D amplifiers to calculate a smoothed reference pixel signal as a function of row. A running median of height set by the step parameter side_smoothing_length (default value 11) is calculated for the left and right side reference pixels, and the overall reference signal is obtained by averaging the left and right signals. A multiple of this signal (set by the step parameter side_gain, which defaults to 1.0) is subtracted from the full group on a row-by-row basis. Note that the odd_even_rows parameter is ignored for NIR data when the side reference pixels are processed.
    6. Transform the data back to the JWST focal plane, or DMS, frame.

MIR Detector Data

  1. MIR data are always in the detector frame, so no flipping/rotation is needed.

  2. Subtract the first group from each group within an integration.

  3. For each integration, and for each group after the first:

    1. Calculate the mean value in the reference pixels for each amplifier. The left and right side reference signals are calculated separately. Optionally, the user can choose to calculate the means of odd and even rows separately using the --odd_even_rows step parameter, because it has been found that there is a significant odd-even row effect. Bad pixels (those whose DQ flag has the "DO_NOT_USE" bit set) are not included in the calculation of the mean. The mean is calculated as a clipped mean with a 3-sigma rejection threshold using the scipy.stats.sigmaclip method. Note that the odd_even_columns, use_side_ref_pixels, side_smoothing_length and side_gain parameters are ignored for MIRI data.
    2. Average the left and right reference pixel mean values.
    3. Subtract each mean from all pixels that the mean is representative of, i.e. by amplifier and using the odd mean for the odd row pixels and even mean for even row pixels if this option is selected.
    4. Add the first group of each integration back to each group.

At the end of the refpix step, the S_REFPIX keyword is set to "COMPLETE".

NIRCam Frame 0

If a frame zero data cube is present in the input data, the image corresponding to each integration is corrected in the same way as the regular science data and passed along to subsequent pipeline steps.


Subarrays are treated slightly differently. Once again, the data are flipped and/or rotated to convert to the detector frame.

NIR Data

For single amplifier readout (NOUTPUTS keyword = 1):

If the odd_even_columns flag is set to True, then the clipped means of all reference pixels in odd-numbered columns and those in even numbered columns are calculated separately, and subtracted from their respective data columns. If the flag is False, then a single clipped mean is calculated from all of the reference pixels in each group and subtracted from each pixel.


In subarray data, reference pixels are identified by the PIXELDQ array having the value of "REFERENCE_PIXEL" (defined in datamodels/ These values are populated when the dq_init step is run, so it is important to run that step before running the refpix step on subarray data.

Additionally, certain NIRSpec subarrays (SUB32, SUB512 and SUB512S) do not include any physical reference pixels in their readouts. For these subarrays, the first and last four image columns should not receive any incoming light with the filter+grating combinations for which they are approved for use, hence they can be used in place of actual reference pixels. The step assigns the "REFERENCE_PIXEL" DQ flag to these image columns, which then causes them to be used to perform the reference pixel correction.

If the science dataset has at least 1 group with no valid reference pixels, the step is skipped and the S_REFPIX header keyword is set to 'SKIPPED'.

The use_side_ref_pixels, side_smoothing_length, side_gain and odd_even_rows parameters are ignored for these types of data.

For 4 amplifier readout (NOUTPUTS keyword = 4):

If the NOUTPUTS keyword is 4 for a subarray exposure, then the data are calibrated the same as for full-frame exposures. The top/bottom reference values are obtained from available reference pixel regions, and the side reference values are used if available. If only 1 of the top/bottom or side reference regions are available, they are used, whereas if both are available they are averaged. If there are no top/bottom or side reference pixels available, then that part of the correction is omitted. The routine will log which parameters are valid according to whether valid reference pixels exist.

MIR Data

The refpix correction is skipped for MIRI subarray data.

NIRSpec IRS2 Readout Mode

This section describes -- in a nutshell -- the procedure for applying the reference pixel correction for data read out using the IRS2 readout pattern. See the JdoxIRS2 page for for an overview, and see Rauscher2017 for details.

The raw data include both the science data and interleaved reference pixel values. The time to read out the entire detector includes not only the time to read each pixel of science ("normal") data and some of the reference pixels, but also time for the transition between reading normal data and reference pixels, as well as additional overhead at the end of each row and between frames. For example, it takes the same length of time to jump from reading normal pixels to reading reference pixels as it does to read one pixel value, about ten microseconds.

IRS2 readout is only used for full-frame data, never for subarrays. The full detector is read out by four separate amplifiers simultaneously, and the reference output is read at the same time. Each of these five readouts is the same size, 640 by 2048 pixels, each containing a repeating set of 8 normal pixel readouts, 4 interleaved reference pixel readouts, and 8 more normal pixel readouts.

The first step in processing IRS2 data is to look for intermittently bad reference pixels. This is done by calculating the means and standard deviations per reference pixel column, as well as the absolute value of the difference between readout pairs, across all groups within each integration. The robust mean and standard deviation of each of these arrays is then computed. Values greater than the robust mean plus the standard deviation, times a factor to avoid overcorrection, are flagged as bad pixels. Readout pairs are always flagged together, and are flagged across all groups and integrations. Bad values will be replaced by values from the nearest reference group within the same amplifier, respecting parity (even/oddness). The replacement value is the average of upper and lower values if both are good, or directly using the upper or lower values if only one is good. If there are no nearest good values available, but there is a good adjacent neighbor that does not match parity, that value is used. If there are no good replacement values, the bad pixel is set to 0.0 to be interpolated over in the IRS2 correction to follow.

After flagging bad reference pixels, the step performs an optional correction for overall mean reference pixel offsets by amplifier and column parity. The algorithm described above for the traditional NIR readout mode is applied to IRS2 data to perform this correction, with two small differences:

  1. Side pixel correction is never applied for IRS2 data.
  2. "Even" and "odd" refer to detector column addresses, rather than data array locations, to ensure that interleaved reference pixel columns are accounted for correctly.

After the mean offsets are subtracted and bad pixels are replaced, some processing is done on the remaining reference values, and the CRDS reference file factors are applied. If the CRDS reference file includes a DQ (data quality) BINTABLE extension, interleaved reference pixel values will be set to zero if they are flagged as bad in the DQ extension.

The next step in this processing is to copy the science data and the reference pixel data separately to temporary 1-D arrays (both of length 712 * 2048); this is done separately for each amp output. The reference output is also copied to such an array, but there is only one of these. When copying a pixel of science or reference pixel data to a temporary array, the elements are assigned so that the array indexes increase with and correspond to the time at which the pixel value was read. That means that the change in readout direction from one amplifier to the next is taken into account when the data are copied, and that there will be gaps (array elements with zero values), corresponding to the times when reference pixels were read (or science data, depending on which is being copied), or corresponding to the overheads mentioned in the previous paragraph. The gaps will then be assigned values by interpolation (cosine-weighted, then Fourier filtered). Note that the above is done for every group.

The alpha and beta arrays that were read from the CRDS reference file are next applied, and this is done in Fourier space. These are applied to the temporary 1-D arrays of reference pixel data and to the reference output array. alpha and beta have shape (4, 712 * 2048) and data type Complex64 (stored as pairs of Float32 in the reference file). The first index corresponds to the sector number for the different output amplifiers. alpha is read from columns 'ALPHA_0', 'ALPHA_1', 'ALPHA_2', and 'ALPHA_3'. beta is read from columns 'BETA_0', 'BETA_1', 'BETA_2', and 'BETA_3'.

For each integration, the following is done in a loop over groups.

Let k be the output number, i.e. an index for sectors 0 through 3. Let ft_refpix be an array of shape (4, 712 * 2048); for each output number k, ft_refpix[k] is the Fourier transform of the temporary 1-D array of reference pixel data. Let ft_refout be the Fourier transform of the temporary 1-D array of reference output data. Then:

for k in range(4):
    ft_refpix_corr[k] = ft_refpix[k] * beta[k] + ft_refout * alpha[k]

For each k, the inverse Fourier transform of ft_refpix_corr[k] is the processed array of reference pixel data, which is then subtracted from the normal pixel data over the range of pixels for output k.