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File metadata and controls

639 lines (483 loc) · 14.8 KB

Functional Specifications


The design of this interface is based on the following assumptions:

  1. All persons recorded in CR have a :term:`UIN`. The UIN can be used as a key to access person data for all records.
  2. All persons recorded in CI have a UIN. The UIN can be used as a key to access person data for all records.
  3. The CR and CI are both considered as centralized systems that are connected. If CR is architectured in a decentralized way, and it is often the case, one of its component must be centralized, connected to the network, and in charge of the exchanges with CI.
  4. Since all instances of CR and CI are customized for each business needs, dictionaries must be explicitly defined to describe the attributes, the event types, and the document types. See Dictionaries for the mandatory elements of those dictionaries.
  5. The relationship parent/child is not mandatory in CI. A CI implementation may manage this relationship or may ignore it and rely on CR to manage it.
  6. All persons are stored in CI. There is no record in CR that is not also in CI.
  7. The interface does not expose biometric services. Usage of biometrics is optional and is described in other standards already defined.


:todo:`To be completed`



This chapter describes in pseudo code the services defined between CR and CI. There three categories of services:

  • UIN management. This service can be implemented by CI, by CR or by another system. We will consider it is provided by a system called UIN Generator.
  • Notifications. When data is changed, a notification is sent and received by systems that registered for this type of events. For instance, CI can register for the events birth emitted by CR.
  • Data access. A set of services to access data.

UIN Management

.. py:function:: createUIN(attributes)

   Generate a new UIN.

   :param list[(str,str)] attributes: A list of pair (attribute name, value) that can be used to allocate a new UIN
   :return: a new UIN or an error if the generation is not possible

This service is synchronous.

.. uml::
    :caption: ``createUIN`` Sequence Diagram
    :scale: 50%

    !include "skin.iwsd"
    hide footbox
    participant "CR" as CR
    participant "CI" as CI
    participant "UIN Generator" as UIN

    note over CR,UIN: CR can request a new UIN
    CR -> UIN: createUIN([attributes])
    UIN -->> CR: UIN

    note over CI,UIN: CI can request a new UIN
    CI -> UIN: createUIN([attributes])
    UIN -->> CI: UIN


.. py:function:: notify(type,UIN)

   Notify of a new event all systems that subscribed to this event

   :param str type: Event type
   :param list[str] UIN: Records affected by the event
   :return: N/A

This service is asynchronous.

.. uml::
    :caption: ``notify`` Sequence Diagram
    :scale: 50%

    !include "skin.iwsd"
    hide footbox
    participant "CR" as CR
    participant "CI" as CI

    note over CR,CI: CR can notify CI of new events
    CR ->> CI: notify(type,[UIN])

    note over CR,CI: CI can notify CR of new events
    CI ->> CR: notify(type,[UIN])


Notifications are possible after the receiver has subscribed to an event.

Data Access

.. py:function:: getPersonAttributes(UIN, names)

   Retrieve person attributes.

   :param str UIN: The person's UIN
   :param list[str] names: The names of the attributes requested
   :return: a list of pair (name,value). In case of error (unknown attributes, unauthorized access, etc.) the value is replaced with an error

This service is synchronous. It can be used to retrieve attributes from CR or from CI.

.. uml::
    :caption: ``getPersonAttributes`` Sequence Diagram
    :scale: 50%

    !include "skin.iwsd"
    hide footbox
    participant "CR" as CR
    participant "CI" as CI

    note over CR,CI: CR can request person's attributes from CI
    CR -> CI: getPersonAttributes(UIN,[names])
    CI -->> CR: attributes

    note over CR,CI: CI can request person's attributes from CR
    CI -> CR: getPersonAttributes(UIN,[names])
    CR -->> CI: attributes

.. py:function:: matchPersonAttributes(UIN, attributes)

    Match person attributes. This service is used to check the value of attributes without exposing private data

    :param str UIN: The person's UIN
    :param list[(str,str)] attributes: The attributes to match. Each attribute is described with its name and the expected value
    :return: If all attributes match, a *Yes* is returned. If one attribute does not match, a *No* is returned along with a list of (name,reason) for each non-matching attribute.

This service is synchronous. It can be used to match attributes in CR or in CI.

.. uml::
    :caption: ``matchPersonAttributes`` Sequence Diagram
    :scale: 50%

    !include "skin.iwsd"
    hide footbox
    participant "CR" as CR
    participant "CI" as CI

    note over CR,CI: CR can match person's attributes in CI
    CR -> CI: matchPersonAttributes(UIN,[attributes])
    CI -->> CR: Y/N+reasons

    note over CR,CI: CI can match person's attributes in CR
    CI -> CR: matchPersonAttributes(UIN,[attributes])
    CR -->> CI: Y/N+reasons

.. py:function:: verifyPersonAttributes(UIN, expressions)

    Evaluate expressions on person attributes. This service is used to evaluate simple expressions on person's attributes
    without exposing private data

    :param str UIN: The person's UIN
    :param list[(str,str,str)] expressions: The expressions to evaluate. Each expression is described with the attribute's name, the operator (one of ``<``, ``>``, ``=``, ``>=``, ``<=``) and the attribute value
    :return: A *Yes* if all expressions are true, a *No* if one expression is false, a *Unknown* if :todo:`To be defined`

This service is synchronous. It can be used to verify attributes in CR or in CI.

.. uml::
    :caption: ``verifyPersonAttributes`` Sequence Diagram
    :scale: 50%

    !include "skin.iwsd"
    hide footbox
    participant "CR" as CR
    participant "CI" as CI

    note over CR,CI: CR can verify person's attributes in CI
    CR -> CI: verifyPersonAttributes(UIN,[expressions])
    CI -->> CR: Y/N/U

    note over CR,CI: CI can verify person's attributes in CR
    CI -> CR: verifyPersonAttributes(UIN,[expressions])
    CR -->> CI: Y/N/U

.. py:function:: getPersonUIN(attributes)

    Retrieve UIN based on a set of attributes. This service is used when the UIN is unknown.

    :param list[(str,str)] attributes: The attributes to be used to find UIN. Each attribute is described with its name and its value
    :return: a list of matching UIN

This service is synchronous. It can be used to get the UIN of a person.

.. uml::
    :caption: ``getPersonUIN`` Sequence Diagram
    :scale: 50%

    !include "skin.iwsd"
    hide footbox
    participant "CR" as CR
    participant "CI" as CI

    note over CR,CI: CR can get UIN from CI
    CR -> CI: getPersonUIN([attributes])
    CI -->> CR: [UIN]

    note over CR,CI: CI can get UIN from CR
    CI -> CR: getPersonUIN([attributes])
    CR -->> CI: [UIN]

.. py:function:: getDocument(UINs,documentType,format)

    Retrieve in a selected format (PDF, image, ...) a document such as a marriage certificate.

    :param list[str] UIN: The list of UINs for the persons concerned by the document
    :param str documentType: The type of document (birth certificate, etc.)
    :param str format: The format of the returned/requested document
    :return: The list of the requested documents

This service is synchronous. It can be used to get the documents for a person.

.. uml::
    :caption: ``getDocument`` Sequence Diagram
    :scale: 50%

    !include "skin.iwsd"
    hide footbox
    participant "CR" as CR
    participant "CI" as CI

    note over CR,CI: CR can get a document from CI
    CR -> CI: getDocument([UIN],documentType,format)
    CI -->> CR: [documents]

    note over CR,CI: CI can get a document from CR
    CI -> CR: getDocument([UIN],documentType,format)
    CR -->> CI: [documents]



Person Attributes
Attribute Name In CR In CI Description
UIN |tick| |tick|  
first name |tick| |tick|  
last name |tick| |tick|  
spouse name |tick| |tick|  
date of birth |tick| |tick|  
place of birth |tick| |tick|  
gender |tick| |tick|  
date of death |tick| |tick|  
place of death |tick|    
reason of death |tick|    
status   |tick| Example: missing, wanted, dead, etc.
Certificate Attributes
Attribute Name In CR In CI Description
officer name |tick|    
number |tick|    
date |tick|    
place |tick|    
type |tick|    
Union Attributes
Attribute Name In CR In CI Description
date of union |tick|    
place of union |tick|    
conjoint1 UIN |tick|    
conjoint2 UIN |tick|    
date of divorce |tick|    
Filiation Attributes
Attribute Name In CR In CI Description
parent1 UIN |tick|    
parent2 UIN |tick|    


Event Type
Event Type Emitted by CR Emitted by CI
Live birth |tick|  
Death |tick|  
Birth cancellation |tick|  
Fœtal Death |tick|  
Marriage |tick|  
Divorce |tick|  
Annulment |tick|  
Separation, judicial |tick|  
Adoption |tick|  
Legitimation |tick|  
Recognition |tick|  
Change of name |tick|  
Change of gender |tick|  
Person update |tick| |tick|
New person   |tick|
Duplicate person   |tick|


Document Type
Document Type Description
birth certificate :todo:`To be completed`
death certificate :todo:`To be completed`
marriage certificate :todo:`To be completed`

Use Cases

Birth Use Case

.. uml::
    :caption: Birth Use Case
    :scale: 50%

    !include "skin.iwsd"
    hide footbox
    actor "Mother or Father" as parent
    participant "CR" as CR
    participant "CI" as CI
    participant "UIN Generator" as UINGen

    parent -> CR
    activate parent
    activate CR

    group 1. Checks
        CR -> CI: matchPersonAttributes(mother attributes)
        CR -> CI: matchPersonAttributes(father attributes)
        CR -> CI: getPersonAttributes(mother)
        CR -> CI: getPersonAttributes(father)
        CR -> CI: getPersonUIN(new born attributes)
        CR -> CR: Additional checks

    group 2. Creation
        CR -> UINGen: createUIN()
        CR -> CR
        note right: register the birth

        CR -->> parent: certificate
        destroy parent

    group 3. Notification
        CR ->> CI: notify(birth,UIN)
        deactivate CR


        CI -> CR: getPersonAttributes(new born)
        activate CI
        CI -> CR: getPersonAttributes(mother)
        CI -> CR: getPersonAttributes(father)
        CI -> CI
        note right: create/update identities
        deactivate CI

  1. Checks

    When a request is submitted, the CR may run checks against the data available in the CI using:

    • matchPersonAttributes: to check the exactitude of the parents' attributes as known in the CI
    • getPersonAttributes: to get missing data about the parents's identity
    • getPersonUIN: to check if the new born is already known to CI or not

    How the CR will process the request in case of data discrepancy is specific to each CR implementation and not in the scope of this document.

  2. Creation

    The birth is registered in the CR. The first step after the checks is to generate a new UIN a call to createUIN.

  3. Notification

    As part of the birth registration, it is the responsibility of the CR to notify other systems, including the CI, of this event using:

    • notify: to send a birth along with the new UIN.

    The CI, upon reception of the birth event, will update the identity registry with this new identity using:

    • getPersonAttributes: to get the attributes of interest to the CI for the parents and the new child.

Death Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Fœtal Death Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Marriage Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Divorce Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Annulment Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Separation Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Adoption Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Legitimation Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Recognition Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Change of Name/Gender Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Transcription Use Case

:todo:`To be completed`

Change of Nationality Use Case

(To be confirmed)


During the lifetime of a registry, it is possible that duplicates are detected. This can happen for instance after the addition of biometrics in the system. When a registry considers that two records are actually the same and decides to merge them, a notification must be sent.

.. uml::
    :caption: Deduplication Use Case
    :scale: 50%

    !include "skin.iwsd"
    hide footbox
    participant "CI" as CI
    participant "CR" as CR

    CI -> CI: deduplicate()
    activate CI

    CI ->> CR: notify(duplicate,[UIN])
    deactivate CI


    CR -> CI: getPersonAttributes(UIN)
    activate CR
    activate CI
    CR -> CR: merge()
    deactivate CI
    note right: merge/register duplicate
    deactivate CR

How the target of the notification should react is specific to each subsystem.