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mpi4py-ve tutorial


  • mpi4py-ve is an extension to mpi4py, which provides Python bindings for the Message Passing Interface (MPI).
  • The current version of mpi4py-ve communicates via x86 servers (Vector Host).
  • For details of the mpi4py-ve API, refer to the mpi4py manual.

This package supports:

  • Convenient communication of any picklable Python object
    • point-to-point (send & receive)
    • collective (broadcast, scatter & gather, reductions)
  • Communication of Python object exposing the Python buffer interface (NLCPy arrays, builtin bytes/string/array objects)
    • point-to-point (blocking/nonbloking/persistent send & receive)
    • collective (broadcast, block scatter & gather, reductions, vector scatter & gather)
  • Process groups and communication domains
    • Creation of new intra/inter communicators
    • Cartesian & graph topologies
  • Parallel input/output:
    • read & write
    • blocking/nonbloking & collective/noncollective
    • individual/shared file pointers & explicit offset
  • One-sided operations
    • remote memory access (put, get, accumulate)
    • passive target syncronization (start/complete & post/wait)
    • active target syncronization (lock & unlock)

This package has NOT supported the following functions yet:

  • Dynamic process management
    • spawn & spawn multiple
    • accept/connect
    • name publishing & lookup

List of Supported Functions

A list of supported functions is shown below.

  • MPI.Comm Class (Communicator)
Name Summary
Allgather Gather to All, gather data from all processes and distribute it to all other processes in a group.
Allgatherv Gather to All Vector, gather data from all processes and distribute it to all other processes in a group providing different amount of data and displacements.
Allreduce Reduce to All.
Alltoall All to All Scatter/Gather, send data from all to all processes in a group.
Alltoallv All to All Scatter/Gather Vector, send data from all to all processes in a group providing different amount of data and displacements.
Alltoallw Generalized All-to-All communication allowing different counts, displacements and datatypes for each partner.
Bcast Broadcast a message from one process to all other processes in a group.
Gather Gather together values from a group of processes.
Gatherv Gather Vector, gather data to one process from all other processes in a group providing different amount of data and displacements at the receiving sides.
Iallgather Nonblocking Gather to All.
Iallgatherv Nonblocking Gather to All Vector.
Iallreduce Nonblocking Reduce to All.
Ialltoall Nonblocking All to All Scatter/Gather.
Ialltoallv Nonblocking All to All Scatter/Gather Vector.
Ialltoallw Nonblocking Generalized All-to-All.
Ibcast Nonblocking Broadcast.
Igather Nonblocking Gather.
Igatherv Nonblocking Gather Vector.
Irecv Nonblocking receive.
Ireduce Nonblocking Reduce to Root.
Ireduce_scatter Nonblocking Reduce-Scatter (vector version).
Ireduce_scatter_block Nonblocking Reduce-Scatter Block (regular, non-vector version).
Irsend Nonblocking send in ready mode.
Iscatter Nonblocking Scatter.
Iscatterv Nonblocking Scatter Vector.
Isend Nonblocking send.
Issend Nonblocking send in synchronous mode.
Recv Blocking receive.
Recv_init Create a persistent request for a receive.
Reduce Reduce to Root.
Reduce_scatter Reduce-Scatter (vector version).
Reduce_scatter_block Reduce-Scatter Block (regular, non-vector version).
Rsend Blocking send in ready mode.
Rsend_init Persistent request for a send in ready mode.
Scatter Scatter data from one process to all other processes in a group.
Scatterv Scatter Vector, scatter data from one process to all other processes in a group providing different amount of data and displacements at the sending side.
Send Blocking send.
Send_init Create a persistent request for a standard send.
Sendrecv Send and receive a message.
Sendrecv_replace Send and receive a message.
Ssend Blocking send in synchronous mode.
Ssend_init Persistent request for a send in synchronous mode.
allgather Gather to All.
allreduce Reduce to All.
alltoall All to All Scatter/Gather.
bcast Broadcast.
gather Gather.
irecv Nonblocking receive.
isend Nonblocking send.
issend Nonblocking send in synchronous mode.
recv Receive.
reduce Reduce to Root.
scatter Scatter.
send Send.
sendrecv Send and Receive.
ssend Send in synchronous mode.
  • MPI.Intracomm Class (Intracommunicator)
Name Summary
Exscan Exclusive Scan.
Iexscan Inclusive Scan.
Iscan Inclusive Scan.
Scan Inclusive Scan.
exscan Exclusive Scan.
scan Inclusive Scan.
  • MPI.Topocomm Class (Topology intracommunicator)
Name Summary
Ineighbor_allgather Nonblocking Neighbor Gather to All.
Ineighbor_allgatherv Nonblocking Neighbor Gather to All Vector.
Ineighbor_alltoall Nonblocking Neighbor All-to-All.
Ineighbor_alltoallv Nonblocking Neighbor All-to-All Vector.
Ineighbor_alltoallw Nonblocking Neighbor All-to-All Generalized.
Neighbor_allgather Neighbor Gather to All.
Neighbor_allgatherv Neighbor Gather to All Vector.
Neighbor_alltoall Neighbor All-to-All.
Neighbor_alltoallv Neighbor All-to-All Vector.
Neighbor_alltoallw Neighbor All-to-All Generalized.
neighbor_allgather Neighbor Gather to All.
neighbor_alltoall Neighbor All to All Scatter/Gather.
  • MPI.Request Class (Request handle)
Name Summary
Wait Wait for a send or receive to complete
Waitall Wait for all previously initiated requests to complete.
Waitany Wait for any previously initiated request to complete.
Waitsome Wait for some previously initiated requests to complete.
wait Wait for a send or receive to complete.
waitall Wait for all previously initiated requests to complete.
waitany Wait for any previously initiated request to complete.
  • MPI.Message Class (Communication / Matched message handle)
Name Summary
Irecv Nonblocking receive of matched message.
Recv Blocking receive of matched message.
irecv Nonblocking receive of matched message.
recv Blocking receive of matched message.
  • MPI.Datatype Class (Ancillay / Datatype object)
Name Summary
Pack Pack into contiguous memory according to datatype.
Unpack Unpack from contiguous memory according to datatype.
  • MPI.File Class (Parallel input/output)
Name Summary
Iread Nonblocking read using individual file pointer.
Iread_all Nonblocking collective read using individual file pointer.
Iread_at Nonblocking read using explicit offset.
Iread_at_all Nonblocking collective read using explicit offset.
Iread_shared Nonblocking read using shared file pointer.
Iwrite Nonblocking write using individual file pointer.
Iwrite_all Nonblocking collective write using individual file pointer.
Iwrite_at Nonblocking write using explicit offset.
Iwrite_at_all Nonblocking collective write using explicit offset.
Iwrite_shared Nonblocking write using shared file pointer.
Read Read using individual file pointer.
Read_all Collective read using individual file pointer.
Read_all_begin Start a split collective read using individual file pointer.
Read_all_end Complete a split collective read using individual file pointer.
Read_at Read using explicit offset.
Read_at_all Collective read using explicit offset.
Read_at_all_begin Start a split collective read using explict offset.
Read_at_all_end Complete a split collective read using explict offset.
Read_ordered Collective read using shared file pointer.
Read_ordered_begin Start a split collective read using shared file pointer.
Read_ordered_end Complete a split collective read using shared file pointer.
Read_shared Read using shared file pointer.
Write Write using individual file pointer.
Write_all Collective write using individual file pointer.
Write_all_begin Start a split collective write using individual file pointer.
Write_all_end Complete a split collective write using individual file pointer.
Write_at Write using explicit offset.
Write_at_all Collective write using explicit offset.
Write_at_all_begin Start a split collective write using explict offset.
Write_at_all_end Complete a split collective write using explict offset.
Write_ordered Collective write using shared file pointer.
Write_ordered_begin Start a split collective write using shared file pointer.
Write_ordered_end Complete a split collective write using shared file pointer.
Write_shared Write using shared file pointer.
  • MPI.Win Class (One-sided operations)
Name Summary
Accumulate Accumulate data into the target process.
Compare_and_swap Perform one-sided atomic compare-and-swap.
Fetch_and_op Perform one-sided read-modify-write.
Get Get data from a memory window on a remote process.
Get_accumulate Fetch-and-accumulate data into the target process.
Put Put data into a memory window on a remote process.
Raccumulate Fetch-and-accumulate data into the target process.
Rget Get data from a memory window on a remote process.
Rget_accumulate Accumulate data into the target process using remote memory access.
Rput Put data into a memory window on a remote process.

List of mpi4py-ve Original Functions

  • veo (VE Offloading operations)
Name Summary

Allocate a VE memory buffer or a VH memory buffer which users can use them as heterogeneous memory.

proc_handle: pointer
VEO process handle
size: int
size in bytes
addr: int
VEMVA address with the identifier

Free a VE memory buffer.

addr: int VEMVA address

List of Unsupported Functions

The current version of mpi4py-ve does not support the following functions. Please note that "NotImplementedError" occurs if your Python script calls them.

  • MPI.Comm Class (Communicator)
Name Summary
Bsend Blocking send in buffered mode.
Bsend_init Persistent request for a send in buffered mode.
Ibsend Nonblocking send in buffered mode.
bsend Send in buffered mode.
ibsend Nonblocking send in buffered mode.
Accept Accept a request to form a new intercommunicator.
Connect Make a request to form a new intercommunicator.
Close_port Close a port.
Join Create a intercommunicator by joining two processes connected by a socket.
Lookup_name Lookup a port name given a service name.
Open_port Return an address that can be used to establish connections between groups of MPI processes.
Publish_name Publish a service name.
Unpublish_name Unpublish a service name.
  • MPI (Miscellanea)
Name Summary
Attach_buffer Attach a user-provided buffer for sending in buffered mode.
  • MPI.Op Class (Ancillay / Operation object)
Name Summary
Reduce_local Apply a reduction operator to local data.
  • MPI.Datatype Class (Ancillay / Datatype object)
Name Summary
Pack_external Pack into contiguous memory according to datatype, using a portable data representation (external32).
Unpack_external Unpack from contiguous memory according to datatype, using a portable data representation (external32).
  • mpi4pyve.futures package ( MPIPoolExecutor / MPICommExecutor)
Name Summary
MPIPoolExecutor The MPIPoolExecutor class uses a pool of MPI processes to execute calls asynchronously.
MPICommExecutor Context manager for MPIPoolExecutor. This context manager splits a MPI (intra) communicator comm in two disjoint sets: a single master process and the remaining worker processes.

Exception Handling

This section describes how to handle unhandled exceptions. Assume this code is stored in a standard Python script file and run with mpirun in two or more processes.

from mpi4pyve import MPI
assert MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1
rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
if rank == 0:
    MPI.COMM_WORLD.send(None, dest=1, tag=42)
elif rank == 1:
    MPI.COMM_WORLD.recv(source=0, tag=42)
$ mpirun -veo -np 2 $(which python)

Process 0 raises ZeroDivisionError exception before performing a send call to process 1. As the exception is not handled, the Python interpreter running in process 0 will proceed to exit with non-zero status. However, as mpi4py-ve installed a finalizer hook to call MPI_Finalize() before exit, process 0 will block waiting for other processes to also enter the MPI_Finalize() call. Meanwhile, process 1 will block waiting for a message to arrive from process 0, thus never reaching to MPI_Finalize(). The whole MPI execution environment is irremediably in a deadlock state.

To alleviate this issue, mpi4py-ve offers a simple, alternative command line execution mechanism based on using the -m flag and implemented with the runpy module. To use this features, Python code should be run passing -m mpi4pyve in the command line invoking the Python interpreter. In case of unhandled exceptions, the finalizer hook will call MPI_Abort() on the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator, thus effectively aborting the MPI execution environment.

$ mpirun -veo -np 2 $(which python) -m mpi4pyve

This is a mimic of the option -m mpi4py described in the mpi4py manual (