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Defense Against Adversarial Attacks using Convolutional Auto-Encoders

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Table of Contents
  1. About
  2. Usage Instructions
  3. Results
  4. Citation


Deep learning models, while achieving state-of-the-art performance on many tasks, are susceptible to adversarial attacks that exploit inherent vulnerabilities in their architectures. Adversarial attacks manipulate the input data with imperceptible perturbations, causing the model to misclassify the data or produce erroneous outputs. Szegedy et al. ( discovered that Deep Neural Network models can be manipulated into making wrong predictions by adding small perturbations to the input image.


Fig 1: Szegedy et al. were able to fool AlexNet by classifying a perturbed image of a dog into an ostrich

An U-shaped convolutional auto-encoder is used to reconstruct original input from the adversarial images generated by FGSM and PGD attacks, effectively removing the adversarial perturbations. The goal of the autoencoder network is to minimise the mean squared error loss between the original unperturbed image and the reconstructed image, which is generated using an adversarial example. While doing so, a random Gaussian noise is added after encoding the image so as to make the model more robust. The idea behind adding the noise is to perturb the latent representation by a small magnitude, and then decode the perturbed latent representation, akin to how the adversarial examples are generated in the first place.

Fig 2: Architecture of the proposed Convolutional AutoEncoder

Usage Instructions

Project Structure

📂 Adversarial-Defense
|_📁 AElib                   
  |_📄                # VGG16 architecture for training on MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets
  |_📄        # Architecture of Convolutional AutoEncoder with GELU activation
  |_📄              # Utility functions
  |_📄            # Implementation of PGD and FGSM Attacks
|_📁 images
|_📁 models                  # Trained VGG16 models and the AutoEncoder models for different attacks and datasets
|_📁 notebooks               # Jupyter notebooks containing detailed explanations with visualisations
  |_📄 fgsm-attack-on-mnist-and-fashion-mnist-dataset.ipynb
  |_📄 pgd-attack-on-mnist-and-fashion-mnist.ipynb
  |_📄 vgg16-on-mnist-and-fashion-mnist.ipynb
  |_📄 defense-against-adversarial-attacks-autoencoder.ipynb
|_📄       # Applying Adversarial attacks on the desired dataset
|_📄          # Training VGG16 for multi-class classification
|_📄 requirements.txt  
|_📄          # Training and Testing AutoEncoder for Adversarial Defense
|_📄 .gitignore

If you are more comfortable with Jupyter notebooks, you can refer to the notebooks folder in this repository :)

Install dependencies

Run the following command -

pip install -r requirements.txt

Since the pre-trained VGG16 models were of large size, they were not uploaded in this repository. You can download them from here -

IMP: This project uses GPU to train and test the models.

To test the availability of GPU, run the following command - !nvidia-smi
If you see an output like this, you are good to go :)

| NVIDIA-SMI 535.104.05             Driver Version: 535.104.05   CUDA Version: 12.2     |
| GPU  Name                 Persistence-M | Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp   Perf          Pwr:Usage/Cap |         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                                         |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  Tesla T4                       Off | 00000000:00:04.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   38C    P8               9W /  70W |      0MiB / 15360MiB |      0%      Default |
|                                         |                      |                  N/A |
| Processes:                                                                            |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                            GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                             Usage      |
|  No running processes found                                                           |

Train VGG16

VGG16 is one of the popular algorithms for image classification and is easy to use with transfer learning.


Fig 3: VGG16 Architecture

Run the following command to train the VGG16 model from scratch -

!python [-h] [--dataset {mnist,fashion-mnist}] [--lr LR] [--epochs EPOCHS]
  1. --dataset argument to use the dataset of your choice from MNIST dataset or Fashion MNIST dataset. (default is MNIST)
  2. --lr argument to set the learning rate (default is 0.001)
  3. --epochs argument to set the number of epochs (default is 10)

You can also use the -h command to refer to the documentation.

Example Usage : !python --dataset mnist --lr 0.0001 --epochs 20

More information about this can also be found here -

Adverse Attacks

This project supports two types of attacks :

  1. FGSM (Fast Gradient Sign Method) Adversarial Attack (
  2. PGD (Projected Gradient Descent) Attack (

To apply attack to any dataset, use the following command -

!python [-h] [--attack {fgsm,pgd}] [--dataset {mnist,fashion-mnist}]
                          [--epsilon EPSILON]
  1. --attack argument to set the type of attack from PGD or FGSM (default is PGD since it is a stronger attack)
  2. --dataset argument to use the dataset of your choice from MNIST dataset or Fashion MNIST dataset. (default is MNIST)
  3. --epsilon argument to determine the strength of the attack. If FGSM attack is used, keep this value in the range [0, 0.8]. If PGD attack is used, keep this value in the range [0, 0.3].

You can also use the -h command to refer to the documentation.

Example Usage : !python --attack pgd --dataset fashion-mnist --epsilon 0.3

The higher the epsilon (ε) value, the stronger is the attack. As evident from Fig 4, using large epsilon (ε) values (here 1.0) leads to corruption of the label semantics making it impossible to retrieve the original image. Hence, it is recommended to keep the ε below 1.0

attack-mnist-1 0-1

Fig 4: FSM Attack (ε = 1.0) on the MNIST dataset

Since the PGD attacked adversarial examples are more natural-looking as seen in Fig 5, I have created a dataset with the adversarial examples for the MNIST Dataset. Feel free to play around with it :)

attack-fashion-mnist-0 3-1

Fig 5: PGD Attack (ε = 0.3) on the Fashion MNIST dataset

Link to Dataset -

Train and Test AutoEncoder

Use the following command to train the autoencoder model from scratch -

!python [-h] [--attack {fgsm,pgd}]
                       [--dataset {mnist,fashion-mnist}]
                       --action train
                       [--use_pretrained {True,False}] [--epsilon EPSILON]
                       [--epochs EPOCHS]

Use the following command to test the model -

!python [-h] [--attack {fgsm,pgd}]
                       [--dataset {mnist,fashion-mnist}]
                       --action test
                       --use_pretrained True
  1. --attack argument to set the type of attack from PGD or FGSM (default is PGD since it is a stronger attack)
  2. --dataset argument to use the dataset of your choice from MNIST dataset or Fashion MNIST dataset. (default is MNIST)
  3. --action argument is to either train the model or test a pre-trained model.
  4. --use_pretrained argument is set to True if you want to test your model or train a model from an existing pre-trained model
  5. --epsilon argument to determine the strength of the attack (only during training)
  6. --epochs argument to set the number of epochs (only during training)

Example Usages:

  1. !python --attack fgsm --dataset fashion-mnist --action train --use_pretrained False --epsilon 0.6 --epochs 10
  2. !python --attack pgd --dataset mnist --action test --use_pretrained True

More details can be found here -


The AutoEncoder successfully reconstructs the images almost similar to the original images as shown below -



Fig 6: Comparison of the adversarial image, reconstructed image and the original image

The accuracy of the pre-trained VGG-16 classifier on the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST dataset with FGSM attack increases by 65.61% and 59.76% respectively. For the PGD attack, the accuracy increases by 89.88% and 43.49%. This shows the efficacy of our model in defending the adversarial attacks with high accuracy.

Attack Accuracy (w/o defense) Accuracy (with defense)
FGSM (ε = 0.60) 0.2648 0.1417 0.9209 0.7393
PGD (ε = 0.15) 0.0418 0.2942 0.9406 0.7291


Please cite this paper as -

Mandal, Shreyasi. "Defense Against Adversarial Attacks using
Convolutional Auto-Encoders." arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03520 (2023).