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Visualize your Imagination !

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• Developed a web app to Generate an imaginative image through Stable Diffusion AI - midjourney v4 Model hosted on a GCP VM instance.
• GCP VM instance connected to REST API via SSH tunnels.
• REST API hosted on cyclic serverless functions.
• Images and prompts data stored on MongoDB.

Images stored in base64 format on MongoDB serverless database. (May take some time to fetch).

Ran out of GCP Credits , so switching to DALLE by OPENAI.


Update - 1

As on 28/03/2023 this project has garnered significant traction with 180 unique visitors from 36 countries accessing it over 500 times within just 15 days. I am proud to have facilitated over 400 images generated by users with custom prompts. I quickly bundled it up with MongoDB to store images in base64 format for community showcase.

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