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Scrivener07 edited this page Apr 13, 2017 · 18 revisions


These are the font assets used by the user interface.

Url Class Font Style Link
fonts_en $MAIN_Font Roboto Condensed Regular Web
fonts_en $MAIN_Font_Bold Roboto Condensed Bold Web
fonts_en $Terminal_Font Share-TechMono Regular Web
fonts_en $BRODY Brody Bold Web
fonts_en $HandwrittenFont Handwritten_Institute Regular Web
fonts_en $Controller_Buttons Controller Buttons Regular Web
fonts_en $Controller_Buttons_inverted Controller Buttons inverted Regular Web
fonts_console $ConsoleFont Arial Regular Web
fonts_console $DebugTextFont Consolas Regular Web
fonts_programs $Terminal_Font Share-TechMono Regular Web
fonts_programs $Grognak Press Start 2P Regular Web
fonts_programs $PipFallSplashScreen Adventure Regular Web
fonts_programs $PipFallHUD vir2L_Medium Regular Web
none none Slate Mobile Regular Web


  • If Adobe Flash prompts with a missing font mapping when opening a flash file then install the font to your operating system.
  • The Adobe Flash output window may write the following message on publish. Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts. To stop this message import or embed any fonts used in all text fields. Then point the text field fonts to font library objects.

Export for Runtime Sharing

Import for Runtime Sharing

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