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File metadata and controls

77 lines (56 loc) · 3.77 KB


easy_infra uses fluentbit as its logging agent, and it is configured by default to write logs in a format very similar to Elastic Common Schema (ECS) 1.11.

Logs are written within the container to /var/log/easy_infra.log and then picked up by the agent and shipped off based on the configuration in /usr/local/etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.conf, which points to fluent-bit.inputs.conf and fluent-bit.outputs.conf in the same directory to configure inputs and outputs by default.

fluent-bit logs are located in /var/log/fluent-bit.log.

Customizing fluent-bit

In order to customize fluent-bit, you can volume mount your preferred configuration file(s) on top of fluent-bit.conf, fluent-bit.inputs.conf, fluent-bit.outputs.conf, parsers.conf, and/or plugins.conf from within the /usr/local/etc/fluent-bit/ folder at runtime.

fluent-bit is configured to read at most 100MB at a time, and up to 10GB of logs for a given run. If you'd like to change this, you can modify or replace Buffer_Chunk_Size in fluent-bit.inputs.conf.

Loki example

If you'd like to run terraform validate on terraform stored in your current working directory and log the outputs of it to Loki, set the LOKI_USER, LOKI_PASSWD, LOKI_TENANT_ID, and LOKI_HOST variables appropriately on your host and run the following:

docker run --env-file <(env | grep ^LOKI_) -v $(pwd)/fluent-bit.loki_example.conf:/usr/local/etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.outputs.conf seiso/easy_infra:latest-terraform terraform validate

The contents of fluent-bit.loki_example.conf here are as follows:

    Name        loki
    Match       *
    Http_user   ${LOKI_USER}
    Http_passwd ${LOKI_PASSWD}
    Tenant_id   ${LOKI_TENANT_ID}
    Labels      job=easy_infra
    Host        ${LOKI_HOST}
    Port        443
    Tls         On
    Tls.verify  On

For more details on the fluent-bit Loki output plugin, see this page.

CloudWatch example

If you'd like to run terraform validate on terraform stored in your current working directory and log the outputs of it to CloudWatch, set the CW_REGION, CW_LOG_GROUP_NAME, and CW_LOG_STREAM_NAME variables appropriately on your host, ensure you are properly logged in using the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and any other AWS environment variables (including AWS_SESSION_TOKEN if you are assuming a role) environment variables as defined here<>_ and run the following:

docker run --env-file <(env | grep -E '^CW_|^AWS_') -v $(pwd)/fluent-bit.cw_example.conf:/usr/local/etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.outputs.conf seiso/easy_infra:latest-terraform terraform validate

The contents of fluent-bit.cw_example.conf here are as follows:

    Name               cloudwatch_logs
    Match              *
    Region             ${CW_REGION}
    Log_group_name     ${CW_LOG_GROUP_NAME}
    Log_stream_name    ${CW_LOG_STREAM_NAME}
    Auto_create_group  true

For more details on the fluent-bit Amazon CloudWatch output plugin, including features like cross account role assumption, see this page.

easy_infra output

easy_infra sends some contextual information to stdout/stderr. If you want to disable this output, pass in the environment variable SILENT with a value of true, for instance:

docker run -e SILENT=true seiso/easy_infra:latest-terraform /bin/bash -c "terraform output | jq -r '.example.value'"