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Screenshot from 2021-08-12 13-21-10

Dock not included


  • Git set up in you computer
  • Basic know-how of linux(prevents confusion)

Set Up


  1. Clone repo into a directory of your choice

    • If you're new to all this then create a directory for you cloned repositories(or put in the downloads folder)
    • The directory you are in before cloning the repo(in the terminal) is the directory where the repository clones
    • so for the sake of this tutorial move into the downloads folder cd /Downloads/
    • Then use git clone <link> the link to this repo is under 'code'(It's a green button next to about)
  2. Install conky-all (available in more system repositories)

    • BONUS TIP(for apt package manager)
    • To check whether a package is available in the official repo use apt search <keywords>
  3. Install all the fonts included, I recomend using a font manager for faster installs in the future

  4. Create a new directory called .conky at $HOME or ~/ (aliases for /home/username/)

  5. Create a new folder in ~/.conky (say conky1) and copy the conkyrc files(both) and the into it

If you have been folowing along, you should now have the following

  • MyConky2 that you cloned in a directory of your choice
  • The included fonts (EarthOrbiter and UnitedKingdom) installed
  • A ~/.conky/conky1 directory with .conkyrc1, .conkyrc2 and


conkyrc files

Now we edit the conkyrc files

  1. Change the minimum_size, maximum_width, maximum_height values to match you screen size

  2. Change the <network_name> in the code to match your network name.

    You can find you network name by using ip link show

  3. You will find pieces of code resembling ${font EarthOrbiter:size=8} with no variables or text after them.

    • When I was messing around I found that the size you put in said code can change the size of the spaces between lines in the conky.
    • So if you need things from different conkys to align when they are already as close as possible, just change the size of the spaces on one of the conkyrc files
  4. Save files(obviously)

Now that you have modified the conkyrc files, we need a script do the work of starting conkys for us

Startup script

The will play the role of the start up script. It should look like so

sleep 1 
conky -q -c /home/username/.conky/conky1/.conkyrc1 & 
conky -q -c /home/username/.conky/conky1/.conkyrc2 & exit
  • line 1 is the shebang, it tells the computer where to look for the shell

    • To find yours use which shell if it's not the same then replace /usr/bin/bash with it
  • line 2 defines the delay before executing the following code

    • sleep 1 as in delay for 1 second
  • line 3 and 4 have the commands that will start the conky

    • conky -q -c (conky start it, -q and -c are flags telling it to run in quiet mode and to get config file from the given location)
    • Change path to the configuration files based on where you put them
    • & tells it to move to the next command and exit tells it to close itself

Now run the startup script like so bash <path to> and make changes in the conkyrc's as you see fit

Now search for program that manages your startup applications and add a new program, and in the write bash <location to> in the place for command.

You should be done by now.

Thank you for visiting


Conky setup and config




