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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 25, 2023. It is now read-only.

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183 lines (136 loc) · 4.42 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (136 loc) · 4.42 KB


  • Python == 3.9


Install conda:

% conda create -n parsec python=3.9
% conda activate parsec

From pypi:

% poetry install parsec[all]
% pip3 install parsec[core] # Core only
% pip3 install parsec[backend] # Backend only

From sources:

% git clone
% cd parsec-cloud
% poetry install -E core -E backend
% python generate_pyqt

Unit testing

Using pytest:

% pytest                  # Quick run
% pytest --runmountpoint  # Include mountpoint tests
% pytest --rungui         # Include GUI tests
% pytest --runslow        # Include slow tests
% pytest --runrust        # Include rust tests

Install pytest-xvfb to hide the Qt windows when running the GUI tests

% apt install xvfb
% pip install pytest-xvfb


Running the backend without a PostgreSQL database:

% parsec backend run -b MOCKED -l INFO
Starting Parsec Backend on (db=MOCKED, blockstore=MOCKED)


First step is to create an organization:

% parsec core create_organization -B ws://localhost:6777 -T CCDCC27B6108438D99EF8AF5E847C3BB vcorp
Creating organization in backend ✔
Bootstrap organization url: ws://localhost:6777/vcorp?bootstrap-token=8e0c869b206feaf82eb5568533535d902486d4f3d789f47fdb3ce61735fee2a7

The generated URL is given to the first user to boostrap the organization.

% parsec core bootstrap_organization -B "ws://localhost:6777/vcorp?bootstrap-token=8e0c869b206feaf82eb5568533535d902486d4f3d789f47fdb3ce61735fee2a7" billy@laptop
Repeat for confirmation:
Creating locally billy@laptop ✔
Sending billy@laptop to server ✔
Organization url: ws://localhost:6777/vcorp?rvk=CA4XUEKH6V2YTUG5GJWKXSU3F7GDHHT7O4KCATV4ZWNGR34NX6WAssss

In this example:

  • billy is the user id
  • laptop is the device name
  • billy@laptop is the device id

User and device private keys have been created and stored in ~/.config/parsec/devices/billy@laptop/billy@laptop.keys:

% ls ~/.config/parsec/devices/vcorp\#billy@laptop

The root of a user drive can only be populated with workspaces, created with the following command:

% parsec core create_workspace -D vcorp:billy@laptop hello

The user drive can now be mounted on the system.

% parsec core run -D vcorp:billy@laptop
billy@laptop's drive mounted at ~/parsec_mnt/billy@laptop

Note that only a single core context should run at a time for a given device. This means the command above needs to be stopped before running another command or using the GUI as billy@laptop.

Browsing the mount point:

% cd ~/parsec_mnt/billy@laptop  # Or
% nautilus ~/parsec_mnt/billy@laptop  # Or
% nemo ~/parsec_mnt/billy@laptop

Creating a file:

% echo ':)' > ~/parsec_mnt/billy@laptop/hello/world.txt

Now stop the parsec core run command and invite a new device, pc:

% parsec core invite_device -D vcorp:billy@laptop pc
Backend url: ws://localhost:6777/vcorp?rvk=CA4XUEKH6V2YTUG5GJWKXSU3F7GDHHT7O4KCATV4ZWNGR34NX6WAssss
Invitation token: 100eed5f187d28c8
Waiting for invitation reply ...

Separately, claim the device using the provided organization URL:

% parsec core claim_device -B "ws://localhost:6777/vcorp?rvk=CA4XUEKH6V2YTUG5GJWKXSU3F7GDHHT7O4KCATV4ZWNGR34NX6WAssss" --token 100eed5f187d28c8 billy@pc
Repeat for confirmation:
Waiting for referee to reply ✔
Saving locally billy@pc ✔

The invite command should be finished and the billy@laptop device can be restarted (using parsec core run -D billy@laptop).

Now mount the new user drive:

% parsec core run -D vcorp:billy@pc
billy@pc's drive mounted at ~/parsec_mnt/billy@pc

And browse the new previously created file:

% cat ~/parsec_mnt/billy@pc/hello/world.txt

Note that it takes a couple of seconds before a change in given device is propagated to another one:

% echo ':D' >  ~/parsec_mnt/billy@pc/hello/world.txt
% # Laptop hasn't been updated yet
% cat ~/parsec_mnt/billy@laptop/hello/world.txt
% # Laptop is now updated!
% cat ~/parsec_mnt/billy@laptop/hello/world.txt


Make sure that no parsec core run command is running and then use:

% parsec core gui