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🎉 ✨ The Boilerplate I created to build web app, with support to ReactJS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDb, mySQL,, webpack, hot-reload, etc.

Table of Contents

  1. Setup Boilerplate
  2. Setup MongoDb
  3. Setup MySQL
  4. Setup
  5. Development and Production
  6. Deploy in Google Compute Engine

1. Setup Boilerplate

git clone
npm install

2. Setup MongoDB

2.1 Install and start MongoDB

brew update
brew install mongo

If you don't want to run mongod everytime you want to start, executing following command will automatically start your Mongo Database while the computer is running:

brew services start mongo

2.2 Init config of MongoDB

Create database directory.

sudo mkdir -p /data/db

Find your username.


Take the ownership of /data/db.

// assume your username is Samuel
sudo chown -Rv Samuel /data/db

2.3 Connect your server to MongoDB

Go to /config-api.js and set the value environment.mongodb to true.

2.4 Create New Model

Execute cd /server/api/database/mongodb/models and create models you need.

2.5 Develop MongoDB API

  1. Modify /server/api/controllers/controller-mongo.js to implement API functions.
  2. Modify /server/api/routes.js and /config-api.js to implement API routings.

3. Setup MySQL

I'll only show how to setup MySQL in Mac, for Windows users please go to MySQL official site and follow their instructions.

3.1 Install and start MySQL

brew update
brew install mysql
brew services start mysql

3.2 Setup password

Following command set password to password.

mysqladmin -u root password 'password'

3.3 Install Sequel Pro

Install Sequel Pro from this site. It's not needed, but useful for development.

3.4 Connect your server to MySQL

Go to /config-api.js and set the value environment.mysql to true.

3.5 Modify knexfile.js

You can find knexfile.js in /server/api/database/mysql folder. Make sure you have right user, password, and your database's name in this file. Current name of the database is testSQLdb, you can change it to any other name you like.

3.6 Create your database

After setting up, you can create a database in Sequel Pro. Please make sure your database's name is the same as it is in knexfile.js.

3.7 Create New Table

  1. Execute cd /server/api/database/mysql (The location where you put your knexfile.js)
  2. Run knex migrate:make {table name} in terminal.
  3. Create your own schema in the migration file and save it. You can find the documentation in the official site.
  4. Run knex migrate:latest

3.8 Develop MySQL API

  1. Write new functions at /server/api/database/mysql/store.js
  2. Modify /server/api/controllers/controller-sql.js to implement API functionss.
  3. Modify /server/api/routes.js and /config-api.js to implement API routings.

4. Setup

4.1 Connect your server to

Go to /config-api.js and set the value environment.socketio to true.

4.2 Develop tasks

  1. Add new socket tasks in /config-io.js.
  2. Modify /server/io-setting.js and /client/components/PageIO.js to implement's tasks.

5. Development and Production

5.1 Run the project in Development mode

In development mode, if you modify frontend pages and save it, the project will automatically update your changes to your port without rebuilding whole project, which makes develop faster.

npm run dev

5.2 Run the project in Production mode

In production mode, the project will be optimized, which makes it lighter and faster.

npm run build
npm start

6 Deploy in Google Compute Engine

6.1 SSL connect to your VM

gcloud compute --project "project-name" ssh --zone "your-zone" "VM-name"

6.2 Install everything you need

sudo apt-get update
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo apt-get install tmux

6.3 Clone your project

git clone
npm install

6.4 Setup NGINX

  1. Replace default file in VM's /etc/nginx/sites-available/default with our default file in our repo's /deploy

  2. Excute sudo service nginx reload and sudo service nginx restart to connect the port you've setup in /server/config.js into your ip address.

  3. If you have use in your application, go to /config-io.js and set the value of setting.endpoint to your new ip address.

6.5 Run your project with tmux

  1. Execute tmux to create new session, and tmux attach -t 0 to attach session 0.

  2. Excute npm run build and npm start


The Boilerplate I created to build web app, with support to ReactJS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, MySQL,, webpack, hot-reload, etc.








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