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wobba committed Feb 23, 2018
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Showing 10 changed files with 396 additions and 0 deletions.
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions Documentation/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
external help file:
applicable: SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint Online
schema: 2.0.0
# Generate-PnPAzureCertificate

Get PEM values for an existing certificate (.pfx), or generate a new 2048bit self-signed certificate and manifest for use when using CSOM via an app-only ADAL application.

See for a sample on how to get started.

KeyCredentials contains the ADAL app manifest sections.

Certificate contains the PEM encoded certificate.

PrivateKey contains the PEM encoded private key of the certificate.


### SELF
Generate-PnPAzureCertificate [-CommonName <String>]
[-Country <String>]
[-State <String>]
[-Locality <String>]
[-Organization <String>]
[-OrganizationUnit <String>]
[-ValidYears <Int>]
[-Out <String>]

### PFX
Generate-PnPAzureCertificate -CertificatePath <String>
[-CertificatePassword <SecureString>]
[-Out <String>]


### ------------------EXAMPLE 1------------------
PS:> Generate-PnPAzureCertificate

This will generate a default self-signed certificate named "" valid for 10 years.

### ------------------EXAMPLE 2------------------
PS:> Generate-PnPAzureCertificate -out mycert.pfx

This will generate a default self-signed certificate named "" valid for 10 years and the certificate is stored mycert.pfx without a password in the current directory.

### ------------------EXAMPLE 3------------------
PS:> Generate-PnPAzureCertificate -CommonName "My Certificate" -ValidYears 30

This will output a certificate named "My Certificate" which expires in 30 years from now.

### ------------------EXAMPLE 4------------------
PS:> Generate-PnPAzureCertificate -CertificatePath "mycert.pfx"

This will output PEM values and ADAL app manifest settings for the certificate mycert.pfx.

### ------------------EXAMPLE 5------------------
PS:> Generate-PnPAzureCertificate -CertificatePath "mycert.pfx" -CertificatePassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "YourPassword" -AsPlainText -Force)

This will output PEM values and ADAL app manifest settings for the certificate mycert.pfx which has the password YourPassword.


### -CertificatePassword
Password to the certificate (*.pfx)

Type: SecureString
Parameter Sets: PFX

Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False

### -CertificatePath
Path to the certificate (*.pfx)

Type: String
Parameter Sets: PFX

Required: True
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False

### -CommonName
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []

Type: String
Parameter Sets: SELF

Required: False
Position: 0
Accept pipeline input: False

### -Country
Country Name (2 letter code)

Type: String
Parameter Sets: SELF

Required: False
Position: 1
Accept pipeline input: False

### -Locality
Locality Name (eg, city)

Type: String
Parameter Sets: SELF

Required: False
Position: 3
Accept pipeline input: False

### -Organization
Organization Name (eg, company)

Type: String
Parameter Sets: SELF

Required: False
Position: 4
Accept pipeline input: False

### -OrganizationUnit
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)

Type: String
Parameter Sets: SELF

Required: False
Position: 5
Accept pipeline input: False

### -Out
Filename to write to, optionally including full path (.pfx)

Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)

Required: False
Position: 6
Accept pipeline input: False

### -State
State or Province Name (full name)

Type: String
Parameter Sets: SELF

Required: False
Position: 2
Accept pipeline input: False

### -ValidYears
Number of years until expiration (default is 10, max is 30)

Type: Int
Parameter Sets: SELF

Required: False
Position: 6
Accept pipeline input: False


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195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions Samples/SharePoint.ConnectUsingAppPermissions/
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# Connect to the SharePoint Online using Application Permissions

This PowerShell sample demonstrates how to use the Office Dev PnP PowerShell to connect to SharePoint Online
using Application Permissions. Using application permissions is useful for automated tasks
and service scenarios where you don't have an end-user logging in.

Applies to

- Office 365 Multi-Tenant (MT)

## Prerequisites ##
Create a self-signed certificate
Register an Application
PnP PowerShell Commands

The PnP commandlets can use the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) to connect with SharePoint Online, but in doing so you need a certificate when talking to SharePoint Online as using application id and key is not sufficient.

## Create the self signed certificate

You are now ready to configure the Azure AD Application for invoking SharePoint Online with an App Only access token. In order to do that, you have to create and configure a self-signed X.509 certificate, which will be used to authenticate your Application against Azure AD, while requesting the App Only access token.

First of all, you have to create the self-signed X.509 Certificate, which can be created using the `Generate-PnPAzureCertificate` commandlet.

You may also add the `-Out` parameter if you want to save the certificate as a local .pfx file.

Create a self signed certificate using `Generate-PnPAzureCertificate` (output truncated for readability):

$cert = Generate-PnPAzureCertificate
Subject :
ValidFrom : 22.02.2018 00:00:00
ValidTo : 22.02.2028 00:00:00
KeyCredentials :
"customKeyIdentifier": "NYNvV+Q0zrXcehnvPJwaQVuWrCw=",
"keyId": "87abb85b-7bf2-482b-b4d4-8c2d1d869f72",
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
"usage": "Verify",
"value": "MIICv...iqzrk="
Certificate : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIICv...iqzrk=-----END CERTIFICATE-----
PrivateKey : -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----MIIEp...4W6g==-----END

>For further details about the `Generate-PnPAzureCertificate` syntax and command line parameters you can read the documentation with `Get-Help Generate-PnPAzureCertificate -Detailed`.
Both the certificate and the private key is outputted as PEM encoded strings. This is useful in automation where you can store the values as environmental variables or as strings in Azure Keyvault, instead of bundling the actual .pfx file itself.

## Azure Active Directory Application registration
In order to connect to SharePoint Online using app-only permissions you have to **register an application in Azure Active Directory** linked to your Office 365 tenant. In order to do that, open Azure Active Directory Admin portal ( using the account of a user member of the Tenant Global Admins group.

Select the "Active Directory" section, by clicking on the icon highlighted in the following screen shot:

![Azure AD Button](./Fig-01-Azure-AD-Button.png)

You'll see on the left side of the blade that you opened the Azure AD tenant corresponding to your Office 365 tenant. Locate and select the option "App Registrations". See the next figure for further details.

![Azure AD Main Page](./Fig-02-Azure-AD-Main-Page.png)

In the "App Registrations" tab you will find the list of Azure AD applications registered in
your tenant. Click the "New application registraion" button in the upper left part of the blade, this will show you the following screen.

![Azure AD - Add an Application - First Step](./Fig-03-Azure-AD-Add-Application-Step-01.png)

Provide a **name** for your application (we suggest to name it "SharePoint PnP CSOM Access"), select the option **"Web app / API"**, and fill in the **"Sign-on URL"** with the with a valid **URL**, for example _https://&lt;tenant&gt; The URL does not have to exist, but it has to be valid. Click create when done.

The newly created app registration will now be listed in your "App Registrations" list.
Open it and then click into settings and then Properties. You should now be at the following screen:

![Azure AD - Add an Application - Third Step](./Fig-04-Azure-AD-Add-Application-Step-02.png)

Please make sure you :
- Copy the **Application ID** value as you'll need it later in the `ClientId` parameter when connecting to SharePoint Online.

Now, you should go back to the settings blade. Go into **Keys** where you'll create a Client Secret (used for app-only authentication). In order to do that, add a new security key (selecting 1 year, 2 years or never expires for key duration). Press the "Save" button in the lower part of the screen to generate the key value. After saving, you will see the key value. **Copy it in a safe place**, because you will not see it anymore.

>This key is not really needed when accessing SharePoint Online via CSOM, but if you access other API's using the same ADAL application you will need it. For example if you are creating Office 365 Groups using PnP PowerShell.
![Azure AD - Create a client Secret](./Fig-05-Azure-AD-Add-AplicationSecret.png)

Now click on "Required Permissions", and click on the "Add" button, a new blade will appear.

![Azure AD - Application - Required Permissions ](./Fig-06-Azure-AD-App-Config-02.png)

You need to configure the following permissions in order to get access to all resources:
* Office 365 SharePoint Online (**Application Permission**)
* **Have full control of all site collections**
* **Read and write managed metadata**
* **Read and write user profiles**

You may of course opt in with less access as well. For further details, see the following figure.

![Azure AD - Application Configuration - Permissions Blade](./Fig-07-Azure-AD-App-Config-03.png)

The "Application Permissions" are those granted to the application when running as App Only. The other set of permissions, called "Delegated Permissions", defines the permissions granted to the application when running under a specific user's account delegation (using an app and user access token, from an OAuth 2.0 perspective).

Click the Grant Permission button on the 'Required Permissions' tab in order make the permissions effective. If you forget this, you will not be able to connect to SharePoint Online using the ADAL application.

<a name="apponlyazuread"></a>
### Update Azure AD Application manifest

From your generated certificate copy the key credentials which are to be added to the manifest of your ADAL application.

$cert.KeyCredentials | clip

Go back to the Azure AD Application that you created in the previous step and click the **"Manifest"** button at the top of the blade, then click **Edit'**.

![Azure AD - Application Configuration - Manifest](./Fig-08-Azure-AD-App-Config-04.png)

Search for the **keyCredentials** property and replace it with the snippet you generated before, this will be similar to as seen on the figure above:

"keyCredentials": [
"customKeyIdentifier": "<base64CertHash>",
"keyId": "<KeyId>",
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
"usage": "Verify",
"value": "<base64Cert>"

Click **Save** when you complete this step.

## Test the application using PnP
Using the application id and application password from the application registration you can
connect to the SharePoint Online using:

> Connect-PnPOnline -PEMCertificate $cert.Certificate -PEMPrivateKey $cert.PrivateKey -Tenant -ClientId e3b084e2-5b69-44ef-8bac-0592abfd123f -Url

If you opted to save the certificate as a .pfx file you can connect using:

> Connect-PnPOnline -CertificatePath .\mycert.pfx -Tenant -ClientId e3b084e2-5b69-44ef-8bac-0
592abfd123f -Url

If all went as expected you should now be able get data from your site.

> Get-PnPList
Title Id Url
----- -- ---
appdata c0d1659f-bc88-4808-a625-9b8969ff74f4 /_catalogs/appdata
appfiles 0a4313b9-6d75-417c-a90f-5c9b557a444f /_catalogs/appfiles
Composed Looks 1cc3545b-0b02-4bf3-9036-c07e83414dfc /_catalogs/design
Content type publishing error log f33c40a2-69b6-47d8-93fe-e66aecd3a085 /Lists/ContentTypeSyncLog
Converted Forms b03aa47d-560d-4fa6-95f1-4ad3b42a20cf /IWConvertedForms
Documents 1009a8ee-40a5-4700-90c5-a186a3e64fef /Shared Documents
Form Templates cb166482-eeaf-43fe-a1a5-cc6b4ba8b716 /FormServerTemplates
List Template Gallery 0023e844-dd0b-42b6-8f9c-3b53cc2829d5 /_catalogs/lt
Maintenance Log Library 0edbb1a0-a543-449e-8344-5ac86fa7b455 /_catalogs/MaintenanceLogs
Master Page Gallery 26c2a29c-7d83-4a52-a20a-bb3381814b14 /_catalogs/masterpage
MicroFeed 99d39803-91d0-4b9c-a204-b2999ac4d9f5 /Lists/PublishedFeed
Project Policy Item List 46bc7a90-3897-47d2-85fe-e64e3a014fe9 /ProjectPolicyItemList
SharePointHomeOrgLinks 4c437943-8507-4f5f-91c9-6473e2347274 /Lists/SharePointHomeOrgLinks
Site Assets 356439d3-3bdd-431a-be9d-27941571adf1 /SiteAssets
Site Pages 29632f91-ef58-4dc0-9e53-56338e4e3090 /SitePages
Solution Gallery 7ccda759-d87e-413f-9214-76b0dd046749 /_catalogs/solutions
Style Library 066f5cbd-eae2-4db7-9834-6c0d84b537d9 /Style Library
TaxonomyHiddenList a3e0ee6a-7e35-4d1e-960a-2a344279a8fe /Lists/TaxonomyHiddenList
Theme Gallery cc0ca5b4-b978-4f09-93dd-06eb1a4d16a2 /_catalogs/theme
User Information List 1278a6e0-50f2-4d19-b8d5-3ce9ed484fd6 /_catalogs/users
Web Part Gallery cc3335b6-95e5-4aaa-8091-8fa827fdf880 /_catalogs/wp
wfpub 7c1c98b8-e68c-49b8-8fc4-1789b088b516 /_catalogs/wfpub

## Solution ##
Mikael Svenson (Puzzlepart)

## Version history ##
Version | Date | Comments
---------| -----| --------
1.0 | Feb 23 2018 | Initial release

## **Disclaimer**

0 comments on commit a724be4

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