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File metadata and controls

118 lines (101 loc) · 5.19 KB


This document details the necessary preparation steps including setting up the environment as well as downloading the data and pre-trained checkpoints.


We recommend setting up the environment with Anaconda and include the following packages:

  • Python 3.8
  • PyTorch 1.10.0
  • Detectron2
  • DenseCRF
  • Other minor dependencies
    • scikit-image 0.19.2
    • scikit-learn 1.1.1
    • setuptools 59.5.0
    • opencv-python

The versions that are used in HASSOD are listed above, but newer versions should work too. You may follow this example to set up the environment:

# Create and activate the environment
conda create -n hassod python=3.8
conda activate hassod

# Install PyTorch (suppose you have CUDA 11.3)
# If your CUDA version is different, check
conda install pytorch==1.10.0 torchvision==0.11.0 torchaudio==0.10.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -c conda-forge

# Install Detectron2 (in your working directory, e.g., HASSOD/third_party)
git clone
pip install -e detectron2

# Install DenseCRF (in your working directory, e.g., HASSOD/third_party)
git clone
pip install -e pydensecrf

# Install other dependencies
pip install scikit-image==0.19.2 scikit-learn==1.1.1
pip install setuptools==59.5.0
pip install opencv-python==


Training Data

The training of HASSOD is performed on MS-COCO. We need to first download the images from both the train split and unlabeled split:

Then unzip the compressed files and put the images into one folder train+unlabeled2017. Also create a folder annotations/hassod in which we will automatically generate (or download) our pseudo-labels later. The organized structure of the data should look like:

|-- datasets
    |-- coco
        |-- train+unlabeled2017
        |   |-- 000000000008.jpg
        |   |-- 000000000009.jpg
        |   |-- 000000000013.jpg
        |   |-- 000000000022.jpg
        |   |-- ...
        |-- annotations
            |-- hassod

To make the training data visible to the detector training code (by Detectron2), create a soft link inside detector_training:

# Suppose you are now in the HASSOD directory
cd detector_training
ln -s ../datasets .

Evaluation Data

We evaluate self-supervised object detectors in a class-agnostic manner. Therefore, we need to convert the original annotation files and consider all object instances as one "object" class. We mainly follow the previous practice of CutLER.

The dataset paths are defined in detector_training/data/datasets/ You may follow these examples to evaluate on other customized datasets.

MS-COCO, LVIS, and Objects365

Please check the data preparation steps.


SA1B contains 11M images randomly split into 1,000 packs. We use the images from the first pack (with index sa_000000.tar) to evaluate object detectors. Download this image pack and uncompress it. Then download our pre-processed annotation file here. The folder structure should look like:

|-- datasets
    |-- SA1B
        |-- images
        |   |-- sa_1.jpg
        |   |-- sa_2.jpg
        |   |-- sa_3.jpg
        |   |-- ...
        |-- annotations
            |-- sa1b_p0_cls_agnostic.json

In the ablation study, we evaluate various models against annotations of MS-COCO and LVIS on the val2017 split, because they are complementary to each other. LVIS uses the same images as MS-COCO, but instead labels more classes of objects non-exhaustively. After combining the two sets of annotations and removing duplicates, there are about 20 annotations per image. In the detector training example we provide, we also evaluate on this "MS-COCO + LVIS" dataset. Download the processed annotation file here and move it into annotations/hassod:

|-- datasets
    |-- coco
        |-- val2017
        |-- annotations
            |-- hassod
                |-- coco+lvis_cls_agnostic_instances_val2017.json

DINO Checkpoints

HASSOD requires DINO pre-trained model checkpoints. Download the ViT-B/8 and ResNet-50 backbones:

Put the checkpoints in a folder checkpoints like this:

|-- checkpoints
    |-- dino_vitbase8_pretrain.pth
    |-- dino_RN50_pretrain_d2_format.pkl