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Releases: SeleniumHQ/selenium

Selenium 2.48.2

19 Aug 14:31
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Commits in this release

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  • d80083d8f7 - bumping to 2.48.1 :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 06a8a62b87 - A better fix for service availability checking that works for both Chrome and Marionette :: Alexei Barantsev
  • be8a6fdfa8 - Bump the version of httpclient to 4.5.1 (including updating deps) :: Simon Stewart
  • 3313345b03 - Fix eclipse classpath :: Simon Stewart
  • 529f69f824 - bumping to 2.48.1 :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 7f34ded4e8 - bumping to 2.48.2 :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 41bccdd10c - updating maven files for httpclient / httpcore update :: Luke Inman-Semerau

Selenium 2.48.1

19 Aug 14:31
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Commits in this release

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  • db20d58a64 - Bump the version of TestNG (and dependencies) to 6.9.6. :: Simon Stewart
  • 083ca704ed - Provide an end-point that emulates the original RC server's :: Simon Stewart
  • 514bc6cc7f - Bump Ruby version to :: Titus Fortner
  • 6d143b1f30 - Bump the buck version :: Simon Stewart
  • d1960f28c3 - Provide a modern standalone selenium server. :: Simon Stewart
  • 6dda716812 - The servlet API is a provided_dep. :: Simon Stewart
  • 4e70650869 - Adding missing documentation comments to suppress warnings in .NET :: Jim Evans
  • 042060d861 - version number nit :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 796b80152a - fix new dependency in maven for jcommander :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 8f9bd5598b - updating files after go copyright:update :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 18e0047b1a - rb - remove doc building task since it doesn't work :: Titus Fortner
  • de00b1866e - define notifications in travis yml :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 88cc7a5572 - rb: Add rubydocs crazy fun task :: Alex Rodionov
  • e4917b10d1 - docs: Automatically push Ruby docs to gh-pages :: Alex Rodionov
  • 55715c966a - java: fix camel case in method name numberOfWindowsToBe :: Alberto Scotto
  • f96df2809b - [js] Do not hold command handle in the firefox.Binary class :: Jason Leyba
  • a42fa87398 - Delete dead code path. :: Jason Leyba
  • 723563b849 - Adding support code to .NET bindings Firefox driver for testing Marionette :: Jim Evans
  • 3244bf4a56 - Updating .NET tests to provide better error messages for failed wait conditions :: Jim Evans
  • d9fe0c00d3 - Implementing SwitchTo().Window() by name for W3C compliant implementations in .NET :: Jim Evans
  • a1da99a88a - Updating .NET bindings frames tests to be xonsistent with Java :: Jim Evans
  • d249232dd8 - Updating IE to return top-level URL when focused on a frame. :: Jim Evans
  • fabe89af30 - Updating .NET tests for Firefox :: Jim Evans
  • bf5ea32d71 - Fixing .NET deserialization of dates from JSON wire protocol :: Jim Evans
  • ffb124c496 - don't comment out the driver service wait!!!!!!!!!! :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • d80083d8f7 - bumping to 2.48.1 :: Luke Inman-Semerau

Selenium 2.48.0

19 Aug 14:29
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Commits in this release

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  • 6ccaf7f1fd - py: fix typo in fix #850 :: Daniel Davison
  • 41d0950681 - adding edge-driver maven artifact :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 748cada2ff - add note that java 7 is required :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • c81d9e20d3 - Updating Visual Studio C++ projects to use Visual Studio 2015 :: Jim Evans
  • 24e05d2a89 - Updating IE driver C++ code to use Visual Studio 2015. :: Jim Evans
  • 479e9c96da - Updating Visual Studio solution files :: Jim Evans
  • e37ad820dc - rb: ensure gemset has gems installed for tests :: Titus Fortner
  • 24e20e0062 - rb: Initial attempt at supporting Microsoft Edge :: Titus Fortner
  • 68b4efa0fb - rb: force localhost for edge :: Titus Fortner
  • 057e2bc305 - rb: update edge capabilities :: Titus Fortner
  • d4a50f1aee - rb: update specs for Microsoft Edge :: Titus Fortner
  • c674948687 - rb: All specs passing on Windows :: Titus Fortner
  • 36d7f5cb25 - Bump Ruby version to 2.47.1, update change log :: Titus Fortner
  • 5556f0ab45 - Bump Ruby version to :: Titus Fortner
  • b94b2655d4 - Use directExecutor(). :: Joshua Bruning
  • 7fb6b1b4a2 - WebElement eq compares against more types :: Joshua Bruning
  • 59ff8af682 - rb: Not needed with Ruby 1.9+ :: Titus Fortner
  • 1431a264d6 - rb: ensure bundler gem installed before running tests :: Titus Fortner
  • c7c6c4a1d9 - Update test for Chrome 44 stable release. :: Joshua Bruning
  • dad13b58c5 - Assume a valid alternate hostname. :: Joshua Bruning
  • 8809ed60e4 - Bump the buck version :: Simon Stewart
  • 4003b7581c - Kill binary so profile clean up is no longer blocked by file locks :: Laura
  • 6abfa2f7cf - Bump python to 2.47.1 :: AutomatedTester
  • edc2d31ab9 - Fix WebDriver.wait() example :: Denis Demchenko
  • a8b05b5710 - Updating .gitignore for VS 2015 temp files :: Jim Evans
  • 66f3e56d53 - Update select_test.html for Chrome 45. :: Joshua Bruning
  • b0fbed0c48 - Python client side support for launch_app command of chromedriver: /session/$sessionId/chromium/launch_app :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 9114480e65 - Add "additionalCommands" support to DriverCommandExecutor. :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 1b6febddd2 - Java client side support for launch_app command of chromedriver: /session/$sessionId/chromium/launch_app This is using the approach proposed by @richardrb in pull request #168 :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 395bd72feb - JavaScript client side support for launch_app command of chromedriver: /session/$sessionId/chromium/launch_app This is related to pull request #168 :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 48453b0b83 - Fix typos in docs and guidelines :: customcommander
  • 7dc70b3e8d - Upload Python Wheels as part of a release :: AutomatedTester
  • b095d43024 - Proper handling HTTP Host header :: Grzegorz Halat
  • e7c2fa98f8 - Adding additional support for Microsoft Edge in .NET bindings tests :: Jim Evans
  • 79ea708e50 - Enabling fast failure for cookie manipulation in IE :: Jim Evans
  • 2ea95d2d00 - Adding logging messages for IE driver for bitness mismatches :: Jim Evans
  • 89dfa223a4 - Suppressing compiler warning on 64-bit for IE driver :: Jim Evans
  • 55a252442a - Updating IE prebuilts with latest changes :: Jim Evans
  • ca1e60e0e6 - Do not require extensions to be signed :: Joshua Bruning
  • 26b6d70b1f - Improve comments and error message on scrolling_test#testScrollingAccountsForScrollbarWidths. :: Jason Juang
  • 3d35c1c74c - Correcting IE driver build process to create executables runnable on Windows XP :: Jim Evans
  • e785670523 - Add python screenshot tests :: AutomatedTester
  • c8bc2aded8 - AMO requires the max version be an actual release version number :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • c181d392fb - Fix HtmlUnitWebElement.getCssValue :: Ahmed Ashour
  • 409699b79a - HtmlUnitMouse: no need to .focus() :: Ahmed Ashour
  • 4d94ba0b4a - ReflectionBackendDriverSupplier: two arguments Capabilities :: Ahmed Ashour
  • 5a0bfa6bd3 - removing TODO comment that appears to now be done :) :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • a660392ffc - Upgrade HtmlUnit 2.18 :: Ahmed Ashour
  • ad00dd56ce - Redesigning MarionetteDriver to use the gecko shim :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 1ed597aeed - [js] Fix error message after a timeout looking for an element. :: Jason Leyba
  • f55c012d14 - add logging of a caught exception in TestSession :: Innokenty Shuvalov
  • 1f0ba935e0 - use exception message. no method overload exists for log.severe :: Daniel Davison
  • bea9516136 - Output stdout/strerr to geckodriver.log instead of PIPE :: AutomatedTester
  • [a6b77f05ab](
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Selenium 2.47.1

19 Aug 14:28
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Commits in this release

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  • fa839d3585 - Bump python to 2.47 :: AutomatedTester
  • fd332549bd - Bump Ruby version to 2.47.0, update change log :: Titus Fortner
  • 00ba8560fb - Bump Ruby version to :: Titus Fortner
  • 7a9b164721 - Adding omitted dependency to java build process for Edge driver :: Jim Evans
  • 4d972c01ca - Bumping version number for Java 2.47.1 release :: Jim Evans

Selenium 2.47.0

19 Aug 14:26
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For each component's detailed changelog, please check:

Commits in this release

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  • 61506a4624 - Update .xml in .gitattributes :: Ahmed Ashour
  • 68102637c2 - prepping python for 2.46 release :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 430c1473af - Revert "Switch getPageSource to use executeScript as discussed on W3C WebDriver mailing list" can be re-reverted with a more complete pageSource script. :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 4826522f6c - Bump Ruby version to 2.46.0, update change log. :: Titus Fortner
  • e76a33133e - fix the bash script to do as expected with the prompt :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 673e316a53 - Fix aborted rubygems release with 2.46.1 :: Titus Fortner
  • 7b2146743a - Bump Ruby version to :: Titus Fortner
  • 29bf67e85c - Deleting deprecated code :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 5342696a5a - Updating HtmlUnit dependencies in IDEA project :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 2dbb3926fc - Fixing Opera browser name in the converted OperaOptions :: Alexei Barantsev
  • ae3290cc76 - infra: update copyright notices :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • be1695ad94 - rb: add utf-8 encoding to all .rb files :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 48525e25aa - Revert "rb: add utf-8 encoding to all .rb files" :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • cdfd19cf4f - rb: add utf-8 encoding to all .rb files :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • c836776951 - rb: restore encoding magic comments :: Alex Rodionov
  • db36310ac5 - rb: mention ChromeDriver race condition fix :: Alex Rodionov
  • f840e24d62 - rb: Release 2.65.2 with encoding issue fix :: Alex Rodionov
  • d47b6fb12e - rb: Bump version to :: Alex Rodionov
  • 678f18f18b - server: Fixing a test to stop after several attempts instead of looping infinitely :: Alexei Barantsev
  • ee27db1b0a - server: Increasing a test timeout to make it more stable in a slow network :: Alexei Barantsev
  • d552c47702 - server: Implementing factories for SeleniumBasedRequest's. It is a step toward decoupling RC from the server. :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 7b96acf7b4 - Update .gitignore :: Ahmed Ashour
  • 5312b9f17e - js: Fix typo :: Daniel Boelzle [:dbo]
  • f1a904ecc5 - js: remove test assertions that depend on mocha internals and are outside our control. :: Jason Leyba
  • e264833356 - js: Bump version to 2.46.0 :: Jason Leyba
  • 025b61b19c - server: Replacing a dummy class with a proper mock, and fixing test dependencies :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 5331865dca - rc: Don't start Firefox with -silent option, it causes FF38 crash :: Alexei Barantsev
  • e20faa078b - java: Upgrading JUnit to 4.12 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 854e6fa1f1 - Fixing the link to JUnit lib in crazyrun Java mapping :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 641896446f - server: Deleting deprecated code :: Alexei Barantsev
  • ed4a89e91f - server: Deprecating an interface method that is used in tests only :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 42b8f6b7df - server: Adding a guard that prevents starting "IE instead of Opera" (or some other unwanted browser that obviously does not match the desired capabilities). Previously if a new session request is forwarded to a node it results in a driver instance creation in any case. For example, let's suppose a user starts a node with -browser browserName=opera option, and there is no operadriver in the classpath. Then the user requests a new remote driver with browserName=opera. The hub forwards the request to the node, and the node attempts to find the "best matching" driver provider. As far as opera is not available, it can start any other browser. Because "best matching" does not imply matching. The new guard prevents this unwanted behavior. :: Alexei Barantsev
  • b914c61764 - Update Buck file for Jetty. :: Simon Stewart
  • 5f3fb1d59f - Fix resource leaks and NPEs. :: Simon Stewart
  • 026158199d - Target Java 7. :: Simon Stewart
  • 28e4d9ce02 - firefox: Freezing javascript.enabled property :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 7a5e890ac2 - java: Fixing diagnostics of process destruction :: Alexei Barantsev
  • bf71eca087 - Updating IDEA project for Java 7 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • a1cba54bec - Updating maven project to target Java 7 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 71166fe0b3 - Updating Eclipse project to target Java 7 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 26bf0bc54b - safari: Fixing Response conversion from JSON :: Alexei Barantsev
  • d0958a6a9b - server: Making a copy of capabilities object to prevent its modification if a user registers a custom driver provider with his own capabilities :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 464ab8e053 - Moving webdriver-server project output to lib directory :: Jim Evans
  • bb5ca71764 - Handling alert text controls conatining no accText property in IE. :: Jim Evans
  • 58baeebd6c - Correcting CHANGELOG typo for IE driver. No functional changes :: Jim Evans
  • 33f86bac59 - Update Java version in :: Ahmed Ashour
  • 84a9b38811 - firefox: Moving WebDriverError from utils.js to error.js :: Alexei Barantsev
  • e81ad1d257 - firefox: Throwing an error if the addon can't write to a file :: Alexei Barantsev
  • b458a6395b - js: Fix module loading on Windows :: Jason Leyba
  • [a03c35fc7f](
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Selenium 2.46.0

19 Aug 14:24
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For each component's detailed changelog, please check:

Commits in this release

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  • d7dbc3070e - reduced escapes in Perl code :: sugama
  • b04b0a6b99 - improved Perl code on non-ascii output :: sugama
  • 362777c967 - replaced single auote to double qoute :: jamadam
  • a26595ff63 - Bump Ruby version to 2.45.0, update change log. :: Jari Bakken
  • 904b05bb78 - Bump Ruby version to :: Jari Bakken
  • 140fbdd87d - Update chrome.Options to handle all documented chromedriver options. :: Jason Leyba
  • 9805a702cd - Fix tests from revision 140fbdd :: Jason Leyba
  • cf2aefba04 - Drop existing task callbacks when a task is cancelled due to an unhanded error in the current frame. :: Jason Leyba
  • 45afa32bb7 - java: remove support for Presto-based Opera :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • c8725cf38f - py: remove Presto-Opera support :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • dbb434d4a8 - rb: remove support for Opera :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 6e3c7b3a08 - ide: remove reference to Opera :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 62662b6a34 - atoms: remove Opera support :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • c049af9c2c - selenium-atoms: remove test guards for Opera :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • af8b8eedf0 - javascript/webdriver: remove Opera support :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 72ef60dd4d - core: remove references to Opera :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 0c9288ad73 - java: fix compile error :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • d6e313a744 - all: remove reference to Opera from :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • ca06e36dbf - java: update CHANGELOG to mention discontinuation of Presto-Opera :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 590e4935f7 - py: remove import of deleted class :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 17872d640a - adding context switching for mobile to python :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 56d88d7b8d - Restore ability to select Opera in webdriverjs capabilities (accidentally removed in revision af8b8ee). :: Jason Leyba
  • 2d0eea922d - Add another test for the bug fix from revision cf2aefb :: Jason Leyba
  • e7fdca35c4 - Bump webdriverjs to 2.45.1 Includes a doc refresh to pick up API additions. :: Jason Leyba
  • eea1ecf704 - Fixing Java syntax error :: Alexei Barantsev
  • b98b81d92b - dotnet: make PhantomJS driver more cross-platform aware :: Eberhard Beilharz
  • ebb6c9e5fa - java: remove BrowserType.OPERA_PRESTO and DesiredCapabilities.operaPresto :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 5fcb57f4d2 - docs: fix javadocs errors :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • c7243844ad - server: InvalidParameterException is expected :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 7a0e42ac5a - grid: remove rewrite of Presto-Opera capability opera.binary :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 1e551333a6 - server: remove Opera as supported browser from RC :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 27a959c5c0 - server: remove ignore guards for Presto-Opera tests :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • cb0d7132a3 - java: mention native events in docs for :: Harry
  • 085aecb2d2 - Including RC files info the main Java distribution package unless we're on the 3.0 track :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 7b1c21eac7 - rb: remove unused HasBrowserConnection driver extension :: Jim van Musscher
  • e4b33f3b94 - rb: add HasNetworkConnection driver extension :: Jim van Musscher
  • 147d4df36a - rb: replace duplicated type/value mapping :: Jim van Musscher
  • 29ea618014 - rb: deal with invalid type argument :: Jim van Musscher
  • 51d4486911 - rb: get HasNetworkConnection (and specs) to work :: Jim van Musscher
  • 4af80cca91 - don't force garbage collection in httpd.js for firefox when connections are closed :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 2856585e61 - fix typo from 62662b6 :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • d5b792d1c0 - Update python driver to handle the new element key 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf' :: AutomatedTester
  • a1d7320ea9 - Update FirefoxDriver to send both 'ELEMENT' and 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf' when finding elements and returning elements :: AutomatedTester
  • 573baceab7 - Allow Java To handle both 'Element' and 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf' keys when sending and recieving elements :: AutomatedTester
  • 230ecb97be - Add back starting firefox in spec tests :: AutomatedTester
  • 3bef150819 - Allow Ruby To handle both 'Element' and 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf' keys when sending and recieving elements :: AutomatedTester
  • 17d4b0e63b - Adding ability to handle W3C spec compliant element serialization in .NET :: Jim Evans
  • 64efd116bc - Adding W3C spec compliant element serialization to IE driver :: Jim Evans
  • e7620c50c4 - EC.invisibility_of_element_located should return the element. Fixes Issue #8493 :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • f7d72b298f - fix for when trying to start firefox with a backed up profile and already existing extension. :: Calin Marina
  • fa4b165971 - updating AUTHORS :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 5fa53a42cb - js: Explicitly ki...
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Selenium 2.45.0

19 Aug 14:23
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For each component's detailed changelog, please check:

Commits in this release

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  • b8361f410a - Bumping Python to 2.44 :: AutomatedTester
  • b86b104aa0 - Bump JS to 2.44.0 :: Jason Leyba
  • 3ea23452d6 - Updating tests for .NET :: Jim Evans
  • feb1053014 - Updating IE prebuilts for 2.44 release :: Jim Evans
  • f7f083eaae - Updating .NET assembly version resources for 2.44 release :: Jim Evans
  • 611fc48e1f - Update JS docs for 2.44.0 :: Jason Leyba
  • d197b82828 - Fixing null pointer exception if a stacktrace frame does not match the expected format. Fixes issue 7977 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • f36cb1bd4c - Fixing progress listener detaching if the window was autoclosed. Fixes issue 8093 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 396f25547a - Fixing platform autocoversion. Fixes issue 8083 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 95c4d514c5 - Fixing platform conversion, step 2 (also more tests to be added on step 3) :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 1a0a010301 - Adding tests for platform autoconversion :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 446f654c75 - Force promise rejection values to be Error objects. :: Jason Leyba
  • 762a18540c - Move towards the standard promise API :: Jason Leyba
  • 55f56cda0f - Fix a few js compile errors :: Jason Leyba
  • 4103276db4 - Fixing stack frame parser for Firefox new stack trace format (with column numbers and more allowed symbols in function names). Fixes issue 8093 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 25d1823b40 - Converting preferences loaded from json file from Long to Integer. Becasuse in Java a Long value is not equal to a similar Integer value. Who could imagine this... :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 9a554af628 - Fix up JS types :: Jason Leyba
  • ba5de5f7de - Update test instructions in webdriverjs readme. :: Jason Leyba
  • 8aed1e7b85 - Adding more tests for FirefoxProfile :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 4c3c150b0f - Adding WebDriver version fingerprint to the Firefox log :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 1cf985357c - Documenting exceptions. Fixes issue 8090 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • a79f932708 - Moving Wait from com.thoughtworks.selenium to com.thoughtworks.selenium.webdriven because it is not used outside this package, and RC is going to be removed soon :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 273c490bef - Adding deprecation sign to all frequentrly used classes in RC API :: Alexei Barantsev
  • e97bda0186 - Fixing crazyfun build :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 487ebd0b7d - Moving a test method to a more appropriate test class :: Alexei Barantsev
  • a26fe4e5a2 - Move WDBS tests to webdriven package :: Alexei Barantsev
  • dbb21c609e - Removing an unused dependency :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 1b8e7c08c1 - Sorting more RC and WDBS tests around :: Alexei Barantsev
  • ecfbecb0ec - Fix the buck build. :: Simon Stewart
  • 279f3c4a2d - Undo moving Wait to webdriven, but still keeping it deprecated :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 429477a6e8 - Moving last part of RC-related test code to com.thoughtworks.selenium package :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 6fae96325b - Fixing crazyfun dependencies for RC tests :: Alexei Barantsev
  • aa1e579040 - Fixing more crazyfun dependencies in tests :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 81e7492aa6 - Moving browser locators test suite to the same dir where test classes reside :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 29b633946d - Fix the build of the ManifestServlet :: Simon Stewart
  • 7cd16ddfb2 - Fix json de/serialization of java.util.logging.Level.FINE :: Jason Leyba
  • c085132ee5 - Fix converting objects with a toJSON() function to their wire format. :: Jason Leyba
  • 36ae4e0249 - Introduce a new serializable type. :: Jason Leyba
  • 7dd4646411 - Update the js builder to select a server jar from the current environment. :: Jason Leyba
  • 3c3f229f29 - Clean up test code :: Jason Leyba
  • 4553f887f7 - Bump the buck version. :: Simon Stewart
  • 917ef8cce1 - Remove a rogue return statement. :: Jason Leyba
  • 584584366a - Ignore test on IE :: Jason Leyba
  • d1f5eff233 - removed some unused imports :: michael.tamm
  • 4f5f96d92d - Taking XML namespaces into account when searching by XPath. Checked to work in Firefox. Chrome supports namespaces out of the box. Need to update IE and Safari drivers to use the updated atom and test them carefully. :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 1571e66e62 - Revert "Taking XML namespaces into account when searching by XPath. Checked to work in Firefox. Chrome supports namespaces out of the box. Need to update IE and Safari drivers to use the updated atom and test them carefully." :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 503870134f - Attempting to disable local Safari tests to run on remote. Hope setting the annotation to the base class is enough :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 6abf92235a - Attempting to disable local Safari tests to run on remote. Now all test classes are marked with the annotation :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 26ceab294a - Verify mocks when aborting test early b/c IE. :: Jason Leyba
  • ef473a911b - Adding another alias for MacOS platform :: Alexei Barantsev
  • [86153f8228](
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Selenium 2.44.0

19 Aug 14:16
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For each component's detailed changelog, please check:

Commits in this release

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  • 70ce404ae9 - It seems that FF32 does not support hidden property in XUL. Fixes issue 7824 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • d214f0ccd2 - Making webdriver.WebElementPromise public for higher level frameworks to use; e.g. Protractror. :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 810e67a758 - Explicitly goog.require a used dependency :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 03bd468840 - Implementing driver implementation autodetect in IE driver server :: Jim Evans
  • fe013b52ee - Improving cross-platform compatibility of webdriver-server C++ code. :: Jim Evans
  • 1401d1842d - Updating third-party C++ library dependencies :: Jim Evans
  • 3db28f563d - Updating IE driver binary prebuilts :: Jim Evans
  • e45d92fbea - no-op cleanup; pass the parameter over. On behalf of clever robots that always analyse code. :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 6a34eac95e - Deflake a test. I don't think, by contract, page MUST be loaded after driver.executeScript(", 'newWindow')"); driver.switchTo().window("newWindow"); returns. This has been flaky with Chrome on Windows XP, specifically. :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • b1a6a33176 - Change "HTML5 not supported" conditions to exclude IE8 and lower, instead of just IE8. (And similarly for other browsers, for the sake of consistency.) This makes sure the tests are excluded even in compatibility mode, where IE8 advertises itself as IE7, but still exposes APIs for certain features, even though those features are broken, because ... IE8, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of juangj. :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • d53e90690a - Fix ie_driver tests to assert that isInParentOverflow returns a particular value. It doesn't return a boolean, so passing it directly to assertTrue/assertFalse was an error. On behalf of juangj. :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 467316d841 - No-op code cleanups in safari-driver. (Following adding templating to HTML5 MessageEvent extern.) :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 2d62a3b80d - Fix stacktrace parsing to work on IE 11. On behalf of jleyba. :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 1ad5929fe9 - Bump js version to 2.43.0 :: Jason Leyba
  • e028932118 - JS: Address flakiness with setting copying a Firefox profile :: Jason Leyba
  • 8c6e8352ce - Update js docs for 2.43.1 :: Jason Leyba
  • 9e59826f8a - Bump JS version to 2.43.4. For versions 2.43.1-3, the npm registry was recording an incorrect shasum which causes subsequent npm installs to fail on those versions. npm requires a unique version for each published version, and it supports semantic versioning 2.0 (, which is why we are now on 2.43.4. :: Jason Leyba
  • dfb51970bf - Add ability to pass --implementation to the IE server from Ruby. :: Jari Bakken
  • 72bfb94580 - Creating PromptService so that the XUL specific calls can be encapsulated and hidden away. Also fixing the incorrect doctype :: Samit Badle
  • 50039c601c - Making deferred.js available globally and adding a new http library also available globally :: Samit Badle
  • 91d26bbe76 - Hide errors in buggy locator builders :: Samit Badle
  • 3b7466a94b - Fix recording errors :: Samit Badle
  • f8341b8d3a - Improve the UI including autocomplete and fix a bunch of minor bugs :: Samit Badle
  • 9cff008909 - Fix errors when a comment is selected. Also disable autocomplete when editing a comment :: Samit Badle
  • 1955eaae25 - Addig Selenium IDE item under Settings->Developer menu. Fixes issue 7268 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • d2403803e9 - More useful fns in file-utils :: Samit Badle
  • 16d8694455 - Added support for map function, drop callback and useful functions to the listbox with drag and drop support :: Samit Badle
  • e997aaf7d5 - Fixing recording issue :: Samit Badle
  • 5e7f885b0c - Improved statistics for test case and test suite results :: Samit Badle
  • ea17c0fde6 - Getting ready to release Selenium IDE 2.7.0 :: Samit Badle
  • bb100bb07f - moving items in the action menu so that they are more functionally grouped :: Samit Badle
  • 87efac8016 - Fix TypeError: this.treebox is undefined treeView.js. Should fix issue 7786 :: Samit Badle
  • 04e511d831 - Fix return value of Builder.usingServer to a self-reference :: Julie Ralph
  • 28a2730656 - Eclipse classpath fixes for htmlunit. :: rbri
  • 5fbcfb57ac - HtmlUnitDriver: Initial code cleanup. :: rbri
  • 5c7b7212d4 - Bump JS to 2.43.5 for fix to issue 7905. :: Jason Leyba
  • 27aec01418 - Move mutable property definitions from the prototype to the constructor for better performance in v8. :: Jason Leyba
  • 70157d7851 - Remove a redundant variable. :: Jason Leyba
  • 388793a775 - Insert random failures into Selenium Core instructing people to update. :: Jason Leyba
  • 044eea16b6 - Randomly log warnings that Selenium 1.0 is going away and users should update. :: Jason Leyba
  • 7f5b760985 - getting rid of forceCompletion attribute responsible for buggy autocomplete. fixes issue 7928 :: Samit Badle
  • cf26e94543 - Preventing driver hangs caused by TypeError: can't access dead object, when a document is removed at the moment we execute some script. Instead of hanging it should throw an exception. Fixes issue 7934 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • e633a6857b - Adding a new Visual assist option to help users requiring stronger constrast in colors. It is turned off by default. I am hoping that the difference of 20 in both saturation and brightness is sufficient. Fixes issue 7696 :: Samit Badle
  • ccb8a8c267 - Adding select button to the sidebar and reducing the ...
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Selenium 2.43.1

19 Aug 14:14
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For each component's detailed changelog, please check:

Commits in this release

Click to see all the commits included in this release
  • 2a514840e2 - Bumping Python version :: AutomatedTester
  • a017fb7737 - Updating Python docs :: AutomatedTester
  • 4e827a6c7d - Bump gem version to 2.43.0 + update change log :: Jari Bakken
  • 53bec19b33 - Bump gem version to :: Jari Bakken
  • d6f093a6ed - Fixing socketlock bug with reusing the same profile multiple times :: Alexei Barantsev
  • accb3003b9 - Updating Visual Studio project files :: Jim Evans
  • 0e4a981235 - when adding a firefox extension, check for the id in the attribute too :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • ef11b7526c - freaking network, freaking python... when it spazzes out on you, defaults to localhost for the tests :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • a07572b5c6 - Correcting version number resources in .NET assemblies. No functional changes :: Jim Evans
  • 8346498d91 - Bumping version to 2.43.1 :: AutomatedTester
  • 5163bceef1 - Updating Changelog for 2.43.1 :: AutomatedTester

Selenium 2.43.0

19 Aug 14:11
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For each component's detailed changelog, please check:

Commits in this release

Click to see all the commits included in this release
  • 88dcffe6f5 - Belatedly removing long-obsolete .NET tests for AndroidDriver :: Jim Evans
  • f5b3934556 - Adding support for SwitchTo().ParentFrame() in .NET bindings :: Jim Evans
  • 88b2ee8105 - Adding URL endpoint for switchToParentFrame :: Jim Evans
  • 96c322871e - bumping versions for 2.42.2 adding changelog entry :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • e73b9cc74b - Remove unneeded else in conditional :: AutomatedTester
  • b9e9fc6702 - Implementing switchToParentFrame command for IE driver :: Jim Evans
  • fc79624f0e - Adding driver info into TimeoutException thrown by WebDriverWait. Fixes issue 7429 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 4959695b22 - Modified logic of ErrorHandler mapping to *Exception. :: Ivan De Marino
  • 55e1308726 - Fixing maven build :: Alexei Barantsev
  • dc4f5f61a4 - Ruby: make sure the alert text is included in UnhandledAlertErrors :: Jari Bakken
  • 4d136e2412 - Returning less specific platform info from firefox driver. Fixes issue 3354 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 9779366828 - Properly handle absence of lo network interface. :: Jason Leyba
  • e9c80f70dc - Unignoring a passing test for Firefox with synthesized events :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 17b5d4bfba - Stop polluting the log with stacktraces. Fixes issue 7460 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 78097ff390 - IDEA wants to update these two files :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 3d6d7e53c7 - Updating build files for FF30 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • b74e6db06b - Updating windows native libs for FF29 and FF30 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 3b2b574cb9 - Updating HtmlUnit to 2.15 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 719bffdaac - Setting HtmlUnit to emulate FF24 by default :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 5cff71c936 - Fixing maven build (broken dependency) :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 727ebe46c2 - Ignoring tests failed by HtmlUnitDriver (regression in 2.15?) :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 5315c0fd48 - Wrong test was ignored :: Alexei Barantsev
  • b92eeb46c4 - updating firefox prebuilts for linux :: Luke Inman-Semerau
  • 398220f303 - Use as localhost name resolving might fail on some systems :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 23b46d7ff6 - Generate Python API docs for :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 25bf6d8177 - Implementing switchToParentFrame support in atoms :: Jim Evans
  • 3f9174d5da - Ignoring parent frame tests in IE6-8 :: Jim Evans
  • 6f5b1d3fa6 - Update buck version and get the build green again. :: Simon Stewart
  • bc05a02df2 - Actually get the buck build green again. :: Simon Stewart
  • 698bcdedcb - ruby: loosen websocket dependency to ~> 1.0 :: Jari Bakken
  • 41b8f05985 - Bump the version of webbit to 0.4.15 :: Simon Stewart
  • 9f3a561cce - Adding a timeout to Firefox cleanup process. Fixes issue 7272 :: Varun Menon
  • 509ed426d9 - Typo fixes in webdriver.js documentation :: Julie
  • 9292f01c6b - Add Julie Ralph to .mailmap, and generate new AUTHORS :: Andreas Tolfsen
  • 039b6a4b61 - BODY element is always shown/displayed. related section in the W3C spec: :: Seva Lotoshnikov
  • 5b97733353 - Add switch_to.parent_frame support to Ruby bindings :: Andrey Botalov
  • 6c0f39916d - Fix for Ruby tests on Windows + MRI :: Jari Bakken
  • bd3bc0379b - Guard parent_frame spec for Safari and PhantomJS :: Jari Bakken
  • 2292453454 - Update the Ruby change log :: Jari Bakken
  • c7b0193945 - Adding more tests for Platform :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 52197cf5d1 - Fixing platform comparison. Fixes issue 7522 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 6b58d26154 - Always compare more specific platform to less specific one :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 4c6f34edd7 - Breaking a circular build dependency in test code :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 9bce67cb40 - Setting layout.css.devPixelsPerPx to 1.0 if native events are enabled only. Fixes issue 7445 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 203090ccc0 - On behalf of Fixing the list of extensions to search for an executable on Windows, and logging process startup errors. Fixes issue 7514 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 2ed59160d8 - Setting forwarded content for CommandListener afterCommand handler. Fixes issue 7443 :: Edi Weissmann
  • 6c14f14175 - On behalf of shijunjuan: Handling possible IllegalStateException while cleaning orphaned and timed out sessions. Fixes issue 6771 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • c813596d9f - Adding a new selenium server option -logLongForm to log more details to the console. Fixes issue 6645 :: Alexei Barantsev
  • 8204b46236 - Propagate webdriver_firefox_port preference to FirefoxDriver, was being ignored. Fixes issue 5172 :: Stephen Kuenzli
  • 6ddf7ceb9b - Modified IE driver server to more closely follow W3C spec :: Jim Evans
  • df475139f0 - Removing unnecessary #include :: Jim Evans
  • [73e863ee21](
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