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JSONSchema static validation

JSONSchema is a swift framework that allows add support for json serialization to your models in a safe manner.

JSON Schema standard

The core of JSONSchema is a standard used for validation json data defined called json schema. The idea behind it is defining the schema for json structure (which includes attributes names, their types and values validation rules) in a separate json document. Having json schema defined enables to run it's validation check against any arbitrary json data and tell if it matches or not.

JSONSchema overview

JSONSchema framework provides a way to define json schema in a typesafe manner (as opposed to having schema defined as another json document, thus unsafe) as well it adds some basic unboxing mechanics. Framework also provides better abstraction for parsed json data (better than [String: Any] provided by NSJSONSerialization) — JSONValue and JSONObject.

Basic definitions

Framework consists of several parts which are the following:


Adds thin layer of abstraction for any arbitrary json data. Represented as enum defining all basic json primitives: null, bool, string, number, array, object. JSONObject is a convenience typealias for [String: JSONValue], also has convenience initializer for any untyped dictionary that usually comes out of NSJSONSerialization. Since untyped dictionary can theoretically contain non-json data, JSONObject initializer is failable.


This is a core of a framework. JSONSchemaType is starting point for providing Schema definition. It's a protocol that your custom schema type has to implement in order for the type to be used as schema definition.


Defines a mix-in interface that any model type can adopt to start supporting json de-serialization using schema validation. Types adopting this protocol must provide associated schema type and the routine to unwrap data from json data object, that is called after validation successfully completed.

Schema validation DSL

In order to build validation rules a set of functions is provided forming a kind of DSL that looks very closely to how validation rules are defined in json schema.


Suppose you have a type representing model object like following:

struct MyModel {
    var boolField: Bool
    var stringField: String
    var arrayField: [Int]

in order to add json schema validation to this type you adopt SafeJSONSerializable protocol and define schema and de-serializaion routine:

extension MyModel: SafeJSONSerializable {
    struct Schema: JSONSchemaType {
        enum PropertyName: String {
            case bool_field
            case string_field
            case array_field
        let required: [PropertyName] = [.bool_field]
        var properties: [PropertyName : JSONValueValidator] {
            return [
                .bool_field: bool(),
                .string_field: string(
                    length(min: 10, max: 50)
                .array_field: array(

    public static func fromValidatedJSON(json: [Schema.PropertyName : Any]) throws -> MyModel {
        let boolField = (json[.bool_field] as! Bool)
        let stringField = json[.string_field] as? String
        let arrayField = (json[.array_field] as? [JSONValue]).flatMap { $ { $0.asString() }}

        return MyModel(boolField: boolField,
                    stringField: stringField,
                    arrayField: arrayField

Notice how we unwrapping validated json data. First, we have values already unwrapped from JSONValue for primitives (except arrays and objects) as we can force cast boolField because it was explicitly marked as required in schema (which means it is guaranteed for the attribute to be present and be of that expected type.) Also note, values in this json is only unwrapped on upper level. If there nested values, like array of JSONValue, or JSONObject — only container is unwrapped, and instead of .array([JSONValue]) you will receive [JSONValue].

In order to construct model object defined as described above, follow this:

let data: [String: Any] = ... //use NSJSONSerialization here
let jsonData = try! JSONObject(raw: data)
let model = try! MyModel.fromJSON(json: jsonData)

Validators DSL reference

Here is the list of available DSL validators:

Type validators

these make sure that value matches type

  • null, number, string, bool, object, array

String validators

  • format matches built-in format, currently supported: email, datetime
  • pattern that takes regular expression to match against
  • length validates length of a string to match min and max values
  • enum checks if value is within given list

Number validators

  • value checks if value is within given range
  • multipleOf checks if value is of given multiple

Array specific validators

  • items take generic json value validator to check array members against
  • length checks that array's count of items is within range
  • unique checks of there are no duplicates in the array

Combinatoric validators

Logical combination of given set of validators.

  • allOf
  • anyOf
  • oneOf
  • noneOf


JSONSchema created by Sergey Gavrilyuk @octogavrix.


JSONSchema is distributed under MIT license. See LICENSE for more info.


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