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This is the public repository for Udacity's Full-Stack Nanodegree program.

5 project demonstrate my skills of building Full-stack application includes

  1. Fyyur -
  • A musical venue and artist booking site that facilitates the discovery and bookings of shows between local performing artists and venues. By utilizing Flask, SQLAlchemy, Postgres database, I created functionality with end point that enable CRUD function for artisis list and venues lists.

Used tech stack:

  • SQLAlchemy as ORM library of choice
  • PostgreSQL as database
  • Python3 and Flask for server language and framework
  • Flask-Migrate for creating and running schema migrations
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, and Javascript with Bootstrap 3 (mainly provided by Udacity Team)

Applied concepts:

  • How to use Git Bash & Github as version control tool
  • Configure local database and connect it to a web application
  • Create Model Schemas with columns and relationships (1:1, 1:n and N:N)
  • Use SQLAlchemy ORM with PostgreSQL to query, insert, edit & delete Data
  • Use WTForms to encapsulate input forms in seperate file & to allow for custom validations
  • Use Boostrap as a simple to use Front End Libary and Ajax to fetch flask routes
  • Create SQL-like Queries, but without any SQL syntax, only using SQLAlchemy ORM
  • How to clearly structurize a larger web application in different files & folders
  1. Trivia app -
  • Implement backend for udacity trivia app which allow user to display questions, delete questions, add questions, search for questions based on a text query string and lastly play the quiz game, randomizing either all questions or within a specific category.

Used tech stack:

  • React Components as frontend (provided by Udacity Team)
  • Python3 and Flask for server language and API development
  • cors to handle access to the API
  • unittest for automated testing of APIs
  • curl to get responses from API
  • to document project setup & API endpoints

Applied concepts:

  • using best-practice PEP8-style to design and structur code
  • test-driven-development (TDD) to rapidly create highly tested & maintainable endpoints.
  • directly test and make response to any endpoint out there with curl.
  • implement errorhandler to format & design appropiate error messages to client
  • becoming aware of the importance of extensive project documentation & testing.
  1. coffee_shop_full_stack -
  • Programmed a backedend application for udacity coffe shop application that utilized third-party validation for user which has different authorities toward application. Display graphics representing the ratios of ingredients in each drink.
  • Allow public users to view drink names and graphics.
  • Allow the shop baristas to see the recipe information.
  • Allow the shop managers to create new drinks and edit existing drinks.
  • Using 'Flask' and 'Auth0', created a Full-Stack App to let Users login to Site & make actions according to their Role & Permission Sets.

Used tech stack:

  • Python3 & Flask for server language and API development
  • SQLAlchemy as ORM / Sqlite as database
  • Ionic to serve and build the frontend (provided by Udacity Team)
  • Auth0 as external Authorization Service & permission creation
  • jose JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption for JWTs. Useful for encoding, decoding, and verifying JWTs.
  • postman to automatize endpoint testing & verification of correct Authorization behaviour.
  1. Server Deployment, Containerization and Testing.

Deployed a Flask API to a Kubernetes cluster using Docker, AWS EKS, CodePipeline, and CodeBuild.

(Application has been teared down after successfull review to avoid incurring additional costs)

Used tech stack:

  • Docker for app containerization & image creation to ensure environment consistency across development and production server
  • AWS EKS & Kubernetes as container orchestration service to allow for horizontal scaling
  • aswscli to interact with AWS Cloud Services
  • ekscli for EKS cluster creation
  • kubectl to interact with kubernetes cluster & pods
  • CodePipeline for Continuous Delivery (CD) & to watch Github Repo for changes
  • CodeBuild for Continuous Integration (CI), together with pytest for automated testing before deployment
  1. Capstone Project
  • Database modeling with postgres & sqlalchemy (see
  • API to performance CRUD Operations on database with Flask (see
  • Automated testing with Unittest (see test_app)
  • Authorization & Role based Authentification with Auth0 (see
  • Deployment on Heroku (see
