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79 lines (69 loc) · 3.28 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (69 loc) · 3.28 KB


A vim plugin that executes the current file.


Install pathogen, and then clone this repo into your .vim/bundle directory.

cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone

The default key mapping is to F12, which can be changed by reassigning g:vim_exec_key in your .vimrc and then calling VimExecMap().

" Map to <leader>e
let g:vim_exec_key = "<leader>e"
call VimExecMap()

Some common commands are provided by default (run :call VimExecCmds() to see a list of those), but more can be added easily. The variable that stores the commands is called g:vim_exec_cmds and is a dictionary, where the key is the filetype and the value is the command to execute. To create a new command or override an existing one:

let g:vim_exec_cmds["filetype"] = "cmd"

Where "filetype" is the filetype you want the command to apply to and "cmd" is the command itself. Use % to represent the path to the current file. Note that : is added to the beginning and <CR> is not needed at the end. Open a file of the filetype and press the key that is bound to VimExec to test the new command.

If you'd like to add a command that will be supplied by default, fork the repo, edit the plugin/vim-exec.vim file and add the filetype and command to the end of the g:vim_exec_cmds dictionary.

let g:vim_exec_cmds = {..., "new-filetype" : "new-comand"}

Then open a pull request. I will merge the pull request if the change is relevant and doesn't do anything malicious to the user's system (i.e, no rm -rf /*)

By default, VimExec will not clear the terminal screen (not the vim buffer window) before executing a command. To enable this:

let g:vim_exec_clear = 1

To change the command used to clear the screen (It is clear by default):

let g:vim_exec_clearcmd = "cls"

vim-exec can output to a tmux pane rather than the default terminal if vimux is installed. To enable this:

let g:vim_exec_vimux = 1

You must be runnign an instance of tmux in order for this to work.

Below is a list of the filetypes that are supported by default and their requirements (if there are any).

  • Python
  • OCaml
  • VimScript
  • JavaScript: Node.js
  • HTML
  • Bash script
  • Haskell: Ghci

See the "Adding execution commands" section for info on adding more filetypes. More will be added to the default set when they are thought of.