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Installing the embedded Node.js application

This document contains steps on how to setup and install the embedded Node.js application to your Shopify store. Each step begins with a reason for why we're doing that step (usually written like this), then some instructions for the reader to perform.

Table of contents

  1. Clone the repo and install Node.js dependencies
  2. Create an app in your Partner account
  3. Connect to the app with the Shopify CLI
  4. Update API Scopes
  5. Start the application locally
  6. Update allowed redirection URLs
  7. Set up the App Proxy extension
  8. Install the app in your test store
  9. Verify the embedded app is running


📖 We recommend going through the entirety of our Apps overview guide before going through this tutorial.

Shopify Account Requirements

Framework and Tools Requirements

  • Install Node.js on your machine.
  • Install ngrok, in order to create a secure tunnel to your app running on your machine.
  • Install the Shopify App CLI.

This sample application has been written and tested with Node.js v14 and v16. There are known problems with v17.

1. Clone the repo and install Node.js dependencies

To run this application locally we to get the source code and install the libraries it uses. Let's do that in this step.

Launch a terminal and clone this repo:

git clone
cd product-reviews-sample-app

And install the Node.js dependencies:

npm install

2. Create an app in your Partner account

Once we have an application running locally we'll need to make sure Shopify knows about the application too. This step goes through steps for setting up an application with Shopify Partners, a platform where all app developers must register their applications.

  • Visit your Partner Account dashboard.
  • Go to the Apps page and click Create App.
  • Select Public App, and choose a name for your app.
  • In the App URL field enter any url for now (e.g: https://localhost:3000/), as this will be automatically updated in the next step.
  • Do the same for Allowed redirection URL(s), except add /auth/callback to the path like so: https://localhost:3000/auth/callback.
  • Click Create App to confirm.

create app

Having issues? Check out these our documentation on creating apps.

3. Connect to the app with the Shopify CLI

It's now time to connect the two previous steps. We'll make the code we have locally be associated with the application that we just registered through the Shopify Partner's platform.

Back in a terminal, run the shopify login command to log into your Partner Account. A URL will print to the terminal, open it in a browser to authenticate.

shopify login
# optionally pass `--shop=YOUR_SHOP` flag to specify your test store

Run the shopify app connect command to associate the local code to the newly created app:

shopify app connect

You will be prompted to answer the following questions:

  • To which app does this project belong? (Select the app you just created in your partner account dashboard).
  • Which development store would you like to use? (This will only appear if you did not use the --shop flag above).

What just happened?

A crucial step happens behind the scenes when the shopify app connect is run successfully. This step will automatically create a .env file in the project root. The file will have a SHOPIFY_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_API_SECRET, SHOP and SCOPES values. The SHOPIFY_API_KEY and SHOPIFY_API_SECRET can also be found in the app settings of your Partner account. SCOPES are set to default values. See the documentation on access scopes for the list of scope options.

4. Update API Scopes

The application we're building will need additional permissions than the default given when creating an app. For that reason we need to edit the .env files.

Open the .env file using your favorite editor and add read_themes to the SCOPES variable. This is needed so the app can check if a merchant's theme supports App Blocks. Here's what a .env file should look like:

SHOPIFY_API_KEY=<Your app API key. You can find this in your partner dashboard>
SHOPIFY_API_SECRET=<Your app API secret You can find this in your partner dashboard>
SHOP=<Your shop where you test this app>

5. Start the application locally

It's finally time to start running our application locally. Under the covers this will use ngrok to start a tunnel so the locally run application can be reached from the wider internet.

To start the server, run the shopify app serve command and answer the prompts:

shopify app serve
  • Do you want to convert <your-store> to a development store? (Choose yes)
  • Do you want to update your application url? (Choose "yes")

❕ This step will automatically add a HOST key to your .env file. It will match the URL of the ngrok tunnel was created when you ran the last command. The command will also update the app URLs in the partner dashboard.

6. Update allowed redirection URLs

Before we install the application we need to ensure the allowed redirection URL in the application's configuration is correct. Not having these values set up correctly will result in an installation failure as the OAuth handshake will not succeed.

From the Partner Dashboard, navigate to the app setup by going to: Apps > Your App > App setup.

The App URL should now match the tunnel URL.


The Allowed redirection URL(s) should be updated and match the example below:


And then click Save.

7. Set up the App Proxy extension

As a best-practise we want to ensure traffic to our application is coming from Shopify storefronts, to do that we need to set up an app proxy.

To configure the App Proxy extension follow the steps below.

  1. From your Partner Dashboard, click Apps.

  2. Click the name of your app.

  3. Click App setup.

  4. Navigate to the App proxy section.

  5. In the App proxy section, add the following:

    • Subpath prefix: apps
    • Subpath: prapp
    • Proxy URL: {YOUR_TUNNEL_URL/api}
  6. Click Save.

8. Install the app in your test store

With our application running locally and configured correctly we can now install the application on our test store.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Go back to the terminal and you will see that there was a URL printed after you ran shopify app serve. Visit this URL and you will be prompted to install the app on your test store. The URL will look like the example below, note the auth route in the URL.



  1. Click on the Test you app button on the app page of the Partner Dashboard to start the install process.

9. Verify the embedded app is running

To verify that the embedded app is running navigate to your test shop > apps > your app name. From there you'll be presented with an option to create reviews. Click on the Create Review button and start reviewing your products. By default all reviews will be in an unpublished state. From this view you'll also have the ability to publish reviews so they appear on the online store.


Congratulations! If you've reached this step you've deployed the product reviews application. Go to the next step, Adding a Theme Extension, to extend your online store to see reviews on product pages.