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API Reference



  • Implements: aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.IStringParameter, aws-cdk-lib.ITaggable

Creates a new SecureString SSM Parameter.

If the valueType property is set to encrypted, the actual SSM SecureString Parameter will be created with a decrypted value from the stringValue property.


import { SecureStringParameter } from 'cdk-secure-string-parameter'

new SecureStringParameter(scope: Construct, id: string, props: EncryptedSecureStringParameterProps | PlainTextSecureStringParameterProps)
Name Type Description
scope constructs.Construct No description.
id string No description.
props EncryptedSecureStringParameterProps | PlainTextSecureStringParameterProps No description.

  • Type: constructs.Construct

  • Type: string



Name Description
toString Returns a string representation of this construct.
applyRemovalPolicy Apply the given removal policy to this resource.
asStringParameter Returns this parameter as a native StringParameter.
grantRead Grants read (DescribeParameter, GetParameters, GetParameter, GetParameterHistory) permissions on the SSM Parameter.
grantWrite Grants write (PutParameter) permissions on the SSM Parameter.

public toString(): string

Returns a string representation of this construct.

public applyRemovalPolicy(policy: RemovalPolicy): void

Apply the given removal policy to this resource.

The Removal Policy controls what happens to this resource when it stops being managed by CloudFormation, either because you've removed it from the CDK application or because you've made a change that requires the resource to be replaced.

The resource can be deleted (RemovalPolicy.DESTROY), or left in your AWS account for data recovery and cleanup later (RemovalPolicy.RETAIN).

  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.RemovalPolicy

public asStringParameter(): IStringParameter

Returns this parameter as a native StringParameter.

public grantRead(grantee: IGrantable): Grant

Grants read (DescribeParameter, GetParameters, GetParameter, GetParameterHistory) permissions on the SSM Parameter.

  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.IGrantable

public grantWrite(grantee: IGrantable): Grant

Grants write (PutParameter) permissions on the SSM Parameter.

  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_iam.IGrantable

Static Functions

Name Description
isConstruct Checks if x is a construct.
isOwnedResource Returns true if the construct was created by CDK, and false otherwise.
isResource Check whether the given construct is a Resource.

import { SecureStringParameter } from 'cdk-secure-string-parameter'

SecureStringParameter.isConstruct(x: any)

Checks if x is a construct.

  • Type: any

Any object.

import { SecureStringParameter } from 'cdk-secure-string-parameter'

SecureStringParameter.isOwnedResource(construct: IConstruct)

Returns true if the construct was created by CDK, and false otherwise.

  • Type: constructs.IConstruct

import { SecureStringParameter } from 'cdk-secure-string-parameter'

SecureStringParameter.isResource(construct: IConstruct)

Check whether the given construct is a Resource.

  • Type: constructs.IConstruct


Name Type Description
node constructs.Node The tree node.
env aws-cdk-lib.ResourceEnvironment The environment this resource belongs to.
stack aws-cdk-lib.Stack The stack in which this resource is defined.
parameterArn string The ARN of the SSM Parameter resource.
parameterName string The name of the SSM Parameter resource.
parameterType string The type of the SSM Parameter resource.
stringValue string The parameter value.
tags aws-cdk-lib.TagManager TagManager to set, remove and format tags.
valueType ValueType The type of the stringValue.
encryptionKey aws-cdk-lib.aws_kms.IKey The encryption key that is used to encrypt this parameter.

public readonly node: Node;
  • Type: constructs.Node

The tree node.

public readonly env: ResourceEnvironment;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.ResourceEnvironment

The environment this resource belongs to.

For resources that are created and managed by the CDK (generally, those created by creating new class instances like Role, Bucket, etc.), this is always the same as the environment of the stack they belong to; however, for imported resources (those obtained from static methods like fromRoleArn, fromBucketName, etc.), that might be different than the stack they were imported into.

public readonly stack: Stack;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.Stack

The stack in which this resource is defined.

public readonly parameterArn: string;
  • Type: string

The ARN of the SSM Parameter resource.

public readonly parameterName: string;
  • Type: string

The name of the SSM Parameter resource.

public readonly parameterType: string;
  • Type: string

The type of the SSM Parameter resource.

public readonly stringValue: string;
  • Type: string

The parameter value.

Value must not nest another parameter. Do not use {{}} in the value.

public readonly tags: TagManager;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.TagManager

TagManager to set, remove and format tags.

public readonly valueType: ValueType;

The type of the stringValue.

public readonly encryptionKey: IKey;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_kms.IKey

The encryption key that is used to encrypt this parameter.




import { EncryptedSecureStringParameterProps } from 'cdk-secure-string-parameter'

const encryptedSecureStringParameterProps: EncryptedSecureStringParameterProps = { ... }


Name Type Description
allowedPattern string A regular expression used to validate the parameter value.
description string Information about the parameter that you want to add to the system.
parameterName string The name of the parameter.
simpleName boolean Indicates if the parameter name is a simple name (i.e. does not include "/" separators).
tier aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterTier The tier of the string parameter.
encryptionKey aws-cdk-lib.aws_kms.IKey The encryption key that is used to encrypt this parameter.
stringValue string The value of the parameter.
valueType ValueType The type of the stringValue. Use type encrypted if the value is encrypted with a kms key.
dataType aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterDataType The data type of the parameter value.
removalPolicy aws-cdk-lib.RemovalPolicy Policy to apply when the parameter is removed from this stack.
type aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterType The type of the parameter.

public readonly allowedPattern: string;
  • Type: string
  • Default: no validation is performed

A regular expression used to validate the parameter value.

For example, for String types with values restricted to numbers, you can specify the following: ^\d+$

public readonly description: string;
  • Type: string
  • Default: none

Information about the parameter that you want to add to the system.

public readonly parameterName: string;
  • Type: string
  • Default: a name will be generated by CloudFormation

The name of the parameter.

public readonly simpleName: boolean;
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: auto-detect based on parameterName

Indicates if the parameter name is a simple name (i.e. does not include "/" separators).

This is required only if parameterName is a token, which means we are unable to detect if the name is simple or "path-like" for the purpose of rendering SSM parameter ARNs.

If parameterName is not specified, simpleName must be true (or undefined) since the name generated by AWS CloudFormation is always a simple name.

public readonly tier: ParameterTier;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterTier
  • Default: undefined

The tier of the string parameter.

public readonly encryptionKey: IKey;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_kms.IKey

The encryption key that is used to encrypt this parameter.

public readonly stringValue: string;
  • Type: string

The value of the parameter.

It may not reference another parameter and {{}} cannot be used in the value.

public readonly valueType: ValueType;

The type of the stringValue. Use type encrypted if the value is encrypted with a kms key.

WARNING: If you use plaintext, the unecrypted value of the parameter is visible to anyone who has access to cloudformation or deploy artifacts.

public readonly dataType: ParameterDataType;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterDataType
  • Default: ParameterDataType.TEXT

The data type of the parameter value.

Only text is allowed.

public readonly removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.RemovalPolicy
  • Default: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY

Policy to apply when the parameter is removed from this stack.

public readonly type: ParameterType;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterType
  • Default: ParameterType.SECURE_STRING

The type of the parameter.

Only SecureString is allowed.



import { PlainTextSecureStringParameterProps } from 'cdk-secure-string-parameter'

const plainTextSecureStringParameterProps: PlainTextSecureStringParameterProps = { ... }


Name Type Description
allowedPattern string A regular expression used to validate the parameter value.
description string Information about the parameter that you want to add to the system.
parameterName string The name of the parameter.
simpleName boolean Indicates if the parameter name is a simple name (i.e. does not include "/" separators).
tier aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterTier The tier of the string parameter.
stringValue string The value of the parameter.
valueType ValueType The type of the stringValue. Use type encrypted if the value is encrypted with a kms key.
dataType aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterDataType The data type of the parameter value.
encryptionKey aws-cdk-lib.aws_kms.IKey The encryption key that is used to encrypt this parameter.
removalPolicy aws-cdk-lib.RemovalPolicy Policy to apply when the parameter is removed from this stack.
type aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterType The type of the parameter.

public readonly allowedPattern: string;
  • Type: string
  • Default: no validation is performed

A regular expression used to validate the parameter value.

For example, for String types with values restricted to numbers, you can specify the following: ^\d+$

public readonly description: string;
  • Type: string
  • Default: none

Information about the parameter that you want to add to the system.

public readonly parameterName: string;
  • Type: string
  • Default: a name will be generated by CloudFormation

The name of the parameter.

public readonly simpleName: boolean;
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: auto-detect based on parameterName

Indicates if the parameter name is a simple name (i.e. does not include "/" separators).

This is required only if parameterName is a token, which means we are unable to detect if the name is simple or "path-like" for the purpose of rendering SSM parameter ARNs.

If parameterName is not specified, simpleName must be true (or undefined) since the name generated by AWS CloudFormation is always a simple name.

public readonly tier: ParameterTier;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterTier
  • Default: undefined

The tier of the string parameter.

public readonly stringValue: string;
  • Type: string

The value of the parameter.

It may not reference another parameter and {{}} cannot be used in the value.

public readonly valueType: ValueType;

The type of the stringValue. Use type encrypted if the value is encrypted with a kms key.

WARNING: If you use plaintext, the unecrypted value of the parameter is visible to anyone who has access to cloudformation or deploy artifacts.

public readonly dataType: ParameterDataType;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterDataType
  • Default: ParameterDataType.TEXT

The data type of the parameter value.

Only text is allowed.

public readonly encryptionKey: IKey;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_kms.IKey
  • Default: alias/aws/ssm

The encryption key that is used to encrypt this parameter.

public readonly removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.RemovalPolicy
  • Default: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY

Policy to apply when the parameter is removed from this stack.

public readonly type: ParameterType;
  • Type: aws-cdk-lib.aws_ssm.ParameterType
  • Default: ParameterType.SECURE_STRING

The type of the parameter.

Only SecureString is allowed.



The type of the stringValue.


Name Description
ENCRYPTED Indicates that the value of this parameter is encrypted with a kms key.
PLAINTEXT Indicates that the value of this parameter is in plain text.


Indicates that the value of this parameter is encrypted with a kms key.


Indicates that the value of this parameter is in plain text.