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uplane-ui design system

Set up development

Run following commands from the root folder terminal:

yarn install

husky install


Please use pull requests to propose changes to the codebase.

  1. Create "feature" branch from master. Please try to choose branch name so that describes what changes you would like to do

    git checkiut -b feature/{YOUR_BRANCH_NAME}

  2. Push changes.

  3. Create pull request on GitHub and assign a reviewer.

Running commands

You can use Lerna to run package.json commands from the root foolder e.g. lerna run test or navigate to the certain package and run commands via yarn. For example run following commands in your terminal:

  1. cd packages/react
  2. yarn run storybook

Library versioning

Please create new versions from master branch.

  1. Run lerna version.
  2. Choose version semantic yo would like to create
  3. Wait for CI completed and check a result in the npm package registry

Command lerna version updates the package.json with the version number, commits the change, adds a corresponding version tag (e.g. v1.0.0) and pushes the commit and the tag to the remote repository. After that GitHub Actions publish a new library version to the npm package registry after CI passed.