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Bull Bitcoin Hosting

This option avoids deploying or building your own node and greatly accelerates and simplifies the process of getting your own BTCPay Server up and running.

{% hint style="success" %} You avoid the time it takes for your server to be fully synced, you do not need any technical know-how and you do not need to deal with maintenance. {% endhint %}

If this is an option you'd like to use, please contact us so that we can get you onboarded. You can refer to the rest of this guide in order to know how to connect your wallet and customize your shop.

{% hint style="danger" %} Note that enabling Lightning payments is a custodial service. You will need to contact your account manager in order to withdraw funds accrued from Lighting payments. On the other hand, accepting on-chain Bitcoin payments remains entirely self-custodial. {% endhint %}