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150 lines (140 loc) · 8.34 KB


la4j-0.6.0 Dec 2015

  • Fix validation errors in Matrix.insert
  • New matrix methods insertRow and insertColumn
  • Support comments in Matrix Market format
  • New NO_PIVOT_GAUSS matrix inverter
  • New matrix norms: Euclidean, Infinity and Manhattan
  • New factory methods for Vector: fromMap and fromCollection

la4j-0.5.5 Jan 2015

  • Removed deprecated package org.la4j.factory
  • Bug fix in sparse matrix iterators
  • Improved performance of vector by value multiplication
  • Removed deprecated package
  • New static factory methods Vector.* and Matrix.*

la4j-0.5.0 Jan 2015

  • Matrix and vector iterators in package org.la4j.iterator
  • Matrix and vector operations in package org.la4j.operations
  • Replaced factories with static factory methods
  • Bug fix in serialization algorithm of sparse matrices (contributed by Catherine da Graca)`
  • New sparse matrix methods: foldNonZero(), foldNonZeroInRow(), foldNonZeroInColumn(), foldNonZeroInColumns(), foldNonZeroInRows()
  • New sparse vector method: foldNonZero()
  • New matrix/vector method mkString() for customized to-string conversion
  • Bug fix in random generation of sparse matrices
  • New sparse methods: isZeroAt() and nonZeroAt()
  • Method eachNonZero is available only for sparse entities
  • New sparse method: getOrElse()
  • Bug fix in resize() method of sparse vector (reported by Leonid Ilyevsky)
  • New matrix methods: removeRow(), removeColumn() (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • Tests migrated to latest junit version, removed MockVector and MockMatrix classes (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • New vector method equals(vector, precision)
  • New matrix method equals(matrix, precision)
  • New vector methods norm, euclideanNorm, manhattanNorm and infinityNorm
  • Added index range checks for SparseVector
  • Added index range checks for Basic1DMatrix, CRSMatrix, and CCSMatrix

la4j-0.4.9 Jan 2014

  • Bug fix in align() method for big sparse matrices (reported by Michael Kapper)
  • Bug fix in growup() method for big sparse matrices (contributed by Phil Messenger)
  • Bug fix in MatrixMarketStream
  • New matrix method select() (contributed by Anveshi Charuvaka)
  • New vector method select()
  • Bug fix in growup() method for the case with positive overflow (contributed by Clement Skau)
  • New matrix predicate Matrices.SQUARE_MATRIX (contributed by Miron Aseev)
  • New matrix predicate Matrices.INVERTIBLE_MATRIX (contributed by Miron Aseev)
  • New vector method norm(NormFunction) that implements p-norm support (contributed by Miron Aseev)
  • New matrix predicate PositiveDefiniteMatrix (contributed by Miron Aseev)
  • Bug fix in each, eachInRow, eachInColumn methods of sparse matrices (reported by Leonid Ilyevsky)
  • New matrix methods: foldColumns and foldRows (contributed by Todd Brunhoff)
  • New matrix methods: assignRow and assignColumn
  • New matrix methods: updateRow and updateColumn
  • New matrix methods: transformRow and transformColumn

la4j-0.4.5 Sep 2013

  • New vector methods: innerProduct(), outerProduct() (contributed by Daniel Renshaw)
  • Bug fix in Vector.subtract() method (contributed by Ewald Grusk)
  • Bug fix in Matrix.subtract() method (contributed by Ewald Grusk)
  • New matrix method rotate() (contributed by Jakob Moellers)
  • New matrix method shuffle() (contributed by Jakob Moellers)
  • Bug fix in Vector.density() and Matrix.density() (contributed by Ewald Grusk)
  • Bug fix in Matrix.determinant() method (contributed by Yuriy Drozd)
  • Minor improvement of SymmetricMatrixPredicate (contributed by Ewald Grusk)
  • Bug fix in EigenDecompositor (reported by Ewald Grusk)
  • Bug fix in CompressedVector.swap() (reported by Ewald Grusk, contributed by Yuriy Drozd)
  • Typo fix in IdentityMattixSource (reported by Ewald Grusk, contributed by Yuriy Drozd)
  • Renamed Matrix.product() to Matrix.diagonalProduct() (contributed by Julia Kostyukova)
  • New matrix methods: sum() and product() (contributed by Julia Kostyukova)
  • New vector methods: sum() and product() (contributed by Julia Kostyukova)
  • Renamed Matrix.kronecker() to Matrix.kroneckerProduct() (contributed by Julia Kostyukova)
  • New matrix method hadamardProduct() (contributed by Julia Kostyukova)
  • Bug fix in EigenDecompositor (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • Improved stability of EigenDecompositor (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • New vector method eachNonZero (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • New matrix method power (contributed by Jakob Moellers)
  • New matrix methods eachInRow, eachInColumn(contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • New matrix methods eachNonZeroInRow, eachNonZeroInColumn, eachNonZero (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • New factory method createBlockMatrix (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • New fast and stable algorithm for determinant calculation (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • Improved stability of accumulators (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • Bug fix in Matrix.rank() method (contributed by Ewald Grusk)
  • Bug fix in SingularValueDecompositor class (reported by Jonathan Edwards)
  • Fixed a typo in MatrixInvertor -> MatrixInverter
  • New function Mod (requested by Luc Trudeau)
  • Bug fix in GaussianSolver
  • Bug fix in SquareRootSolver
  • Bug fix in JacobiSolver
  • New matrix and vector methods max(), min(), minInRow(), maxInColumn() (contributed by Maxim Samoylov)
  • New linear solver: ForwardBackSubstitutionSolver (for square systems)
  • New linear solver: LeastSquaresSolver (least squares solver)
  • New all-things-in-one class LinearAlgebra
  • New matrix/vector method: non(), which is actually !is() delegate
  • New matrix to vector converters: toRowVector(), toColumnVector()
  • New vector to matrix converters: toRowMatrix(), toColumnMatrix()
  • New API for solving system of linear equations: withSolver(SolverFactory)
  • New API for decomposing: withDecompositor(DecompositorFactory)
  • New API for inverting: withInverter(InverterFactory)

la4j-0.4.0 Jun 2013

  • Up to 2x performance improvement of sparse entries (binary search power)
  • Performance improvement for matrix-by-matrix multiply algorithm (3x for dense, 11x for sparse)
  • New matrix method rank() (contributed by Evgenia Krivova)
  • New fast implementation of Matrix.determinant() method
  • New method update() (as compound operator replacement)
  • Matrices are unsafe by default (new corresponding methods safe() and unsafe())
  • New method slice()
  • New matrix method kronecker() (contributed by Stefano Iannello)
  • Support map-reduce approach by method pair transform() and fold()
  • New matrices and vectors sources that handles IO streams
  • Support of building a constant matrix in factories (via createConstantMatrix())
  • Matrices and vectors are immutable in terms of dimension
  • Sparse entities are self-clearing (no memory leaks)
  • Support vector-by-matrix multiplication
  • Bug fix in MatrixDecFunction
  • Bug fix in MatrixMarketStream (contributed by Alessio Placitelli)
  • Bug fix in matrix-to-vector multiplication (contributed by Pavel Kalaidin)
  • Bug fix in align() method (contributed by Chandler May)
  • Bug fix in QRDecompositor

la4j-0.3.0 Dec 2012

  • New API and new package naming (starting with "org.la4j.*")
  • New source code hosting system - GitHub
  • New matrix types Basic1DMatrix and CCSMatrix
  • New I/O API and format - Symbol Separated Stream (CSV, TSV, etc.);
  • New entries: matrix/vector sources, matrix/vector functors
  • New exception model
  • Support of unsafe accessors and arithmetics methods
  • Support Eigenvalues decomposition for non-symmetric matrix
  • New fast matrix-to-matrix multiply algorithm with blocks
  • New algorithm for runtime-based machine epsilon initialization
  • Bug fixes for several major/critical issues

la4j-0.2.0 Nov 2011

  • New package for reading/writing matrices in MatrixMarket format
  • New matrices decomposition (LU, QR, Cholesky, SVD, Eigenvalues)
  • New sparse (Compressed Row Storage), dense matrices and vectors support
  • Matrices and vectors can be serialized

la4j-0.1.0 Jan 2011

  • Eigenvalues decomposition
  • Fast matrix multiply algorithm implementation

la4j-0.0.7 Mar 2010

  • Solving linear systems
  • Matrices transposing
  • Calculation of inverted matrix

la4j 0.0.0 Jan 2010

  • Support real matrices and vectors