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Experimental import of existing cluster
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Here's the idea:

- Install DeepSea on some node (your salt master).
- Install salt-minion on every existing ceph node
- Hook up the minions to the masters as usual.
- Run the prep and discovery stages (hoping that prep doesn't do
  anything annoying like install updates and reboot half your
- Now you've got all possible roles and hardware profiles that
  DeepSea would have come up with when given a clean slate.
- Run `salt-run populate.engulf_existing_cluster`.  This will
  generate a policy.cfg with roles matching whatever was discovered
  running on all those ceph nodes.  Any node running a mon will have
  role-mon.  Any node running rgw will have role-rgw, etc.  Any node
  with the client admin keyring will have role-admin.

To be clear, I'm presently just trying to get a feel for the
shape of this thing.  The current implementation will *not* assign
hardware profiles for storage nodes.  Don't expect this to give you
a working cluster.  In fact, if you run it on a working cluster,
then proceed with the configure, deploy and services stages, you
should expect to have a broken cluster immediately thereafter.

There's a huge list of missing things, including but not limited to:

- Verify the cluster is actually healthy and everything is running
  first.  Ensure none of the config is inconsistent.
- Get the existing cluster's fsid, network settings and any custom
- Generate storage/hardware profiles to match what's deployed
- Save the existing daemon keys rather than generating new ones
- Invoke engulf_existing_cluster automatically during discovery
  if and only if there's no policy.cfg already and a cluster is
  detected (maybe).
- Test on every possible imaginable cluster to make sure it's not
  going to do anything stupid.
- Check for ALL the errors.

Signed-off-by: Tim Serong <>
  • Loading branch information
tserong committed May 25, 2017
1 parent 93ec5f3 commit 7a60715
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Showing 3 changed files with 137 additions and 0 deletions.
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions srv/modules/runners/
Expand Up @@ -852,3 +852,86 @@ def proposals(**kwargs):
return [ True ]

def engulf_existing_cluster(**kwargs):
Assuming proposals() has already been run to collect hardware profiles and
all possible role assignments and common configuration, this will generate
a policy.cfg with roles and assignments reflecting whatever cluster is
currently deployed. It will also suck in all the keyrings so that they're
present when the configure stage is run.
This assumes your cluster is named "ceph". If it's not, things will break.

# - verify the cluster is actually healthy and everything is running first
# - /srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/config/stack/default/ceph/cluster.yml:
# - need to inject fsid from existing cluster
# - likewise cluster_network and public_network need to be set from
# actual cluster (might not be what deepsea thinks from proposals?)
# - public addresses for individual MONs might be similarly wrong
# - get any extra custom config from ceph.conf
# - generate hardware proposals based on actual deployed OSDs (which again
# might not be what deepsea thinks from the proposals it came up with)

policy_cfg = []

local = salt.client.LocalClient()

# TODO: if local.cmd fails, we'll get back something nasty which isn't handled
for minion, info in local.cmd("*", "cephinspector.inspect").items():

is_admin = len(info["ceph_keys"]["ceph.client.admin"]) > 0

if not info["running_services"].keys() and not is_admin:
# No ceph services running, no admin key, don't assign it
# to the cluster

policy_cfg.append("cluster-ceph/cluster/" + minion + ".sls")

if is_admin:
policy_cfg.append("role-admin/cluster/" + minion + ".sls")

if "ceph-mon" in info["running_services"].keys():
policy_cfg.append("role-mon/cluster/" + minion + ".sls")
policy_cfg.append("role-mon/stack/default/ceph/minions/" + minion + ".yml")

if "ceph-osd" in info["running_services"].keys():
# Needs a storage profile assigned (which may be different
# than the proposals deepsea has come up with, depending on
# how things were deployed)

if "ceph-mds" in info["running_services"].keys():
policy_cfg.append("role-mds/cluster/" + minion + ".sls")

if "ceph-radosgw" in info["running_services"].keys():
policy_cfg.append("role-rgw/cluster/" + minion + ".sls")

# TODO: somewhere in here, take info["ceph_keys"] and write the keys to:
# - /srv/salt/ceph/admin/cache/ceph.client.admin.keyring
# - /srv/salt/ceph/mon/cache/mon.keyring
# - /srv/salt/ceph/osd/cache/bootstrap.keyring
# - /srv/salt/ceph/mds/cache/$name.keyring
# - /srv/salt/ceph/rgw/cache/$name.keyring

# Now policy_cfg reflects the current deployment, make it a bit legible...

# ...but inject the unassigned line first so it takes precendence,
# along with the global config bits (because they're prettier early)...
policy_cfg = [
"config/stack/default/global.yml" ] + policy_cfg

# ...and write it out (this will fail with EPERM if someone's already
# created a policy.cfg as root, BTW)
with open("/srv/pillar/ceph/proposals/policy.cfg", 'w') as policy:
policy.write("\n".join(policy_cfg) + "\n")

return [ True ]
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions srv/salt/_modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: ts=8 et sw=4 sts=4

import os

def _extract_key(filename):
# This is pretty similar to keyring.secret()...
if os.path.exists(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as keyring:
for line in keyring:
if "key" in line and " = " in line:
return line.split(" = ")[1].strip()
return ""

def inspect(**kwargs):
# deliberately only looking for things ceph-deploy can deploy
ceph_services = ['ceph-mon', 'ceph-osd', 'ceph-mds', 'ceph-radosgw']

# running_services will be something like:
# {
# 'ceph-mon': [ 'hostname' ],
# 'ceph-osd': [ '0', '1', '2', ... ]
# }
running_services = {}
for rs in __salt__['service.get_running']():
instance = rs.split('@')
if len(instance) == 2 and instance[0] in ceph_services:
if not running_services.has_key(instance[0]):
running_services[instance[0]] = []

ceph_keys = {}

ceph_keys["ceph.client.admin"] = _extract_key("/etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring")
ceph_keys["bootstrap-osd"] = _extract_key("/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring")

if "ceph-mon" in running_services.keys():
ceph_keys["mon"] = _extract_key("/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-" + running_services["ceph-mon"][0] + "/keyring")

# TODO: something similar to the above for MDS and RGW keys (but be aware
# there might be multiple instances. Hell, there could be multiple instances
# for MONs too on one host, if someone has set up something really weird...

# note that some keys will be empty strings if not present
return {
"running_services": running_services,
"ceph_keys": ceph_keys
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions srv/salt/_modules/
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ def secret(filename):
Read the filename and return the key value. If it does not exist,
generate one.
Note that if used on a file that contains multiple keys, this will
always return the first key.
if os.path.exists(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as keyring:
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