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220 lines (155 loc) · 21.6 KB

File metadata and controls

220 lines (155 loc) · 21.6 KB

BumbleBee Loader

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “odbcconf.exe” AND ((resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” -f ” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “.rsp”) OR (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” /F ” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “.rsp”) OR (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” /A ” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “REGSVR”) OR (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” -a ” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “REGSVR”))

Vsingle Malware

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" OR rg_functionality = "OSQuery") AND (destinationusername CONTAINS "apache" OR destinationusername CONTAINS "apache2" OR destinationusername CONTAINS "www-data" OR destinationusername CONTAINS "nginx") AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "sh -c "wget"

Orbit Malware

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" OR rg_functionality = "OSQuery") AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "/bin/escalator"

YamaBot malware

Next Generation Firewall

rg_functionality = "Next Generation Firewall" AND method = POST AND (cookie contains "captcha_session" OR cookies contains "captcha_session" OR cscookie contains "captcha_session")

Web Proxy

rg_functionality = "Web Proxy" AND method = POST AND (cookie contains "captcha_session" OR cookies contains "captcha_session" OR cscookie contains "captcha_session")

Web Server

rg_functionality = "Web Server" AND method = POST AND (cookie contains "captcha_session" OR cookies contains "captcha_session" OR cscookie contains "captcha_session")

Lighting Framework Malware

Unix / Linux / AIX

rg_functionality = "Unix / Linux / AIX" AND resourcecustomfield5 CONTAINS "/usr/lib64/seahorses/" AND (resourcecustomfield5 CONTAINS "kbioset" OR resourcecustomfield5 CONTAINS "cpc" OR resourcecustomfield5 CONTAINS "kkdmflush" OR resourcecustomfield5 CONTAINS "soss" OR resourcecustomfield5 CONTAINS "sshod" OR resourcecustomfield5 CONTAINS "nethoogs" OR resourcecustomfield5 CONTAINS "iftoop" OR resourcecustomfield5 CONTAINS "iptraof")

SmokeLoader malware

Amadey Installation Path

Microsoft Windows

rg_functionality = "Microsoft Windows" AND (filename ends with "bguuwe.exe" or filepath ends with "9487d68b99\bguuwe.exe")

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (filename ends with "bguuwe.exe" or filepath ends with "9487d68b99\bguuwe.exe")

Antivirus / Malware / EDR

rg_functionality = "Antivirus / Malware / EDR" AND (filename ends with "bguuwe.exe" or filepath ends with "9487d68b99\bguuwe.exe")

Cloud Antivirus / Malware / EDR

rg_functionality = "Cloud Antivirus / Malware / EDR" AND (filename ends with "bguuwe.exe" or filepath ends with "9487d68b99\bguuwe.exe")

Command registered to Task Scheduler

Microsoft Windows

rg_functionality = "Microsoft Windows" AND baseeventid = 4698 AND (resourcecustomfield1 contains "/Create" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "/SC" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "bguuwe.exe")

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (deviceaction contains "Process Create" OR deviceaction contains "Childproc" OR deviceaction contains "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction contains "Procstart" OR deviceaction contains "Trace Executed Process") and destinationprocessname ends with "schtasks.exe" AND (resourcecustomfield1 contains "/Create" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "/SC" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "bguuwe.exe")

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (deviceaction contains "Process Create" OR deviceaction contains "Childproc" OR deviceaction contains "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction contains "Procstart" OR deviceaction contains "Trace Executed Process") and sourceprocessname ends with "schtasks.exe" AND (resourcecustomfield2 contains "/Create" AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "/SC" AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "bguuwe.exe")

Antivirus / Malware / EDR

rg_functionality = "Antivirus / Malware / EDR" AND (deviceaction contains "Process Create" OR deviceaction contains "Childproc" OR deviceaction contains "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction contains "Procstart" OR deviceaction contains "Trace Executed Process") and destinationprocessname ends with "schtasks.exe" AND (resourcecustomfield1 contains "/Create" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "/SC" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "bguuwe.exe")

rg_functionality = "Antivirus / Malware / EDR" AND (deviceaction contains "Process Create" OR deviceaction contains "Childproc" OR deviceaction contains "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction contains "Procstart" OR deviceaction contains "Trace Executed Process") and sourceprocessname ends with "schtasks.exe" AND (resourcecustomfield2 contains "/Create" AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "/SC" AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "bguuwe.exe")

Cloud Antivirus / Malware / EDR

rg_functionality = "Cloud Antivirus / Malware / EDR" AND (deviceaction contains "Process Create" OR deviceaction contains "Childproc" OR deviceaction contains "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction contains "Procstart" OR deviceaction contains "Trace Executed Process") and destinationprocessname ends with "schtasks.exe" AND (resourcecustomfield1 contains "/Create" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "/SC" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "bguuwe.exe")

rg_functionality = "Cloud Antivirus / Malware / EDR" AND (deviceaction contains "Process Create" OR deviceaction contains "Childproc" OR deviceaction contains "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction contains "Procstart" OR deviceaction contains "Trace Executed Process") and sourceprocessname ends with "schtasks.exe" AND (resourcecustomfield2 contains "/Create" AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "/SC" AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "bguuwe.exe")

H0lyGh0st ransomware

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND (destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “HolyRS.exe” or destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “HolyLocker.exe” or destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “BTLC.exe” or sourceprocessname ENDS WITH “HolyRS.exe” or sourceprocessname ENDS WITH “HolyLocker.exe” or sourceprocessname ENDS WITH “BTLC.exe”)

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "cmd.exe" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "schtasks /create" AND resourcecustomfield1 contains "lockertask"

Maui Ransomware

This query looks for process creation of maui.exe

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (deviceaction = "Process Create" OR deviceaction = "ProcessCreate" OR deviceaction = "Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)" OR deviceaction = "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction = "SyntheticProcessRollUp2" OR deviceaction = "WmiCreateProcess" OR deviceaction = "Trace Executed Process" OR deviceaction = "Process" OR deviceaction = "Childproc" OR deviceaction = "Procstart" OR deviceaction = "Process Activity: Launched") AND (destinationprocessname = "maui.exe or sourceprocessname = "maui.exe")

This query looks for the malicious files that are generated post execution of maui.exe

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality= "Endpoint Management Systems" AND deviceaction IN ("PeFileWritten","MachOFileWritten","ZipFileWritten","PdfFileWritten","GenericFileWritten","file.added","XarFileWritten","DwgFileWritten","OoxmlFileWritten","DmpFileWritten","SevenZipFileWritten","OleFileWritten","JarFileWritten","filemod","RarFileWritten","RtfFileWritten","BZip2FileWritten","SuspiciousEseFileWritten","Trace File Operations","File created","IdwFileWritten","TarFileWritten","File created (rule: FileCreate)","GzipFileWritten","PngFileWritten ","JpegFileWritten","CabFileWritten","GifFileWritten","BmpFileWritten") and (filename = "maui.key" or filename = "maui.evd" OR filename = "maui.log" OR filename = "maui.exe" OR filename = "aui.exe")

Lockbit Ransomware

This query detects the reconnaissance & credentials extraction activity via malicious processes such as mimikatz / netscan

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (deviceaction = "Process Create" OR deviceaction = "ProcessCreate" OR deviceaction = "Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)" OR deviceaction = "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction = "SyntheticProcessRollUp2" OR deviceaction = "WmiCreateProcess" OR deviceaction = "Trace Executed Process" OR deviceaction = "Process" OR deviceaction = "Childproc" OR deviceaction = "Procstart" OR deviceaction = "Process Activity: Launched") AND (sourceprocessname = "mimikatz.exe" OR destinationprocessname = "mimikatz.exe" OR sourceprocessname = "netscan.exe" OR destinationprocessname = "netscan.exe"

This query detects suspicious launch of spoolfool.exe

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (deviceaction = "Process Create" OR deviceaction = "ProcessCreate" OR deviceaction = "Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)" OR deviceaction = "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction = "SyntheticProcessRollUp2" OR deviceaction = "WmiCreateProcess" OR deviceaction = "Trace Executed Process" OR deviceaction = "Process" OR deviceaction = "Childproc" OR deviceaction = "Procstart" OR deviceaction = "Process Activity: Launched") AND ((sourceprocessname = "cmd.exe" AND destinationprocessname = "spoolfool.exe")) OR ((sourceprocessname = "powershell.exe" AND destinationprocessname = "spoolfool.exe")) OR ((sourceprocessname = "powershell.exe" AND destinationprocessname = "net.exe"))

These queries detects for rare command lines and filenames executed via psexec process as well as the bypass of windows defender monitoring

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (deviceaction = "Process Create" OR deviceaction = "ProcessCreate" OR deviceaction = "Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)" OR deviceaction = "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction = "SyntheticProcessRollUp2" OR deviceaction = "WmiCreateProcess" OR deviceaction = "Trace Executed Process" OR deviceaction = "Process" OR deviceaction = "Childproc" OR deviceaction = "Procstart" OR deviceaction = "Process Activity: Launched") AND (sourceprocessname = psexec.exe OR sourceprocessname = "psexesvc.exe") | RARE filename resourcecustomfield1

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (deviceaction = "Process Create" OR deviceaction = "ProcessCreate" OR deviceaction = "Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)" OR deviceaction = "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction = "SyntheticProcessRollUp2" OR deviceaction = "WmiCreateProcess" OR deviceaction = "Trace Executed Process" OR deviceaction = "Process" OR deviceaction = "Childproc" OR deviceaction = "Procstart" OR deviceaction = "Process Activity: Launched") AND sourceprocessname = "psexesvc.exe" AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "cmd.exe /c" AND (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "1.cmd" OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "rdp.bat")

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (deviceaction = "Process Create" OR deviceaction = "ProcessCreate" OR deviceaction = "Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)" OR deviceaction = "ProcessRollup2" OR deviceaction = "SyntheticProcessRollUp2" OR deviceaction = "WmiCreateProcess" OR deviceaction = "Trace Executed Process" OR deviceaction = "Process" OR deviceaction = "Childproc" OR deviceaction = "Procstart" OR deviceaction = "Process Activity: Launched") AND sourceprocessname = "powershell.exe" AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "-Command Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath *C:\\"

This query detects the creation of accounts to elevate privileges

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "add" AND (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "C:\Windows\system32\net1 user /domain" OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "C:\Windows\system32\net1 user /domain" OR (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "C:\Windows\system32\net1 group) AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "domain admins"))

This query looks for cmd.exe which creates different child processes in order to prepare the machine for encryption

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" AND (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet" OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled No" OR resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "wmic SHADOWCOPY /nointeractive" OR (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "fsutil file setZeroData offset=0 length=524288" AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS "C:\Windows\LockBit_"))

Microsoft Windows

rg_functionality = "Microsoft Windows" AND (filename ends with ".HLJkNskOq" or filepath ends with ".HLJkNskOq")

Antivirus / Malware / EDR

rg_functionality = "Antivirus / Malware / EDR" AND (filename ends with ".HLJkNskOq" or filepath ends with ".HLJkNskOq")

Antivirus / Malware / EDR

rg_functionality = "Antivirus / Malware / EDR" AND (filename ends with ".HLJkNskOq" or filepath ends with ".HLJkNskOq")

Cloud Antivirus / Malware / EDR

rg_functionality = "Cloud Antivirus / Malware / EDR" AND (filename ends with ".HLJkNskOq" or filepath ends with ".HLJkNskOq")

8220 Gang

Endpoint Management Systems / OSQuery

(rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" OR rg_functionality = "OSQuery") AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "bash -c" AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "curl -s http://" AND (resourcecustomfield2 contains "/spirit" OR resourcecustomfield2 contains "/pasx" OR resourcecustomfield2 contains "/masscan")

(rg_functionality = "Endpoint Management Systems" OR rg_functionality = "OSQuery") AND resourcecustomfield2 contains "wget" AND (resourcecustomfield2 contains "/spirit" OR resourcecustomfield2 contains "/pasx" OR resourcecustomfield2 contains "/masscan")


Next Generation Firewall / Web Application Firewall / Web Server / Web Proxy

(rg_functionality = “Next Generation Firewall” OR rg_functionality = “Web Application Firewall” OR rg_functionality = “Web Server” OR rg_functionality = “Web Proxy”) AND (requesturl CONTAINS “info.php?name=” OR requesturl CONTAINS “dn.php?name=” OR requesturl CONTAINS “up.php?name=”)

Endpoint Management Systems

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “rundll32.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” iiiiiiii “

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\AppData\Local\” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “\User Data\Local State”

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction ENDS WITH “Written” OR deviceaction = “File created”) AND destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “powershell.exe” AND filepath CONTAINS “\appdata\local\temp\rr” AND filepath CONTAINS “.tar.gz”

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “cd /d” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” dir ” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” /a/o-d/s ” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” *.”

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “expand.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “.cab” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “-f:” AND sourceprocessname ENDS WITH “cmd.exe”

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “rundll32.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “cmd.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “/c”

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “reg.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” add ” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “console” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “codepage” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “65001”

(rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”)) AND (destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “reg.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” add “) AND ((resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “system\currentcontrolset\services” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “reg_expand_sz”) OR (resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\svchost” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS “reg_multi_sz”))

rg_functionality = “Endpoint Management Systems” AND (deviceaction = “Process Create” OR deviceaction = “ProcessCreate” OR deviceaction = “Process Create (rule: ProcessCreate)” OR deviceaction = “ProcessRollup2” OR deviceaction = “SyntheticProcessRollUp2” OR deviceaction = “WmiCreateProcess” OR deviceaction = “Trace Executed Process” OR deviceaction = “Process” OR deviceaction = “Childproc” OR deviceaction = “Procstart” OR deviceaction = “Process Activity: Launched”) AND destinationprocessname ENDS WITH “sc.exe” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” failure ” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” reset=” AND resourcecustomfield1 CONTAINS ” actions=”