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Matching the results of a GATK somatic pipeline with Sentieon


This document describes the capabilities of Sentieon TNseq pipelines matching different versions of GATK somatic variant calling pipelines. If you have any questions, please visit or contact the technical support at Sentieon Inc. at

Input files

Three somatic samples were processed. (1) Targeted sequencing data obtained from BaseSpace. (2) A formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sample from the SEQC-II consortium. (3) A paired tumor-normal WGS sample obtained from BaseSpace.

Sample Type Sample Source Sample Identifier Tumor FASTQ Normal FASTQ
Amplicon BaseSpace Project - NextSeq 550: Comprehensive v3 DNA Panel (Coriell and Horizon Samples) HD200-10ng-E05C-H01 HD200-10ng-E05C-H01_S43_L001_R[12]_001.fastq.gz, HD200-10ng-E05C-H01_S43_L001_R[12]_001.fastq.gz, HD200-10ng-E05C-H01_S43_L001_R[12]_001.fastq.gz, HD200-10ng-E05C-H01_S43_L001_R[12]_001.fastq.gz N/A
FFPE Sequence Read Archive - SRR7890933 and SRR7890951 FFX_IL_T_24h_1/FFX_IL_N_24h_2 SRR7890933_[12].fastq.gz SRR7890951_[12].fastq.gz
WGS BaseSpace Project - HiSeq 2000: Tumor Normal WGS (HCC1187 & HCC2218) HCC1187 HCC1187C_S1_L001_R[12]_001.fastq.gz HCC1187BL_S1_L001_R[12]_001.fastq.gz

Reference files

The hs37d5 reference genome can be downloaded from Other bundle files were downloaded from gs://gatk-best-practices/somatic-b37/.

Argument Input file
fasta hs37d5.fa
germline small_exac_common_3.vcf


All input fastq files were preprocessed through alignment, duplicate marking and BQSR using the Sentieon DNAseq pipeline. BQSR was applied to the aligned reads using the Sentieon ReadWriter for compatibility with the GATK tools.


The tool from the package ( was used to compare the Sentieon and GATK VCFs, with the GATK vcf as the "truth" VCF. The following command was used for the comparison:

python happy/bin/ \
  -o output/eval \
  -r $fasta \
  -N \
  $truth_vcf \
  $calls_vcf \
  --no-fixchr-truth \

Somatic variant calling

In the commands below, the input alignment files after preprocessing are the tumor_bam and normal_bam for the tumor and normal preprocessed alignment files, respectively. Arguments and commands used only with the paired normal file are marked with square brackets, [ and ]. The GATK commands were parallelized across chromosomes and merged, but the parallelization and merging commands are omitted below for simplicity.

By default, the GATK will downsample reads during variant calling. To reduce the effect of downsampling, MuTect2 in the GATK3 was run with --maxReadsInRegionPerSample 1000000 --minReadsPerAlignmentStart 1000000 -dt NONE and Mutect2 in the GATK4 was run with --max-reads-per-alignment-start 0. Downsampling arguments are omitted in the command line below.

TNhaplotyper and MuTect2 version 3.8.1


GATK3 variant calling

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
  -T MuTect2 \
  -R $fasta \
  -I:tumor $tumor_bam \
  [-I:normal $normal_bam] \
  -o output.vcf.gz

Sentieon variant calling

sentieon driver \
  -r $fasta \
  -i $tumor_bam \
  [-i $normal_bam] \
  --algo TNhaplotyper \
  --tumor_sample $tumor_sample \
  [--normal_sample $normal_sample] \


Sample Type Variant Type Matched Sentieon Additional Sentieon Missed Sensitivity Precision
Amplicon SNVs 625 0 2 0.9968 1.0
Amplicon INDELs 128 0 0 1.0 1.0
FFPE SNVs 2027 0 0 1.0 1.0
FFPE INDELs 250 0 0 1.0 1.0
WGS SNVs 10950 0 0 1.0 1.0
WGS INDELs 950 2 0 1.0 0.9979


Samples were processed on a 32 virtual core Intel Xeon(R) CPU v3 machine (2.40GHz) with hyperthreading and 64GB memory. The Sentieon tools were parallelized using their built-in multi-threading while GATK jobs were parallelized across chromosomes and merged. Due to memory limitations, 8 GATK jobs were run in parallel.

Stage Sentieon - FFPE GATK - FFPE Sentieon - WGS GATK - WGS Sentieon - Amplicion GATK - Amplicon
Variant calling 03:38:07 36:56:53 00:09:10 01:54:48 00:00:47 00:08:56
Sentieon Speedup 10.2x -- 12.5x -- 11.4x --

GATK3 runtime

TNhaplotyper2 and Mutect2 version


GATK4 variant calling

gatk Mutect2 \
  -R $fasta \
  -I $tumor_bam \
  [-I $normal_bam] \
  -tumor $tumor_sample \
  [-normal $normal_sample] \
  --germline-resource $germline \
  -O tmp.vcf.gz \
  --f1r2-tar-gz f1r2.tar.gz

gatk GetPileupSummaries \
  -R $fasta \
  -I $tumor_bam \
  -V $germline \
  -O tumor_pileups.tsv

[gatk GetPileupSummaries \
  -R $fasta \
  -I $normal_bam \
  -V $germline \
  -O normal_pileups.tsv]

gatk LearnReadOrientationModel \
  -I f1r2.tar.gz \
  -O artifact-priors.tar.gz

gatk CalculateContamination \
  -I tumor_pileups.tsv \
  [-I normal_pileups.tsv] \
  -O contamination.table \
  --tumor-segmentation segments.table

gatk FilterMutectCalls \
  -V tmp.vcf.gz \
  -R $fasta \
  -O output.vcf.gz \
  --contamination-table contamination.table \
  --tumor-segmentation segments.table \
  --ob-priors artifact-priors.tar.gz \
  -stats tmp.vcf.gz.stats \
  --filtering-stats output.vcf.gz.stats

Sentieon variant calling

sentieon driver \
  -r $fasta \
  -i $tumor_bam \
  -i $normal_bam \
  --algo TNhaplotyper2 \
    --tumor_sample $tumor_sample \
    [--normal_sample $normal_sample] \
    --germline_vcf $germline \
    tmp.vcf.gz \
  --algo OrientationBias \
    --tumor_sample $tumor_sample \
    tmp.priors \
  --algo ContaminationModel \
    --tumor_sample $tumor_sample \
    [--normal_sample $normal_sample] \
    -v $germline \
    --tumor_segments tmp.segments \

sentieon driver \
  -r $fasta \
  --algo TNfilter \
  -v tmp.vcf.gz \
  --tumor_sample $tumor_sample \
  [--normal_sample $normal_sample] \
  --contamination tmp.contam.table \
  --tumor_segments tmp.segments \
  --orientation_priors tmp.priors \


Sample Type Variant Type Matched Sentieon Additional Sentieon Missed Sensitivity Precision
Amplicon SNVs 7758 24 48 0.9939 0.9969
Amplicon INDELs 718 5 3 0.9958 0.9931
Amplicon MNPs 168 0 0 1.0 1.0
FFPE SNVs 4322 3 31 0.9929 0.9993
FFPE INDELs 375 0 1 0.9973 1.0
FFPE MNPs 191 0 2 0.9896 1.0
WGS SNVs 11656 2 6 0.9995 0.9998
WGS INDELs 1299 4 1 0.9992 0.9969
WGS MNPs 299 0 0 1.0 1.0


Samples were processed on a 32 virtual core Intel Xeon(R) CPU v3 machine (2.40GHz) with hyperthreading and 64GB memory. The Sentieon tools were parallelized using their built-in multi-threading while GATK Mutect2 jobs were parallelized across chromosomes and merged. Due to memory limitations, up to 16 GATK jobs were run in parallel. Some GATK tasks were run concurrently, so the GATK's overall time is less than the sum of the task time.

Stage Sentieon - FFPE GATK - FFPE Sentieon - WGS GATK - WGS Sentieon - Amplicon GATK - Amplicon
Variant calling 00:22:19 02:55:32 00:33:26 01:49:20 00:00:23 00:03:52
GATK Pileups -- 02:13:29 -- 01:34:36 -- 00:01:00
GATK Contamination -- 00:00:12 -- 00:00:10 -- 00:00:04
GATK LearnReadOri -- 00:14:37 -- 00:09:36 -- 00:00:28
Variant filtering 00:00:11 00:02:33 00:00:10 00:01:44 00:00:04 00:00:40
Overall wall time 00:22:30 03:12:42 00:33:36 02:00:40 00:00:27 00:05:00
Sentieon Speedup 8.6x -- 3.6x -- 11.1x --

GATK4 runtime

GATK4 tasks were run concurrently. The plot only includes the "rate-limiting" GATK4 tasks that sum to the overall wall time.