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Location Preferences

Neighborly does not model the exact location of characters, businesses, and residences within the simulated world. Since the simulation progresses in single-month steps, it instead calculates and records the locations that character is most likely to frequent during a given month.

The aside from places like a character's home and work place, other locations are selected to be frequented by a character based on a character's location preferences. Location preferences are rules that a character has that provide numeric scores for how much or how little a character would like to frequent that location. For example, a shopaholic trait might give a character a location preference for businesses with department_store or shop traits.

Location preferences can be added using traits and specified within the effects section of a trait definition. See the example below. Here we define the shopaholic trait and add a new location preference using the AddLocationPreference effect. This effect has two parameters, preconditions and a probability. If the location meets the preconditions, we add the probability value to it's score. The a locations final score is the average of all applied rules including a base score of 0.5. Not able exceptions are when a rule has a probability of 0.0 or < 0. A score of 0 will result in a final score of zero, regardless of the average. This helps to enforce that some characters will never be at a location. And if a rule returns a value less than zero, then the consideration is ignored and not included in the averaging calculations.

    "shopaholic": {
        "display_name": "Shopaholic",
        "effects": [
                "type": "AddLocationPreference",
                "preconditions": [
                        "type": "HasTrait",
                        "trait": "department_store"
                "probability": 0.8

Working with frequented locations in Python

Users can access a character's list of frequented locations by accessing its FrequentedLocations component and they can access a locations collection of characters that frequent it by accessing the locations FrequentedBy component.

If users wish to add, update, or remove a frequented location, please using the helper functions provided in the neighborly.helpers.location module.

How are frequented locations updated during the simulation?

Every timestep character consider new locations to frequent. By default, characters maintain a maximum of five frequented locations. They can lose locations when a business goes permanently out of business. The built-in UpdateFrequentedLocationsSystem handles all the logistics of ensuring characters maintain a fresh set of locations.

How are frequented location used?

Neighborly uses frequented locations to sample what other characters are available to form relationships when characters meet new people outside of work or home. Ever timestep there is a probability that a character will start a new relationship with someone else who shares a common frequented location. This is all implemented within the built-in MeetNewPeopleSystem.

Why not have characters move based on routines?

Moving characters between discrete locations slowed the runtime of the simulation as every character had to consult a schedule for where they needed to be. So, for performance reasons, this was cut from the simulation.