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Releases: SciML/ParameterizedFunctions.jl

Remove Iterators

23 May 20:43
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Use SymEngine 0.3.0, no evals, and precompile

11 May 19:38
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Potentially breaking but in a good way because things which used to not differentiate can now be differentiated.

Move out the parameter interface to diffeqbase

07 Apr 08:01
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require DiffEqBase 0.14.0

Revert no_eval, disable precompilation

24 Mar 03:55
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It was found that setup will segfault when Unicode is parsed by SymEngine. Getting rid of all of the evals was necessary for precompilation, and so that needs to be reverted as well. The no_eval branch holds the "master" branch which will be merged after the next SymEngine release has the parser fix. using DiffEqProblemLibrary was added to the tests since this is a pretty comprehensive test of ParameterizedFunctions and would have found this problem (indeed, it found this problem in the tests for the other packages).


23 Mar 18:30
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Precompilation is now enabled since it's fixed.

v0.6 compatibility, no eval

17 Mar 18:18
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There are now no evals in ParameterizedFunctions.jl. In the new setup, it properly builds a large expression which it returns, which builds the type, constructor, and all calls. This means that adding user definable functions is easier, static compilation is possible, it fixes world-age issues on v0.6, and code with ParameterizedFunctions should compile better.

Generic ParameterizedFunction

09 Jan 06:31
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This adds the ParameterizedFunction(f,params) which wraps a generic user function for the parameter estimation routines and does not require definition via the macros. While this could be done before by hand, this is a nice convenience which will help less advanced users.

DiffEqBase Max Version

07 Jan 01:56
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This puts a maximum version on DiffEqBase because it will be changing

abstract ParameterizedFunction


abstract AbstractParameterizedFunction

so that way ParameterizedFunction can be a concrete type with a constructor from this package which makes an AbstractParameterizedFunction from a user-defined function.