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Simple Api Client

A simple API client for connecting to remote services.


Along with common methods for creating and performing Json based API requests, this library supports the following extra features.

  • Convenience methods for adding Basic and Bearer auth headers.
  • A convenience method for adding signed cookies.
  • A timeout limit for all requests.
  • A global or per-request retry limit to retry an API request if it fails.
  • Uses a best effort approach to deal with malformed Json returned from an API endpoint.
  • Each response is guaranteed to contain a status code and well formed parsed Json data.
    • If something goes wrong, an error message will always be included in the data.
  • Fully supports returning binary data (as bytes) from an API request.
  • handles rate limiting when performing an API request. These requests can be configured to be retried before raising an error.


Install and update using pipenv

pip install -U simple-api-client


Simple use-case

from simple_api_client import ApiClient
from logging import Logger

logger = Logger("simple-logger", level="DEBUG")
client = ApiClient("", logger)

response = client.get("/example/endpoint")

if response.status_code == 200:

Creating more specific clients

This client has been created to be as flexible as possible to be used as a base class for more specific clients. All you uneed to do is extend the ApiClient class and add any suitable methods.

from flask import g
from flask import current_app as app
from simple_api_client import ApiClient

class MyServiceClient(ApiClient):

    def use_cookie_auth(self, data):
        name = app.config.get("COOKIE_NAME")
        signing_key = app.config.get("COOKIE_SIGNING_KEY")
        signing_key_id = "trusted-service"
        payload = {"data": data}
        self.add_signed_cookie(name, payload, signing_key_id, signing_key)

    def get_remote_resource():
        return self.get("/example/endpoint")

A note on security

It's import to understand that when a client is initialised with headers and cookies, these will remain set for the lifetime of the client or until manually unset. If you don't want this state to remain in-between requests, it's important to take action to reset the client. In a Flask application this is easily achieved by assigning the client to the special 'g' object.

from flask import g
from flask import current_app as app
from simple_api_client import ApiClient

def setup_api_client():
    g.client = ApiClient("", app.logger)

Then in order to use it, import 'g'

from flask import g

response = g.client.get("/example/endpoint")

The benefit of this pattern is that the client is reset for every flask request so you don't need to worry about stale data in the client.


The build pipeline require your tests to pass and code to be formatted

Make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your machine (use pyenv).

Install the dependencies with pipenv (making sure to include dev and pre-release packages):

pipenv install --dev --pre

Configure your environment:

pipenv shell && export PYTHONPATH="$PWD"

Run the tests:


Or with logging:

pytest -s

Or tests with coverage:

pytest --cov=./

Format the code with Black:

black $PWD


Cleanup the (.gitignored) dist folder (if you have one):

rm -rf dist

Notch up the version number in and build:

python3 sdist bdist_wheel

Push to PyPi (using the ScholarPack credentials when prompted)

python3 -m twine upload --repository-url dist/*
