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worked example: several solvers give different results with save_everystep=true vs. false #796

nmatzke opened this issue Sep 2, 2021 · 3 comments


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nmatzke commented Sep 2, 2021

Hi Chris et al.,

Thanks again for this amazing and fantastic package.

I finally figured out where I was seeing different answers with solve()'s saveeverystep=true vs saveeverystep=false example. Here are 2 worked examples that should work by copy-pasting into the prompt.

Here is the raw code:


# 2021-09-02, Example 1
# Replicable example showing how solve() can give different
# results with saveeverystep=true or saveeverystep==false

# I stumbled on this problem over a year ago so it's not 
# just a recent version.  But my current setup:
# Mac OSX 10.13.6
# julia --version
# julia version 1.6.2
# Versions:
using Pkg
pkgs = Pkg.installed();

# v"6.17.2"
# v"5.60.0"
# v"4.5.3"
# v"2.27.2"
# v"3.10.1"
# v"2.13.0"
# v"0.7.0"

# Dependencies

using LinearAlgebra  # for "I" in: Matrix{Float64}(I, 2, 2)
using DataFrames  # for DataFrame
using DifferentialEquations
using OrdinaryDiffEq, Sundials, DiffEqDevTools, ODEInterfaceDiffEq, ODE, LSODA

# Parameters
# Number of states
n = 2

# Parameter values
mu_vals = [0.0, 0.0]
Qij_vals = [0.0, 0.0]
Cijk_weights = [1.0, 1.0]
Cijk_vals = [0.2222222, 0.2222222]
params = (mu_vals=mu_vals, Qij_vals=Qij_vals, Cijk_weights=Cijk_weights, Cijk_vals=Cijk_vals)

# Indices
Qarray_ivals = [1, 2]
Qarray_jvals = [2, 1]
Qarray_event_types = ["a", "a"]
Carray_ivals = [1, 2]
Carray_jvals = [1, 2]
Carray_kvals = [1, 2]
Carray_event_types = ["y", "y"]

p_indices = (Qarray_ivals=Qarray_ivals, Qarray_jvals=Qarray_jvals, Qarray_event_types=Qarray_event_types, Carray_ivals=Carray_ivals, Carray_jvals=Carray_jvals, Carray_kvals=Carray_kvals, Carray_event_types=Carray_event_types)

Qi_eq_i = Any[Bool[1, 0], Bool[0, 1]]
Ci_eq_i = Any[Bool[1, 0], Bool[0, 1]]
Qi_sub_i = Any[[1], [2]]
Qj_sub_i = Any[[2], [1]]
Ci_sub_i = Any[[1], [2]]
Cj_sub_i = Any[[1], [2]]
Ck_sub_i = Any[[1], [2]]

p_TFs = (Qi_eq_i=Qi_eq_i, Ci_eq_i=Ci_eq_i, Qi_sub_i=Qi_sub_i, Qj_sub_i=Qj_sub_i, Ci_sub_i=Ci_sub_i, Cj_sub_i=Cj_sub_i, Ck_sub_i=Ck_sub_i)

# Starting values
uE = [0.0, 0.0]

p = (n=n, params=params, p_indices=p_indices, p_TFs=p_TFs, uE=uE)

# Differential equation
diffeq_Es = (du,u,p,t) -> begin

  # Possibly varying parameters
  n = p.n
  mu = p.params.mu_vals
  Qij_vals = p.params.Qij_vals
  Cijk_vals = p.params.Cijk_vals
	# Indices for the parameters (events in a sparse anagenetic or cladogenetic matrix)
	Qarray_ivals = p.p_indices.Qarray_ivals
	Qarray_jvals = p.p_indices.Qarray_jvals
	Carray_ivals = p.p_indices.Carray_ivals
	Carray_jvals = p.p_indices.Carray_jvals
	Carray_kvals = p.p_indices.Carray_kvals
	# Pre-calculated solution of the Es
	uE = p.uE
	two = 1.0
  @inbounds for i in 1:n
		# Calculation of "D" (likelihood of tip data)
		du[i] = -(sum(Cijk_vals[Carray_ivals .== i]) + sum(Qij_vals[Qarray_ivals .== i]) + mu[i])*u[i] +
			(sum(Qij_vals[Qarray_ivals .== i] .* u[(Qarray_jvals[Qarray_ivals .== i])]))	

# Timespan to solve over
Es_tspan = (0.0, 1.4)

# starting state
uE = [0.0, 1.0]

# Define the problem
prob_Es_v5 = DifferentialEquations.ODEProblem(diffeq_Es, uE, Es_tspan, p)

# EXAMPLES OF DIFFERING RESULTS BETWEEN save_everystep=false AND save_everystep=true

# The right answer is:
# 0.8007374207109728
#   are provided by 
# Tsit5, save_everystep=true
# CVODE, save_everystep=true
# ...but not save_everystep=false
# LSODA, save_everystep=false is closer but not really good, although typically on other problems
# LSODA save_everystep=true is closer but again not really good.

# Tsit5
sol_Es_v5_Tsit5_savefalse = solve(prob_Es_v5, Tsit5(), save_everystep=false, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.0
# 0.8090232075241014

sol_Es_v5_Tsit5_savetrue = solve(prob_Es_v5, Tsit5(), save_everystep=true, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.0
# 0.8007374207059241

sol_Es_v5_cvode_savefalse = solve(prob_Es_v5, CVODE_BDF(linear_solver=:GMRES), save_everystep=false, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.0
# 0.8090232023651034

sol_Es_v5_cvode_savetrue = solve(prob_Es_v5, CVODE_BDF(linear_solver=:GMRES), save_everystep=true, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.0
# 0.8007374145719871

sol_Es_v5_lsoda_savefalse = solve(prob_Es_v5, lsoda(), save_everystep=false, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.0
# 0.8090232070918716

sol_Es_v5_lsoda_savetrue = solve(prob_Es_v5, lsoda(), save_everystep=true, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.0
# 0.8012403954152403


# 2021-09-02, Example 2
# Replicable example showing how solve() can give different
# results with saveeverystep=true or saveeverystep==false

# I stumbled on this problem over a year ago so it's not 
# just a recent version.  But my current setup:
# Mac OSX 10.13.6
# julia --version
# julia version 1.6.2
# Versions:
using Pkg
pkgs = Pkg.installed();

# v"6.17.2"
# v"5.60.0"
# v"4.5.3"
# v"2.27.2"
# v"3.10.1"
# v"2.13.0"
# v"0.7.0"

# Dependencies

using LinearAlgebra  # for "I" in: Matrix{Float64}(I, 2, 2)
using DataFrames  # for DataFrame
using DifferentialEquations
using OrdinaryDiffEq, Sundials, DiffEqDevTools, ODEInterfaceDiffEq, ODE, LSODA

# Parameters
# Number of states
n = 2

# Parameter values
mu_vals = [0.2222222, 0.2222222]
Qij_vals = [0.0, 0.0]
Cijk_weights = [1.0, 1.0]
Cijk_vals = [0.2222222, 0.2222222]
params = (mu_vals=mu_vals, Qij_vals=Qij_vals, Cijk_weights=Cijk_weights, Cijk_vals=Cijk_vals)

# Indices
Qarray_ivals = [1, 2]
Qarray_jvals = [2, 1]
Qarray_event_types = ["a", "a"]
Carray_ivals = [1, 2]
Carray_jvals = [1, 2]
Carray_kvals = [1, 2]
Carray_event_types = ["y", "y"]

p_indices = (Qarray_ivals=Qarray_ivals, Qarray_jvals=Qarray_jvals, Qarray_event_types=Qarray_event_types, Carray_ivals=Carray_ivals, Carray_jvals=Carray_jvals, Carray_kvals=Carray_kvals, Carray_event_types=Carray_event_types)

Qi_eq_i = Any[Bool[1, 0], Bool[0, 1]]
Ci_eq_i = Any[Bool[1, 0], Bool[0, 1]]
Qi_sub_i = Any[[1], [2]]
Qj_sub_i = Any[[2], [1]]
Ci_sub_i = Any[[1], [2]]
Cj_sub_i = Any[[1], [2]]
Ck_sub_i = Any[[1], [2]]

p_TFs = (Qi_eq_i=Qi_eq_i, Ci_eq_i=Ci_eq_i, Qi_sub_i=Qi_sub_i, Qj_sub_i=Qj_sub_i, Ci_sub_i=Ci_sub_i, Cj_sub_i=Cj_sub_i, Ck_sub_i=Ck_sub_i)

# Starting values
uE = [0.0, 0.0]

p = (n=n, params=params, p_indices=p_indices, p_TFs=p_TFs, uE=uE)

# Differential equation
diffeq_Es = (du,u,p,t) -> begin

  # Possibly varying parameters
  n = p.n
  mu = p.params.mu_vals
  Qij_vals = p.params.Qij_vals
  Cijk_vals = p.params.Cijk_vals
	# Indices for the events
	Qarray_ivals = p.p_indices.Qarray_ivals
	Qarray_jvals = p.p_indices.Qarray_jvals
	Carray_ivals = p.p_indices.Carray_ivals
	Carray_jvals = p.p_indices.Carray_jvals
	Carray_kvals = p.p_indices.Carray_kvals
  @inbounds for i in 1:n
		# Calculation of E
		du[i] = mu[i] +                                         
			-(sum(Cijk_vals[Carray_ivals .== i]) + sum(Qij_vals[Qarray_ivals .== i]) + mu[i])*u[i] +   
			(sum(Qij_vals[Qarray_ivals .== i] .* u[Qarray_jvals[Qarray_ivals .== i]])) + 			
			(sum(Cijk_vals[Carray_ivals .== i] .* u[Carray_jvals[Carray_ivals .== i]] .* u[Carray_kvals[Carray_ivals .== i]])) 

# Timespan to solve over
Es_tspan = (0.0, 1.4)

# starting state
uE = [0.0, 0.0]

# Define the problem
prob_Es_v5 = DifferentialEquations.ODEProblem(diffeq_Es, uE, Es_tspan, p)

# EXAMPLES OF DIFFERING RESULTS BETWEEN save_everystep=false AND save_everystep=true

# The right answers are provided by 
# Tsit5, save_everystep=true
# CVODE, save_everystep=true
# LSODA, save_everystep=true is close
# The save_everystep=false ones are way off

# Tsit5
sol_Es_v5_Tsit5_savefalse = solve(prob_Es_v5, Tsit5(), save_everystep=false, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.1369862929002023
# 0.1369862929002023

sol_Es_v5_Tsit5_savetrue = solve(prob_Es_v5, Tsit5(), save_everystep=true, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.181818166831144
# 0.181818166831144

sol_Es_v5_cvode_savefalse = solve(prob_Es_v5, CVODE_BDF(linear_solver=:GMRES), save_everystep=false, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.13698629074474936
# 0.13698629074474936

sol_Es_v5_cvode_savetrue = solve(prob_Es_v5, CVODE_BDF(linear_solver=:GMRES), save_everystep=true, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.181818166831144
# 0.181818166831144

sol_Es_v5_lsoda_savefalse = solve(prob_Es_v5, lsoda(), save_everystep=false, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.13698629256822065
# 0.13698629256822065

sol_Es_v5_lsoda_savetrue = solve(prob_Es_v5, lsoda(), save_everystep=true, abstol=1e-9, reltol=1e-9);
# 0.18175375162206087
# 0.18175375162206087

Thanks for any help!!
Cheers, Nick

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Well yes, this is not surprising. If you tell it to save nothing but the beginning and the end, you're only guaranteed an accurate result at the beginning and the end. It will linearly interpolate between 0.0 and 1.4 if you ask it to, but there's no guarantee that's to 1e-9 because you specifically told it to not be, as mentioned in the documentation. Let me know if any of the documentation on this needs to be updated, but it should be clearly saying that your interpolation is linear, sol.t=[0.0,1.4], and so the accuracy of interpolating to 1.0 should be clearly only O(tspan).

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If you need an accurate value at 1.0, you need to either save the true interpolation, or saveat=1.0.

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nmatzke commented Sep 2, 2021

Thanks very much! I will read the documentation more carefully, clearly a brain problem on my end. Thanks, Nick

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