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Upgrade Guide / Breaking Changes

Version 10

This version of SQForm stops using Material UI v4 and upgrades to v5. Most of the breaking changes are related to breaking changes in MUI v5. If you're looking for additional information about those changes apart form what is outlined here you can find them in MUI's v4 -> v5 upgrade guide.

Due to the amount of changes, and how integrated MUI is with SQForm and most consuming projects, it's advised that you reference MUI's upgrade regularly to ensure you don't miss anything for components you might be using.

Upgrade/Update package versions

  • Replace all MUI v4 packages with the v5 equivalent. The following are the ones used in SQForm
       "@mui/icons-material": "^5.8.4",
       "@mui/lab": "^5.0.0-alpha.92",
       "@mui/material": "^5.9.2",
       "@mui/styles": "^5.9.2",
       "@mui/x-date-pickers": "^5.0.0-beta.2",
  • Upgrade SCPlus-Shared-Components library to at least v10.1.0 (be sure to follow any upgrade guides for that repo)

New Peer Dependencies

  • @emotion/styled
  • @emotion/react

Update Imports


  • MUI v5 makes heavy changes to the styling engine. Be sure to review MUI's breaking changes related to styles

  • Importantly, any styles that require units (rm, em, px, %, etc) no longer default to px.

  • Replace makeStyles and className prop with sx

    // Old
    import {makeStyles} from '@material-ui/core';
    const useStyles = makeStyles({
      container: {
        height: '100%',
        width: '100%',
        padding: 20,
    function SomeComponent() {
      const classes = useStyles();
      return <span className={classes.container}>Hello, World!</span>;
    // ---------
    // New
    // Replace html components with `Box` for styling
    import {Box} from '@mui/material';
    const classes = {
      container: {
        height: '100%',
        width: '100%',
        // Added units
        padding: '20px',
    function SomeComponent() {
      return (
        <Box component="span" sx={classes.container}>
          Hello, World!

Component specific changes

  • SQFormTextarea

    • Renamed rows to minRows
    • Renamed rowsMax to maxRows
  • SQFormDialogStepper

    • SQFormDialogStepper now validates on mount
    • Previously the Next/Submit button was disabled if not all fields had a value, regardless of validation schema. We've updated this component to not care about each individual field's value and instead only take into account the validation schema, the dirty status, and isDisabled prop

Component specific changes

  • SQFormDialog
    • Replaced isTertiaryDisabled and showTertiaryButton prop with a new prop called tertiaryStatus

SQFormScrollableCard no longer accepts titleVariant as a prop

  • No changes are required if the consumer application is a JS application
  • Consumer applications that use TypeScript will require this prop to be removed if present to resolve the type error.

SQForm components no longer accept POJO validation schemas

  • SQForm components now only accept validation schema objects that are of type Yup.AnyObjectSchema. You can create these types of schema using Yup.object(). Supplying any other type of object will have unexpected results and validation will fail to work.
  • This is an intentional design to facilitate using Yup to create models to be shared between servers and clients.
// ⛔️ Example
const validationSchema = {
  friends: Yup.array().required('Required'),

// ✅  Example
// Addition of `Yup.object` wrapping our validation object
const validationSchema = Yup.object({
  friends: Yup.array().required('Required').min(1, 'Atleast one required'),

Note: Yup.object().shape({}) may fail to provide the correct type and cause issues in Typescript projects. .shape() is advised to be used only to extend or modify already existing schemas. const newSchema = existingSchema.shape({ newKey: ... })

Upgraded Yup peer dependency version

  • Yup was upgraded from ^0.28.3 to ^0.32.9, see Yup's breaking changes
    • array().required() will no longer consider an empty array missing and required checks will pass.
// ⛔️ Example
const validationSchema = Yup.object({
  friends: Yup.array().required('Required'),

// ✅  Example
const validationSchema = Yup.object({
  friends: Yup.array().required('Required').min(1, 'Atleast one required'),

SQFormDialog changes

  • onSave is now a required prop
  • New prop shouldDisplaySaveButton dictates whether the "Save" button will be shown in the dialog footer. Previously that was handled by the truthiness of onSave
// ⛔️ Example
return (
 // "Save" button is not displayed
   {/* Missing `onSave`*/}
// ✅  Example
return (
  // "Save" button is not displayed
    onSave={() => {}} /* `onSave` supplied */
    shouldDisplaySaveButton={false} /* Prevents save button from being displayed */

SQFormGuidedWorkflow changes

  • Removed TaskModule properties: isPanelExpanded and expandPanel

  • In SQForm v8 actionButton was renamed to actions as part of the taskModule definitions. Functionality remains the same.

// ⛔️ Example
const taskModules = [
  { ... },
  { ... },
    scriptedTextProps: {
      text: `Stuff about policy cancellation documents`,
      title: 'Agent Script',
      actionButton: <TextButton tooltip="View">View Doc</TextButton>, // This prop was renamed

// ✅ Example
const taskModules = [
  { ... },
  { ... },
    scriptedTextProps: {
      text: `Stuff about policy cancellation documents`,
      title: 'Agent Script',
      actions: <TextButton tooltip="View">View Doc</TextButton>, // This prop was renamed

SQForm no longer allows booleans as dropdown options

  • In SQForm v8 support for boolean valued dropdown options was removed. Material-UI and HTML Select components do not support options with booleans as values and causes type conflicts with our own library. Therefore, if you're upgrading this version and you using boolean values options you'll need to take care to update those. Below is our recommended changes.
// ⛔️ Example
  {label: 'Yes', value: true},
  {label: 'No', value: false},

// ✅ Example
  {label: 'Yes', value: 1},
  {label: 'No', value: 0},
  • Be sure that when you change your dropdown options that you take care to update your submit, onChange, and onBlur handlers such that you're taking into account that the values for the affected forms will no longer be booleans. Using 1 and 0 will still allow for if(dropdownValue) to evaluate correctly. However, if you're expecting your values to be passed as booleans outside of any event handlers you'll need to use Boolean(dropdownValue). See an example below of how one might update an SQForm submit handler to comply with this breaking change.
const updateSurveyAnswer = (surveyAnswer: boolean) => {
  // Example
    method: 'GET',
    body: {
      questionID: 1,
      answer: surveryAnswer,

// ⛔️ Outdated submit handler
type FormValues = {
  surveyAnswer: boolean;

const handleSubmit = (formValues: FormValues) => {

// ✅ Updated submit handler
type FormValues = {
  // Now is `number` or whatever new type your dropdown options will be
  surveryAnswer: number;

const handleSubmit = (formValues: FormValues) => {
  • Lastly, you'll also need to make sure you update your Yup validation for the affected form fields from Yup.boolean() to Yup.number() or whatever new value type you're using for your affected dropdown options.

In SQForm v7, we have removed the SQFormIconButton in favor of the SQFormButton where the text says either "Submit" or "Save". Please replace all occurrences of SQFormIconButton with SQFormButton in the consuming application.

In SQForm v6, we no longer need to pass the isRequired prop to any form components. The components now derive whether or not they are a required field based on the Yup validation schema of the form.

While removing this boilerplate is nice, this allows us to handle situations where a fields required attribute is conditional. We can fully rely on the validation schema rather than also creating a mechanism to make isRequired conditional and keeping the isRequired prop in sync with the validation schema.

We ALWAYS want a required field to say Required in the fields helper text. We are no longer required to specify the Required text within our validation schemas as long as we follow the setup below in the consumer app. Otherwise, you'll still need to say for example: foo: Yup.string().required('Required')

When updating the consuming applications version of SQForm to v6, please add this code to the root of the client:

// root of the consumer app such as index.js
import {setLocale} from 'yup';

  mixed: {
    required: 'Required',

During this time, please search the project for validation schemas that use array(). If they are required. Please ensure .required() is the FIRST validation method in the chain.

// ✅ Example
options: Yup.array()
  .min(1, 'Please choose one option'),
// ⛔️ Example
options: Yup.array()
  .min(1, 'Please choose one option')

When upgrading the consumer application to SQForm v6, we should also cleanup any use of the isRequired prop. While this is optional in JavaScript projects, this is extra noise and a possible spot of confusion for future new developers. The isRequired prop does nothing in v6.

For TypeScript, please remove the isRequired property from any TypeScript types and interfaces.

Migration from SC+ Shared Components Library

  • > npm install @selectquotelabs/sqform

  • Update all SQForm related imports from scplus-shared-components to @selectquotelabs/sqform

  • SQDialogForm was renamed to SQFormDialog (fix where imported)

  • SQDialogStepper was renamed to SQFormDialogStepper (fix where imported)

  • SQDialogStep was renamed to SQFormDialogStep (fix where imported)