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A worked example is given below


Here is the Training.csv link.

Be sure to store it in the same directory or edit the code according to your file path.

Here is the code implementation of Multinomial Naive Bayes:

import csv
import math

class Multinnomial_Naive_Bayes(object):
    Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier.

    chinese_data : list
                    For holding strings of chinese Class
    japanese_data : list
                     For holding strings of Japanese Class
    prior_prob_c : float
                    Calculated Prior Probability of Chinese Class
    prior_prob_j : float
                    Calculated Prior Probability of Japanese Class
    llh_c : dict
             count of each word in Chinese Class is saved as {word: count(word)}
    llh_j : dict
             count of each word in Japanese Class is saved as {word: count(word)}
    words_in_c: int
                 Total words in Chinese Class
    words_in_j: int
                 Total words in Japanese Class
    v_count: int
              Number of different words
    def __init__(self):
        self.chinese_data = []
        self.japanese_data = []
        self.prior_prob_c = 0
        self.prior_prob_j = 0
        self.llh_c = {}
        self.llh_j = {}
        self.words_in_c = 0
        self.words_in_j = 0
        self.v_count = 0

    def Prior_Probability(self, filename):
        Estimates Prior Probability of each class

        filename :
                                csv file of Training Dataset
        return : self
        cCount = 0
        jCount = 0
        with open(filename) as docs:
            doc = csv.reader(docs, delimiter=',')
            for row in doc:
                if row[1] == 'c':
                    cCount += 1
                    jCount += 1
        self.prior_prob_c = cCount/(cCount+jCount)
        self.prior_prob_j = jCount/(cCount+jCount)

    def likelihood(self):
        Estimates Likelihood of each word of each class

        return: self
        for row in self.chinese_data:
            for word in row.split():
                if word in self.llh_c:
                    self.llh_c[word] += 1
                    self.v_count += 1
                self.words_in_c += 1

        for row in self.japanese_data:
            for word in row.split():
                if word in self.llh_j:
                    self.llh_j[word] += 1
                    self.llh_j.update({word: 1})
                    if word not in self.llh_c:
                        self.v_count += 1
                self.words_in_j += 1

    def fit(self, filename):
        Calls Prior_Probability and likelihood function

        filename :
                           csv file of Training Dataset
        return : self

    def predict(self, str):
        After getting the string it predicts the value and classifies it according to
        majority rule.

        str : string
                   Contains test string for prediction
        return: string
                         returns which class the test string belongs
        prb_in_c = 0
        prb_in_j = 0
        for word in str.split():
            if word in self.llh_c and word in self.llh_j:
                prb_in_c += math.log10((self.llh_c[word] + 1)/ (self.words_in_c + self.v_count))
                prb_in_j += math.log10((self.llh_j[word] + 1)/ (self.words_in_j + self.v_count))
            elif word in self.llh_c and word not in self.llh_j:
                prb_in_c += math.log10((self.llh_c[word] + 1) / (self.words_in_c + self.v_count))
                prb_in_j += math.log10(1 / (self.words_in_j + self.v_count))
            elif word not in self.llh_c and word in self.llh_j:
                prb_in_c += math.log10(1 / (self.words_in_c+self.v_count))
                prb_in_j += math.log10((self.llh_j[word] + 1)/ (self.words_in_j + self.v_count))
                prb_in_c += math.log10( 1 / (self.words_in_c + self.v_count))
                prb_in_j += math.log10( 1 / (self.words_in_j + self.v_count))

        prb_in_c += math.log10(self.prior_prob_c)
        prb_in_j += math.log10(self.prior_prob_j)

        if prb_in_c > prb_in_j:
            return "Class: Chinese"
            return "Class: Japanese"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    nb = Multinnomial_Naive_Bayes()'Training.csv')
    print(nb.predict("Chinese Chinese Chinese Tokyo Japan"))
.. automodule:: Multinomial_Naive_Bayes