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Getting started with the Codebase


Git, Yarn, Node.js, Gulp and VSCode must be installed prior to running the installation or build scripts.

Run the command

npm config set scripts-prepend-node-path true

to tell VSCode which Node version to run during the extension compilation (otherwise you'll get an error during the build process).

Note: If using Windows, use Git Bash.

Quick Start

To get started, the first step is to clone this repository. To install dependencies, compile the client, and compile the extension, run:


Open src/extension using VSCode and press F5 to run the extension. Use Ctrl+Shift+P to open VSCode's extension launcher. Select Web Template Studio: Launch and press Enter to launch the extension

Developing the Client

The client lives in the src/client directory. To run the client for development, navigate to src/client and use the command

yarn start

to begin development. The client was bootstrapped using Create-React-App with TypeScript.

Creating VSIX Package

Note: You cannot sideload the VSIX and build/run the extension through Extension Development Host (using F5 on VSCode) at the same time or there will be naming conflicts. The VSIX should be uninstalled first.

The installation script createVsix will build the extension package (.vsix) for you.


The script will package the extension into the root directory /dist folder. The vsix package can be distributed and installed by anyone who has VSCode using the command in the extension directory:

code --install-extension [extensionName].vsix

webts-0.0.0-UNTRACKEDVERSION.vsix is the default extensionName.

Alternatively, copy the extension into your extensions directory. For Windows, it is %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions. For Mac/Linux, it is ~/.vscode/extensions (By Default).

After installation, use ctrl+shift+p (Windows) or cmd+shift+p (Mac) to open the Extension Launcher and select Web Template Studio: Launch to run the extension.

Running the client in the VSCode Extension

To see any changes made on the client within VSCode, run the instructions shown in the Quick Start section to rebuild the client and the extension. The resulting changes should appear in VSCode when the extension runs.

Rebuilding the client is required because the client is injected into a VSCode Webview using the production build of the client.

Under the Hood

The following notes are inspired by the vscode-webview-react repository by rebornix:

  • We inline index.html content in src/extension/src/extension.ts when creating the webview
  • For all resources going to the webview, their scheme is vscode-resource
  • We add a baseUrl <base href="${vscode.Uri.file(path.join(this._extensionPath, 'build')).with({ scheme: 'vscode-resource' })}/"> and then all relative paths work.