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Releases: Sergio0694/UICompositionAnimations

Minor bug fixes

25 Jun 13:23
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  • Fixed a disposeOnUnload parameter being ignored in one of the attached effects

Saturation parameter for the in-app acrylic effect

24 Jun 00:54
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New animatable effect added

24 Jun 00:42
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  • Added an animatable in-app acrylic effect with saturation

Code refactorings, performance improvements

24 Jun 00:12
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  • Major code refactorings
  • All the composition effects in the Behaviours namespace now use expression animations to adjust their size, so it is no longer necessary to manually update the effect visual when the XAML layout changes

Minor fixes

21 Jun 23:21
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  • Fixed a method signature

Minor code improvements and refactoring

21 Jun 23:11
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  • Improved the signature of the expression animations extension methods
  • Tweaked some XML comments

Minor refactorings and changes

21 Jun 11:44
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  • Added a synchronous extension method to set the composition scale property of an element

Added support for expression animations

21 Jun 08:43
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  • Added two extension methods to create custom expression animations from a ScrollViewer control

Updated stable release

20 Jun 23:23
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  • Minor bug fixes
  • Fixed a couple of glitches from the code refactoring

Minor bug fixes

20 Jun 23:14
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Minor bug fixes Pre-release
  • Fixed a crash in the GetAttachedAnimatableAcrylicEffectAsync extension method