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An example of how to use Secret VRF to fetch random numbers via IBC between Secret and Juno testnet

SecretVRF for IBC via proxy contracts

Cross-chain random numbers demo

This documentation serves as a demo on how to send cross-chain random numbers from Secret Network testnet to Juno testnet via IBC. The demo repository can be cloned here.

The design system we’ll be using consists of one Secret contract and two Juno contracts:

  • Secret Proxy Contract: A Secret contract that requests a random number and specifies the callback information for the response.
  • Juno Proxy Contract: A Juno contract that sends an IBC message to fetch the random number from the Secret Network proxy contract.
  • Juno Consumer Contract: A Juno contract that consumes the random numbers generated by the Secret proxy contract.

{% hint style="info" %} The Secret proxy contract will produce a different, non-predictable number for each request it receives. You can read more about random numbers on Secret Network in the technical specification of this feature. {% endhint %}

See here for a diagram of the system architecture:

Secret VRF IBC smart contract architecture

Environment Configuration

There are two steps to configuring your environment:

  1. Upload and instantiate the three smart contracts
  2. Configure an IBC relayer to properly relay packets between your chains of choice (for this demo we will use Hermes).

Upload and instantiate Secret Smart Contract

To begin, let's upload and instantiate the Secret Network proxy smart contract with Secret.js. Clone the repository:

git clone

then cd into secret-ibc-rng-template/node:

cd secret-ibc-rng-template/node

Run npm i to install the dependencies:

npm i 

Then, create a .env file and add your wallet mnemonic:

Compile the contract:

Open a new terminal window and cd into secret-ibc-rng-template/proxy:

cd secret-ibc-rng-template/proxy

Run the Makefile compile script:

make build-mainnet-reproducible

Then upload + instantiate the contract in secret-ibc-rng-template/node:

node upload_instantiate_secret_proxy

Upload and instantiate Juno Smart Contracts

Now that we have our Secret proxy contract, let's upload and instantiate the two Juno smart contracts.

{% hint style="info" %} You can configure the consumer contracts for any IBC-compatible chain of your choosing. However, for this demo will be uploading and instantiating our contracts on Juno. {% endhint %}

Compile Juno Proxy Contract

Open a new terminal window and cd into secret-ibc-rng-template/consumer-side-proxy:

cd secret-ibc-rng-template/consumer-side-proxy

Run the Makefile compile script:

make build-mainnet-reproducible

Compile Juno Consumer Contract

Open a new terminal window and cd into secret-ibc-rng-template/consumer:

cd secret-ibc-rng-template/consumer

Run the Makefile compile script:

make build-mainnet-reproducible

Upload Juno Contracts

Next, upload the compiled wasm files to Juno testnet using Juno Tools, and be sure to note the respective codeIds:

You should see the transaction result returned upon successful upload.

Instantiate contracts

{% hint style="info" %} If using the CLI, update to junod v16.0. If using js/ts, update CosmJS to 0.31. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} To upload the contracts to Juno testnet, you need Juno testnet tokens in your wallet. Visit<your Juno address> to receive testnet tokens {% endhint %}

Next, instantiate the Juno proxy contract by running the following in your terminal:

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

junod tx wasm instantiate <your-code-id> '{}' --label 'juno-proxy' --no-admin --from <your-wallet> --gas 200000 -y --chain-id uni-6 --node --gas-prices 0.025ujunox

{% endcode %}

Then, to query that the instantiation was successful and find the contract address, query the returned txHash with:

junod q tx <txHash> --node

You should see the contract_address variable:

{% code overflow="wrap" %}


{% endcode %}

Now, simply repeat the process for the Juno Consumer contract. The only difference is that the instantiation message is slightly modified because it needs to include the other Juno contract_address that you instantiated as a pointer:

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

junod tx wasm instantiate <your code id> '{"init": {"rand_provider": { "address": <your juno contract address>, "code_hash": ""}}}' --label 'juno-consumer' --no-admin --from <your wallet name> --gas 300000 -y --chain-id uni-6 --node --gas-prices 0.025ujunox

{% endcode %}

Query the returned txHash:

junod q tx <txHash> --node

You should see the contract_address variable:

{% code overflow="wrap" %}


{% endcode %}

Configuring Hermes Relayer

Now that you have successfully uploaded and instantiated the three smart contracts, let's configure Hermes Relayer to relay packets between Secret test and Juno testnet.

First, install Hermes and Gaiad manager.

Then, configure Hermes by navigating to the folder .hermes and opening the config.toml file.

{% hint style="info" %} If you're on a Mac, you may need to press Command + Shift + Period to see hidden files, such as the .hermes folder. {% endhint %}

To relay packets between Secret Network testnet and Juno testnet, update the config.toml file with this configuration:

log_level = 'info'


enabled = true
refresh = true
misbehaviour = true

enabled = true

enabled = true

enabled = true
clear_interval = 100
clear_on_start = true
tx_confirmation = true

enabled = true
host = ''
port = 3001

id = 'pulsar-3'
type = 'CosmosSdk'
rpc_addr = ''
grpc_addr = ''
event_source = { mode = 'push', url = 'wss://', batch_delay = '500ms' }
rpc_timeout = '10s'
account_prefix = 'secret'
key_name = 'wallet'
store_prefix = 'ibc'
default_gas = 100000
max_gas = 400000
gas_multiplier = 1.1
max_msg_num = 30
max_tx_size = 180000
clock_drift = '5s'
max_block_time = '30s'
memo_prefix = ''
sequential_batch_tx = false
trusting_period = '16hrs'

numerator = '1'
denominator = '3'

price = 0.1
denom = 'uscrt'

policy = 'allow'
list = [['wasm.*', '*'], ['transfer', '*']]

id = 'uni-6'
rpc_addr = ''
grpc_addr = ''
event_source = { mode = 'push', url = 'wss://', batch_delay = '500ms' }
rpc_timeout = '10s'
account_prefix = 'juno'
key_name = 'wallet'
address_type = { derivation = 'cosmos' }
store_prefix = 'ibc'
default_gas = 1800000
max_gas = 9000000
gas_price = { price = 0.026, denom = 'ujunox' }
gas_multiplier = 1.2
max_msg_num = 30
max_tx_size = 179999
clock_drift = '15s'
max_block_time = '10s'
trusting_period = '448h'
memo_prefix = 'relayed by CryptoCrew Validators'
trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' }

policy = 'allow'
list = [['wasm.*', '*'], ['transfer', '*']]

Next, configure Gaiad Manager by navigating to the folder .gm, and then update the gm.toml file with the configuration seen here.

{% hint style="info" %} If you are using Hermes Relayer, make sure your paths are set up correctly in both the config.toml and gm.toml. See the image below for reference: {% endhint %}

gm.toml configuration paths

Now let's relay packets! 🎉

Consuming the random number via IBC

Now it's time to execute our IBC smart contracts and relay packets between Juno testnet and Secret testnet. If you run into any issues at this step, refer to the hermes docs for guidance, and also ask questions in the Secret Network developer discord chat!

  1. Start Gaiad Manager
gm start
  1. Add your Secret and Juno testnet wallets to Hermes:

cd into examples/secret-ibc-rng-template:

cd examples/secret-ibc-rng-template

and update the a.mnemonic file to include your testnet wallet address like so:

your mnemonic wallet words to go here with no quotes

Then run the following to add your testnet wallet address to Hermes:

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

hermes keys add --hd-path "m/44'/529'/0'/0/0" --mnemonic-file a.mnemonic --chain pulsar-3

hermes keys add --hd-path "m/44'/529'/0'/0/0" --mnemonic-file a.mnemonic --chain uni-6

{% endcode %}

{% hint style="info" %} If you run into errors at this step, see the official Hermes docs for adding keys here. {% endhint %}

  1. Create clients
hermes create client --host-chain pulsar-3 --reference-chain uni-6
hermes create client --host-chain uni-6 --reference-chain pulsar-3
  1. Create connections

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

hermes create connection --a-chain uni-6 --a-client 07-tendermint-468 --b-client 07-tendermint-235

{% endcode %}

{% hint style="info" %} In place of 07-tendermint-235 and 07-tendermint-468, use the client IDs returned to you in your terminal. {% endhint %}

Upon success, you should see a message like so:

Now that a channel is established, let's create a channel identifier, which links the Juno proxy contract to the Secret proxy contract. Note that the ports listed below are the addresses of the Juno and Secret proxy contracts which we instantiated earlier.

  1. Create channel identifier

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

hermes create channel --a-chain uni-6 --a-connection connection-612 --a-port wasm.juno1ecl4r6dhhlluz56jqm24t6ss7s9gr6d0pu2lumvpwnnk56gnw7gqpz8m6c --b-port wasm.secret1rmccmgwf6zf2kawrv7h5faq3tx883epz7ty6tj

{% endcode %}

After successfully creating a channel identifier, we can relay packets! Let's start Hermes and then execute the Juno consumer contract to send a random network from Secret Network to Juno 🤯

  1. Start Hermes (open a new terminal window and then run the following)
hermes start 

{% hint style="info" %} Hermes will scan the chain for all clients, connections and channels. This might take some time, which is normal. If you want to specify which channels it scans, update the hermes config file to include the following at the end of the chain configuration: {% endhint %}

policy = 'allow'
list = [
  ['transfer', 'channel-495'],

After Hermes has started running, execute the Juno consumer contract to return a random number from Secret via IBC:

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

junod tx wasm execute --from <your wallet name> juno1z4n39vfckeuv6udx6f4e6h8d5mt3xucuwdjs6lk2ets60ejruseqnpt00k '{"do_something": {}}' --gas 300000 -y --chain-id uni-6 --node --gas-prices 0.025ujunox

{% endcode %}

Then, query the smart contract to see if it returned the random number:

{% code overflow="wrap" %}

junod query wasm contract-state smart <your-contract-address> '{"last_random": {}}' --chain-id uni-6 --node 

{% endcode %}

Upon successful execution, a random number will be returned:


Congrats! You now have the tools to implement cross-chain random number generation via IBC. By following these steps, you can facilitate and execute smart contracts and relay packets between Juno and Secret, as well as any other IBC-compatible chain, expanding the possibilities for blockchain interoperability and fostering new avenues for decentralized application development.

Epilogue: IBC Fundamentals

If you are brand new to IBC, here is a quick crash course!

To connect two CosmWasm contracts over IBC you must establish an IBC channel between them. The IBC channel establishment process uses a four way handshake. Here is a summary of the steps:

  1. OpenInit Hello chain B, here is information that you can use to verify I am chain A. Do you have information I can use?
  2. OpenTry Hello chain A, I have verified that you are who you say you are. Here is my verification information.
  3. OpenAck Hello chain B. Thank you for that information I have verified you are who you say you are. I am now ready to talk.
  4. OpenConfirm Hello chain A. I am also now ready to talk.

Once the handshake has been completed a channel will be established that the ibc messages may be sent over. In order to do a handshake and receive IBC messages your contract must implement the following entry points (which are implemented in our proxy contract):

  1. ibc_channel_open - Handles the OpenInit and OpenTry handshake steps.
  2. ibc_channel_connect - Handles the OpenAck and OpenConfirm handshake steps.
  3. ibc_channel_close - Handles the closing of an IBC channel by the counterparty.
  4. ibc_packet_receive - Handles receiving IBC packets from the counter-party.
  5. ibc_packet_ack - Handles ACK messages from the counter-party.
  6. ibc_packet_timeout - Handles packet timeouts.

{% hint style="info" %} Here is a great repo to learn more about IBC fundamentals 🎉 {% endhint %}