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1443 lines (1141 loc) · 57 KB

Release 1.14.0 (Brazil)

Released on 2014-08-20

The highlights of this release are:

  • Support for storing binary data
  • Seamless database migration
  • Support for Python 3


Backwards-compatible changes

Data files from RethinkDB versions 1.13.0 onward will be automatically migrated to version 1.14.x. As with any major release, back up your data files before performing the upgrade. If you are upgrading from a release earlier than 1.13.0, follow the migration instructions before upgrading:

Secondary indexes now use a new format; old indexes will continue to work, but you should rebuild indexes after upgrading to 1.14.x. A warning about outdated indexes will be issued on startup.

Indexes can be migrated to the new format with the rethinkdb index-rebuild utility. Consult the troubleshooting document for more information:

API-breaking changes

The return_vals optional argument for insert, delete and update has been changed to return_changes, and works with all write operations (previously, this only worked with single-document writes). The returned object is in a new format that is backwards-incompatible with previous versions. Consult the API documentation for these commands for details:

The upsert optional argument to insert has been replaced with conflict and new allowed values of error, replace or update. This is a backwards-incompatible change. Consult the API documentation for more information.

New features

  • Server
    • Return old/new values for multi-row write operations (#1382)
    • upsert replaced with conflict argument for insert (#1838)
    • Added binary data type support via binary (#137, #2612, #2931)
    • binary_format="raw" added to run (#2762)
    • Secondary indexes can be renamed with index_rename (#2794)
    • Secondary indexes can be duplicated (#2797)
    • Out of date secondary indexes logged on startup (#2798)
    • r.http can return a binary object (#2806)
  • Python driver
    • Added Python 3 support (#2502)
  • Data Explorer
    • Support for displaying binary types (#2804, #2865)


  • Server
    • Server names now default to the hostname of the machine (#236, #2548)
    • distinct is faster and now works on indexes (#1864)
    • Improve secondary index queue handling (#1947)
    • The array limit is now configurable (#2059)
    • Allow initializing an empty directory (#2359)
    • Max number of extprocs raised (#2391, #2584)
    • Argument count errors are prettier (#2568)
    • Better error reporting in r.js (#2748)
    • index_status provides more info (#2791)
  • Command line
    • Table names in the CLI are disambiguated (#2360, #2550)
  • Python driver
    • Cleanup unneeded files (#2610)
    • Documentation examples are now PEP8 compliant (#2534)
  • Testing
    • Polyglot targets for Ruby 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, 2.1 (#773)
    • Multiple versions of Python can be tested simultaneously
  • Web UI
    • Added a notification and helpful message for out-of-date secondary indexes (#2799)

Fixed bugs

  • Server
    • --runuser and --rungroup set proper permissions when used with rethinkdb create (#1722)
    • Improved behavior and error messages for write acks (#2039)
    • Fix getaddrinfo error handling (#2110)
    • Fix a bug with machine name generation (#2552, #2569)
    • Fix a bug when compiling on GCC 4.7.2 (#2572)
    • Fix memory corruption error (#2589)
    • Fix stream cache error (#2607)
    • Fix linking issue with RE2 (#2685)
    • Miscellaneous build fixes (#2666, #2827)
    • Fix rare conflict bug in cluster config (#2738)
    • Fix variable initialization error (#2741)
    • Fix bug in RPCSemilatticeTest.MetadataExchange (#2758)
    • Changefeeds work on multiple joined servers (#2761)
    • Secondary index functions ignore global optargs (#2767)
    • Secondary indexes sort correctly (#2774, #2789)
    • Fix crashing bug with undefined ordering (#2777)
    • Fix dependency includes in Makefile (#2779)
    • Convert query_params to a map (#2812)
    • Convert header_lines into a map (#2818)
    • Improve robustness with big documents (#2832)
    • Wipe out old secondary index tree when post-constructing (#2925)
    • Preliminary fix for web permission issues on CentOS (#2927)
  • ReQL
    • Fix a bug in delete_at (#2696)
    • insert and splice now check array size limit (#2697)
    • Fix error in undocumented batch_conf option (#2709)
  • Web UI
    • Improve interval notation for shard boundaries (#2081, #2635)
    • The Data Explorer now remembers the current query on disconnects (#2460)
    • The Data Explorer now hides overflowing text in its popup containers (#2593)
  • Testing
    • Miscellaneous testing improvements (#2396, #2583, #2760, #2787, #2788, #2795)
    • Update testing scripts for drivers (#2815)
  • Python driver
    • Make all and any behave like and_ and or_ (#2659)
    • Use os.path.splitext to check file extensions (#2681)
  • JavaScript driver
    • Return errors rather than throw them (#2852, #2883)


Many thanks to external contributors from the RethinkDB community for helping us ship RethinkDB 1.14. In no particular order:

  • James Costian (@jamescostian)
  • Ed Rooth (@sym3tri)
  • Cole Gleason (@colegleason)
  • Mikhail Goncharov (@metaflow)
  • Elian Gidoni (@eliangidoni)
  • Ivan Fraixedes (@ifraixedes)
  • Brett Griffin (@brettgriffin)
  • Ed Costello (@epc)
  • Juuso Haavisto (@9uuso)
  • Nick Verlinde (@npiv)
  • Ayman Mackouly (@1N50MN14)
  • Adam Grandquist (@grandquista)


Release 1.13.4 (My Name is Nobody)

Released on 2014-08-14

Bug fix update.

  • Resolved several memory leaks (#2899, #2840, #2744)
  • Added a --temp-dir option to rethinkdb dump and rethinkdb restore (#2783)
  • The batchConf argument to run now works in the JavaScript driver (#2707)
  • Fixed the Accept-Encoding header sent by r.http (#2695)
  • Improved the performance of inserting large objects from the JavaScript driver (#2641)
  • cursor.close now takes a callback in the JavaScript driver (#2591)
  • Fixed a bug that caused illegal to destroy fifo_enforcer_sink_t errors (#2264)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Assertion failed: [!parent->draining.is_pulsed()] errors (#2811)
  • Improved the error message when running into version incompatibilities (#2657)
  • Improved the garbage collection for r.js (#2642)


Release 1.13.3 (My Name is Nobody)

Released on 2014-07-07

Bug fix update.

  • Fix a compiler warning: cluster_version may be used uninitialized (#2640)
  • Fix code that used std::move twice on the same object (#2638)
  • Prepare for live cluster upgrades (#2563)
  • Fix a bug that could lead to inconsistent data (#2579)


Release 1.13.1 (My Name is Nobody)

Released on 2014-06-26

Bug fix update.

  • Fixed a bug that caused Assertion failed: [ptr_] errors when shutting down (#2594)
  • Fixed a performance issue in the JSON parser (#2585)
  • The JavaScript driver no longer buffers change feeds (#2582)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Uncaught exception of type "cannot_perform_query_exc_t" errors (#2576)
  • No longer crash when a secondary index is named primary (#2575)
  • Queries that return null are now handled correctly in the Data Explorer (#2573)
  • r.http now properly parses headers when following a redirection (#2556)
  • Improved the performance of write operations on sharded tables (#2551)
  • Fixed a bug that caused r.js to crash in certain circumstances (#2435)
  • Correctly handle EPIPE errors when connecting to an old version of the server (#2422)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Could not bind socket errors when using --bind (#2405)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Failed to parse as valid uuid errors (#2401)
  • Improved the bad magic number error message (#2302)
  • default now catches index out of bounds errors on streams (#1922)
  • Improved arity error messages in the JavaScript driver (#2449)


Release 1.13.0 (My Name is Nobody)

Released on 2014-06-13

The highlights of this release are the r.http command for external data access, change feed support via the new changes command, and full support for Node.js promises in the JavaScript driver.


This release is not compatible with data files from earlier releases. If you have data you want to migrate from an older version of RethinkDB, please follow the migration instructions before upgrading:

There are also some backwards incompatible changes in the JavaScript driver.

  • The hasNext command for cursors has been removed. next can be used instead.

New features

  • ReQL
    • Added r.random for generating random numbers (#865)
    • Made the second argument to slice optional (#2048)
    • eq_join now accepts a function as its first argument, and does not fail if the field doesn't exist (#1764)
    • nth can now return a selection, just like get (#348)
    • Improved the master not available error message (#1811)
    • Switched to the JSON protocol in the Ruby, JavaScript and Python drivers (#2224, #2390)
    • Added the changes command for creating live change feeds (#997)
    • Added r.args to allow specifying a dynamic number of arguments to commands such as get_all (#1854)
    • Added r.http for interfacing with external APIs (#1383)
  • Server
    • Added a JSON protocol to replace the protobuf protocol, which is now deprecated (#1868)
    • Added a README describing the structure of the src/ folder (#2301)
    • Switched to manual versioning of the intra-cluster protocol (#2295)
    • Made the serialization format version-aware (#2308, #2353)
    • Improved the error message when running out of disk space (#1945)
  • JavaScript driver
    • Added support for promises (using bluebird) (#1395)
    • Removed the hasNext command (#2497)
    • Added the on, once, removeListener and removeAllListeners methods to cursors (#2223)
    • The first argument to r.connect has been made optional (#2273)
  • Tests
    • Improved the run-test script and ported it to Python (#2235)
    • Improved the ReQL tests (#1402)
  • Build
    • Symbol files are now generated (#2330)
    • Build with debugging symbols by default (#2323)
    • Added a signature to the OS X package (#1565)
    • Dropped support for GCC 4.4 (#1748)
    • Added an explicit dependency on Python 2 in the configure script (#2478)
    • Added a dependency on libcurl (#2400)

Improved performance

  • Server
    • Allocate smaller pages in the cache (#2130)
    • Reduce overhead by handling requests locally on the primary if possible (#2083)
    • Adjusted the value of chunk_processing_semaphore (#2392)
    • Improved backfilling on rotational drives (#2393)
    • Metadata is no longer copied when evaluating r.db (#1907)
    • No longer update the stat block when updating secondary indexes (#2431)
    • Block writes are better combined in the cache (#2127)
    • Concurrent garbage collection to improve disk space efficiency (#2457)
  • Testing
    • Added automated performance regression tests (#1963)

Fixed bugs

  • Server
    • Fixed the threaded coroutine implementation (#2168, #2332)
    • HTTP 500 errors are now accompanied by an error message (#511)
    • Got rid of vestigial memcache support (#803)
    • Made order_by and other sortings be stable (#2155)
    • Cleaned up blob_t code to make it more reliable (#2227)
    • Fixed a bug that caused crashes when dropping secondary indexes under load (#2251)
    • Fixed a bug in the JSON parsing code that caused a crash (#2489)
    • Fixed a bug that could cause segfaults (#2491)
    • Avoid high memory consumption on startup (#2329)
    • Disabled Nagle algorithm for outgoing TCP connections (#2529)
    • Remove some potentially objectionable server names (#2468)
    • Fixed a bug that caused Callstack overflow in a coroutine errors (#2357)
    • Merged upstream fixes to cJSON (#2496)
    • Fixed a bug that could cause a segmentation fault (#2500)
    • Fixed a bug in the serializer garbage byte calculation (#2541)
  • ReQL
    • Added the database name to error messages (#2280)
    • No longer report run-time errors as client errors (#1908)
    • Arguments to r.expr are now properly validated (#2384)
    • No longer crash when r.js returns a bad datum (#2409)
    • Fixed handling of global optargs (#2525)
  • Ruby driver
    • Ignore close errors when reconnecting (#2276)
    • Fixed conflicts with active support (#2284)
    • Added a missing nesting_depth argument to r.expr (#2408)
    • Modified the driver to work with JRuby (#2296)
    • The driver now prefetches cursor data (#2373)
  • JavaScript driver
    • Improved the variable names in error messages (#2461)
  • Web UI
    • Fixed a bug that caused JavaScript exceptions (#2503)
    • Fixed the per-server document count (#1836)
    • The database name is now shown on the table page (#2366)
    • Removed the inconsistent green tick next to the secondary index status (#2084)
    • Fixed email highlighting (#2378)
    • Large responses no longer cause the Data Explorer to become unresponsive (#2481)
    • Fixed a bug triggered by clearing the Data Explorer history (#2389)
  • Tests
    • Converted the memcache tests to use ReQL (#803)


Many thanks to external contributors from the RethinkDB community for helping us ship RethinkDB 1.13. In no particular order:

  • Liu Aleaxander (@Aleaxander)
  • Nicolas Viennot (@nviennot)
  • Elian Gidoni (@eliangidoni)
  • Matthew Frazier (@leafstorm)
  • Masatoshi Ishida (@Masatoshi)


Release 1.12.5 (The Wizard of Oz)

Released on 2014-05-21

Bug fix update.

  • Fixed a bug that caused Guarantee failed: [!mod_info->deleted.second.empty() && mod_info->added.second.empty()] errors (#2285)
  • Fixed the behaviour of order_by following between (#2307)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Deserialization of rdb value failed with error archive_result_t::RANGE_ERROR errors (#2399)
  • JavaScript driver: reduce no longer accepts the base argument (#2288)
  • Python driver: improved the error message when a cursor's connection is closed (#2291)
  • Python driver: improved the implementation of cursors (#2364, #2337)


Release 1.12.4 (The Wizard of Oz)

Released on 2014-04-22

Bug fix update.

  • Fixed a bug that caused Assertion failed: [page->is_disk_backed()] errors (#2260)
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect query results and frequent server crashes under low memory conditions (#2237)


Release 1.12.3 (The Wizard of Oz)

Released on 2014-04-17

Bug fix update.

  • Compilation no longer fails with SEMANTIC_SERIALIZER_CHECK=1 (#2239)
  • Identical --join options no longer cause a crash (#2219)
  • Fixed a race condition in the Ruby driver (#2194)
  • Concurrent backfills are now limited to 4 per peer and 12 total (#2211)
  • Failure to fsync a directory is now a warning instead of an error (#2255)
  • Packages are now available for Ubuntu 14.04, codename Trusty Tahr (#2101)


Release 1.12.2 (The Wizard of Oz)

Released on 2014-04-08

Bug fix update.

  • Fixed a bug that caused illegal to destroy fifo_enforcer_sink_t errors (#2092)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Guarantee failed: [resp != __null] errors (#2214)
  • Fixed a bug that caused Segmentation fault errors (#2222)
  • Use less memory for common operations (#2164, #2213)
  • Ruby 2.1.1 support (#2177)
  • Fixed the PageTest unit test (#2187)
  • Updated the documentation (#2197)
  • Updated the sample config file (#2205)


Release 1.12.1 (The Wizard of Oz)

Released on 2014-03-27

Bug fix update.

  • Fixed crash at line 124: Guarantee failed: [initialized_] (#2182)
  • Fixed index_wait which did not always work (#2170, #2179)
  • Fixed a segmentation fault (#2178)
  • Added a --hard-durability option to import/restore
  • Changed the default --cache-size to be more friendly towards machines with less free RAM
  • Changed tables to scale their soft durability throttling based on their cache size
  • Fixed some build failures (#2183, #2174)
  • Fixed the Centos i686 packages (#2176)


Release 1.12.0 (The Wizard of Oz)

Released on 2014-03-26

The highlights of this release are a simplified map/reduce, an experimental ARM port, and a new caching infrastructure.


This release is not compatible with data files from earlier releases. If you have data you want to migrate from an older version of RethinkDB, please follow the migration instructions before upgrading:

There are also some backwards incompatible changes in ReQL, the query language.

  • grouped_map_reduce and group_by were replaced by group
  • reduce no longer takes a base argument; use default instead
  • table_create no longer takes a cache_size argument
  • In JavaScript, the calling convention for run has changed.

New features

  • Server
    • Added support for the ARM architecture (#1625)
    • Added per-instance cache quota and removed per-table quotas (#97)
      • Added a --cache-size command line option that sets the cache size in MiB for a single instance
      • Removed the cache_size optional argument for table_create
    • Wrote a new and improved cache (#1642)
    • Added gzip compression to the built-in web server (#1746)
  • ReQL
    • merge now accepts functions as an argument (#1345)
    • Added an object command to build objects from dynamic field names (#1857)
    • Removed the optional base argument to reduce (#888)
    • Added a split command to split strings (#1099)
    • Added upcase and downcase commands to change the case of a string (#874)
    • Change how aggregation and grouping is performed (#1096)
      • Removed grouped_map_reduce and groupBy
      • Added group and ungroup
      • Changed the behavior of count, sum and avg and added max and min
  • Web UI
    • Display index status and progress bars in the web UI (#1614)

Improved performance

  • Server
    • Improved the scalability of meta operations (such as table creation) to allow for more nodes in a cluster (#1648)
    • Changed the CPU sharding factor to 8 for improved multi-core scalability (#1043)
    • Batch sizes now scale better, which speeds up operations like limit (#1786)
    • Tweaked batch sizes to avoid computing unused results (#1962)
    • Improved throttling and LBA garbage collection to avoid stalls in query throughput (#1820)
    • Many optimizations to avoid having the web UI time out when the server is under load (#1183)
    • Improved backfill performance by using batches for sending and inserting data (#1971)
    • Reduced wasteful copies when serializing (#1431)
    • Evaluating queries now yields occasionally to avoid timeouts (#1631)
    • Reduced performance impact of backfilling on other queries (#2071)
  • Web UI
    • Improved how the web UI handles large clusters with many tables (#1662)
  • Ruby driver
    • Removed inefficient construction-location backtraces (#1843)
  • Tests
    • Added automated performance tests (#1806)

Fixed bugs

  • Server
    • Improved the code to avoid heartbeat timeout errors when resharding (#1708)
    • Resharding one table no longer makes other tables unavailable (#1751)
    • Improved the blueprint suggester to distribute shards more evenly (#344)
    • Queries from the data explorer are now interruptible (#1888)
    • No longer fail if IPv6 is not available (#1925)
    • Added support for the new v8 scope API (#1510)
    • Coroutine stacks now freed to reduce memory consumption (#1670)
    • Added range get, backfill and secondary index reads to the stats (#660)
    • r.table(...).count() no longer stalls inserts (#1870)
    • Fixed crashes when adding a secondary index (#1621, #1437)
    • Improve the handling of out-of-memory conditions (#2003)
    • Secondary index construction is now reported as a write operation in the stats (#1953)
    • Fixed a crash that occasionally happened during replication (#1389)
    • linux_file_t::set_size no longer makes blocking syscalls (#265)
    • Fixed a crash caught by the unit tests (#1084)
  • Command line
    • rethinkdb admin now prints warnings to stderr instead of stdout (#1316)
    • The import and export scripts now display a row count when done (#1659)
    • Added support for log_file and no_direct_io in the init script (#1769, #1892)
    • Do not display a stack trace for regular errors printed by the backup scripts (#2098)
    • rethinkdb export no longer fails when there are no tables (#1904)
    • rethinkdb import no longer tries to parse CSV files as JSON (#2097)
  • Web UI
    • No longer display wrong number of rows when a string is returned (#1669)
    • The data explorer now properly closes cursors (#1569)
    • The data explorer now displays empty tables correctly (#1698)
    • Links are now relative so they can be proxied from a subdirectory (#1791)
    • The server time reported by the profiler is now accurate (#1784)
    • Improved the flow for removing dead servers (#1366)
    • No longer lower replicas to 0 if the datacenter is primary (#1834)
    • Now displays consistent availability information (#1756)
    • Fixed a XSS security issue (#2018)
    • Changing the number of acks no longer displays the sharding bar (#2023)
    • The backfilling progress bar doesn't disappear when refreshing the page (#1997)
    • Correctly handle newlines in the data explorer (#2021)
    • Sort the table list in alphabetical order (#1704)
    • Added mouseover text to the query execution time (#1940)
    • The replication status no longer blinks (#2019)
    • Fix inconsistencies in dates caused by DST (#2047)
  • Ruby driver
    • Added a missing close method on cursors (#1568)
    • Improved conflict handling (#1814)
    • Use define_method instead of method_missing, which improves compatibility with Sinatra (#1896)
  • Python driver
    • Improved the quality of the generated documentation (#1729)
    • Added missing and_ and or_ and a warning for misuse of | and & (#1582)
    • Added support for r.row in eq_join (#1810)
    • Added a detailed error message when brackets are not used properly (#1434)
    • count with an argument now behaves correctly (#1992)
    • Added missing get_field command (#1941)
  • JavaScript driver
    • Added support for r.row in eqJoin (#1810)
    • Timeout events on the socket are now handled correctly (#1909)
    • No longer use the deprecated ArrayBuffer API (#1803)
    • Fix backtraces for optional arguments (#1935)
    • Changed the syntax of run (#1890)
    • Exposed the error constructors (#1926)
    • Fixed the string representation of functions (#1919, #1894)
    • Backtrace printing now works correctly for both protobufjs and node-protobuf (#1879)
    • No longer extend Array.prototype (#2112)
  • Build
    • ./configure now checks for boost and can fetch it if it is not installed (#1699)
    • The source distribution now includes the v8 source (#1844)
    • Use Python 2 to build v8 (#1873)
    • Improved how the build system fetches and builds external packages, and changed the default to not fetch anything (#1231)


  • Support for Ubuntu Raring has been dropped (#1924)


Release 1.11.3 (Breakfast at Tiffany's)

Released on 2014-01-14

Bug fix update.

  • Fixed a crash on multiple ctrl-c (#1848)
  • Ruby driver: fixed mutable backtraces (#1846)
  • Fixed a build failure on older versions of GCC (#1824)
  • Added missing durability argument to the Javascript driver (#1821)
  • Fixed a crash caused by changing the cluster configuration when there are unresolved issues (#1813)
  • Fixed a bug triggered by using order_by followed by count (#1796)
  • Tables can now be referenced by full name (e.g. database.table) in rethinkdb admin (#1795)
  • Fixed a bug triggered by chaining multiple joins (#1793)
  • Fixed a crash occasionally triggered by dropping an index (#1789)
  • The init script now fails when given wrong arguments (#1779)
  • RethinkDB now refuses to start if it cannot open the log file (#1778)
  • Fixed a JavaScript error in the Web UI (#1754)
  • Speed up count queries (#1733)
  • Fix a bug with thread-local storage that caused a segfault on certain platforms (#1731)
  • get of a non-existent document followed by replace now works as documented (#1570)


Release 1.11.2 (Breakfast at Tiffany's)

Released on 2013-12-06

Bug fix update.

  • Fixed a bug caused by suggesting r.ISO8601 in the Data Explorer
  • Cursor in the Data Explorer is restored when a command is selected via dropdown
  • Fixed a bug where queries returning null in the Data Explorer could not be parsed (#1739)
  • Always fsync parent directories to avoid data loss (#1703)
  • Fixed IPv6 issues with link-local addresses (#1694)
  • Add some support for Python 3 in the build scripts (#1709)


Release 1.11.1 (Breakfast at Tiffany's)

Released on 2013-12-02

Bug fix update.

  • Drivers no longer ignore the timeFormat flag (#1719)
  • RethinkDB now correctly sets the ResponseType field in responses to STOP queries (#1715)
  • Fixed a bug that caused RethinkDB to crash with a failed guarantee (#1691)


Release 1.11.0 (Breakfast at Tiffany's)

Released on 2013-11-25

This release introduces a new query profiler, an overhauled streaming infrastructure, and many enhancements that improve ease and robustness of operation.

New Features

  • Server
    • Removed anaphoric macros (#806)
    • Changed the array size limit to 100,000 (#971)
    • The server now reads blobs off of disk simultaneously (#1296)
    • Improved the batch replace logic (#1468)
    • Added IPv6 support (#1469)
    • Reduced random disk seeks during write transactions (#1470)
    • Merged writebacks on the serializer level (#1471)
    • Streaming improvements: smarter batch sizes are sent to clients (#1543)
    • Reduced the impact of index creation on realtime performance (#1556)
    • Optimized insert performance (#1559)
    • Added support for sending data back as JSON, improving driver performance (#1571)
    • Backtraces now span coroutine boundaries (#1602)
  • Command line
    • Added a progress bar to rethinkdb import and rethinkdb export (#1415)
  • ReQL
    • Added query profiling, enabled by passing profile=True to run (#175)
    • Added a sync command that flushes soft writes made on a table (#1046)
    • Made it possible to wait for no-reply writes to complete (#1388)
      • Added a wait command
      • Added an optional argument to close and reconnect
    • Added index_status and index_wait commands (#1562)
  • Python driver
    • Added documentation strings (#808)
    • Added streaming and performance improvements (#1371)
    • Changed the installation procedure for using the C++ protobuf implementation (#1394)
    • Improved the streaming logic (#1364)
  • JavaScript driver
    • Changed the installation procedure for using the C++ protobuf implementation (#1172)
    • Improved the streaming logic (#1364)
  • Packaging
    • Made the version more explicit in the OS X package (#1413)

Fixed Bugs

  • Server
    • No longer access perfmon_collection_t after destruction (#1497)
    • Fixed a bug that caused nodes to become unresponsize and added a coroutine profiler (#1516)
    • Made database files compatible between 32-bit and 64-bit versions (#1535)
    • No longer use four times more cache space (#1538)
    • Fix handling of errors in continue queries (#1619)
    • Fixed heartbeat timeout when deleting many tables at once (#1624)
    • Improved signal handling (#1630)
    • Reduced the load caused by using the Web UI on a large cluster (#1660)
  • Command line
    • Made rethinkdb export more resilient to low-memory conditions (#1546)
    • Fixed a race condition in rethinkdb import (#1597)
  • ReQL
    • Non-indexed order_by queries now return arrays (#1566)
    • Type system now includes selections on both arrays and streams (#1566)
    • Fixed wrong inserted result (#1547)
    • Fixed crash caused by using unusual strings in r.js (#1638)
    • Redefined batched stream semantics (includes a specific fix for the JavaScipt driver as well) (#1544)
    • r.js now works with time values (#1513)
  • Python driver
    • Handle interrupted system calls (#1362)
    • Improved the error message when inserting dates with no timezone (#1509)
    • Made RqlTzInfo copyable (#1588)
  • JavaScript driver
    • Fixed argument handling (#1555, #1577)
    • Fixed ArrayResult (#1578, #1584)
    • Fixed pretty-printing of limit (#1617)
  • Web UI
    • Made it obvious when errors are JavaScript errors or database errors (#1293)
    • Improved the message displayed when there are more than 40 documents (#1307)
    • Fixed date formatting (#1596)
    • Fixed typo (#1668)
  • Build
    • Fixed item counts in make (#1443)
    • Bump the fetched version of gperftools (#1594)
    • Fixed how termcap is handled by ./configure (#1622)
    • Generate a better version number when compiling from a shallow clone (#1636)


Release 1.10.1 (Von Ryan's Express)

Released on 2013-10-23

Bug fix update.

  • Server
    • r.js no longer fails when interrupted too early (#1553)
    • Data for some get_all queries is no longer duplicated (#1541)
    • Fixed crash Guarantee failed: [!token_pair->sindex_write_token.has()] (#1380)
    • Fixed crash caused by rapid resharding (#728)
  • ReQL
    • pluck in combination with limit now returns a stream when possible (#1502)
  • Python driver
    • Fixed undefined variable error in tzname() (#1512)
  • Ruby driver
    • Fixed error message when calling unbound function (#1336)
  • Packaging
    • Added support for Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy) (#1554)

Release 1.10.0 (Von Ryan's Express)

Released on 2013-09-26

New Features

  • Added multi-indexes (#933)
  • Added selective history deletion to the Data Explorer (#1297)
  • Made filter support the nested object syntax (#1325)
  • Added r.not_ to the Python driver (#1329)
  • The backup scripts are now installed by the Python driver (#1355)
  • Implemented variable-width object length encoding and other improvements to serialization (#1424)
  • Lowered the I/O pool threads' stack size (#1425)
  • Improved datum integer serialization (#1426)
  • Added a thin wrapper struct threadnum_t instead of using raw ints for thread numbers (#1445)
  • Re-enabled full perfmon capability (#1474)

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed the output of rethinkdb admin help (#936, #1447)
  • make no longer runs ./configure (#979)
  • Made the Python code mostly Python 3 compatible (still a work in progress) (#1050)
  • The Data Explorer now correctly handles unexpected token errors (#1334)
  • Improved the performance of JSON parsing (#1403)
  • batched_rget_stream_t no longer uses an out-of-date interruptor (#1411)
  • The missing protobuf_implementation variable was added to the JavaScript driver (#1416)
  • Improved the error and help messages in the backup scripts (#1417)
  • r.json is no longer incorrectly marked as non-deterministic (#1430)
  • Fixed the import of rethinkdb_pbcpp in the Python driver (#1438)
  • Made some stores go on threads other than just 0 through 3 (#1446)
  • Fixed the error message when using groupBy with illegal pattern (#1460)
  • default is no longer unprintable in Python (#1476)


Release 1.9.0 (Kagemusha)

Released on 2013-09-09

Bug fix update.

  • Server
    • Fixed a potential crash caused by a coroutine switch in exception handlers (#153)
    • No longer duplicate documents in the secondary indexes (#752)
    • Removed unnecessary conversions between datum_t and cJSON (#1041)
    • No longer load documents from disk for count queries (#1295)
    • Changed extproc code to use datum_t instead of cJSON_t (#1326)
  • ReQL
    • Use Buffer instead of ArrayBuffer in the JavaScript driver (#1244)
    • orderBy on an index no longer destroys the preceding between (#1333)
    • Fixed error in the python driver caused by multiple threads using lambdas (#1377)
    • Fixed Unicode handling in the Python driver (#1378)
  • Web UI
    • No longer truncate server names (#1313)
  • CLI
    • rethinkdb import now works with Python 2.6 (#1349)


Release 1.8.1 (High Noon)

Released on 2013-08-21

Bug fix update.

  • The shard suggester now works with times (#1335)
  • The Python backup scripts no longer rely on pip show (#1331)
  • rethinkdb help no longer uses a pager (#1315, #1308)
  • The web UI now correctly positions SVGRectElement (#1314)
  • Fixed a bug that caused a crash when using filter with a non-deterministic value (#1299)


Release 1.8.0 (High Noon)

Released on 2013-08-14

This release introduces date and time support, a new syntax for querying nested objects and 8x improvement in disk usage.

New Features

  • ReQL
    • order_by now accepts a function as an argument and can efficiently sort by index (#159, #1120, #1258)
    • slice and between are now half-open by default (#869)
      • The behaviour can be changed by setting the new optional right_bound argument to closed or by setting left_bound to open
    • contains can now be passed a predicate (#870)
    • merge is now deep by default (#872)
      • Introduced literal to merge flat values
    • coerce_to can now convert strings to numbers (#877)
    • Added support for times (#977)
      • +, -, <, <=, >, >=, == and !=: arithmetic and comparison
      • during: match a time with an interval
      • in_timezone: change the timezone offset
      • date, time_of_day, timezone, year, month, day, weekday, hour, minute and second: accessors
      • time, epoch_time and iso8601: constructors
      • monday to sunday and january to december: constants
      • now: current time
      • to_iso8601, to_epoch_time: conversion
    • Add the nested document syntax to functions other than pluck (#1094)
      • without, group_by, with_fields and has_fields
    • Remove Google Closure from the JavaScript driver (#1194)
      • It now depends on the protobufjs and node-protobuf libraries
  • Server
    • Added a --canonical-address HOST[:PORT] command line option for connecting RethinkDB nodes across different networks (#486)
      • Two instances behind proxies can now be configured to connect to each other
    • Optimize space efficiency by allowing smaller block sizes (#939)
    • Added a --no-direct-io startup flag that turns off direct IO (#1051)
    • Rewrote the extproc code, making r.js interuptible and fixing many crashes (#1097, #1106)
    • Added support for V8 >= 3.19 (#1195)
    • Clear blobs when they are unused (#1286)
  • Web UI
    • Use relative paths (#1053)
  • Build
    • Add support for Emacs' flymake-mode (#1161)

Fixed Bugs

  • ReQL
    • Check the type of the callback passed to next and each in the JavaScript driver (#656)
    • Fixed how some backtraces are printed in the JavaScript driver (#973)
    • Coerce the port argument to a number in the Python driver (#1017)
    • Functions that are polymorphic on objects and sequences now only recurse one level deep (#1045)
      • Affects pluck, has_fields, with_fields, etc
    • In the JavaScript driver, no longer fail when requiring the module twice (#1047)
    • r.union now returns a stream when given two streams (#1081)
    • r.db can now be chained with do in the JavaScript driver (#1082)
    • Improve the error message when combining for_each and return_vals (#1104)
    • Fixed a bug causing the JavaScript driver to overflow the stack when given an object with circular references (#1133)
    • Don't leak internal functions in the JavaScript driver (#1164)
    • Fix the qurey printing in the Python driver (#1178)
    • Correctly depend on node >= 0.10 in the JavaScript driver (#1197)
  • Server
    • Improved the error message when there is a version mismatch in data files (#521)
    • The --no-http-admin option now disables the check for the web assets folder (#1092)
    • No longer compile JavaScript expressions once per row (#1105)
    • Fixed a crash in the 32-bit version caused by not using 64-bit file offsets (#1129)
    • Fixed a crash caused by malformed json documents (#1132)
    • Fixed a crash caused by moving func_t betweek threads (#1157)
    • Improved the scheduling the coroutines that sometimes caused heartbeat timeouts (#1169)
    • Fixed conflict_resolving_diskmgr_t to suport files over 1TB (#1170)
    • Fixed a crash caused by disconnecting too fast (#1182)
    • Fixed the error message when js_runner_t::call times out (#1218)
    • Fixed a crash caused by serializing unintitialised values (#1219)
    • Fixed a bug that caused an assertion failure in protob_server_t (#1220)
    • Fixed a bug causing too many file descriptors to be open (#1225)
    • Fixed memory leaks reported by valgrind (#1233)
    • Fixed a crash triggered by the BTreeSindex test (#1237)
    • Fixed some problems with import performance, interruption, parsing, and error reporting (#1252)
    • RethinkDB proxy no longer crashes when interacting with the Web UI (#1276)
  • Tests
    • Fixed the connectivity tests for OS X (#613)
    • Fix the python connection tests (#1110)
  • Web UI
    • Provide a less scary error message when a request times out (#1074)
    • Provide proper suggestions in the presence of comments in the Data Explorer (#1214)
    • The More data link in the data explorer now works consistently (#1222)
  • Documentation
    • Improved the documentaiton for update and pluck (#1141)
  • Build
    • Fixed bugs that caused make to not rebuild certain files or build files it should not (#1162, #1215, #1216, #1229, #1230, #1272)


Release 1.7.3 (Nights of Cabiria)

Released on 2013-07-19

Bug fix update.

  • RethinkDB no longer fails to create the data directory when using --daemon (#1191)


Release 1.7.2 (Nights of Cabiria)

Released on 2013-07-18

Bug fix update.

  • Fixed wire_func_t serialization that caused inserts to fail (#1155)
  • Fixed a bug in the JavaScript driver that caused asynchronous connections to fail (#1150)
  • Removed nice_crash and nice_guarantee to improve error messages and logging (#1144)
  • rethinkdb import now warns when unexpected files are found (#1143)
  • rethinkdb import now correctly imports nested objects (#1142)
  • Fixed the connection timeout in the JavaScript driver (#1140)
  • Fixed r.without (#1139)
  • Add a warning to rethinkdb dump about indexes and cluster config (#1137)
  • Fixed the debian/rules makefile to properly build the rethinkdb-dbg package (#1130)
  • Allow multiple instances with different port offsets in the init script (#1126)
  • Fixed make install to not use /dev/stdin (#1125)
  • Added missing files to the OS X uninstall script (#1123)
  • Fixed the documentation for insert with the returnVals flag in JavaScript (#1122)
  • No longer cache index.html in the web UI (#1117)
  • The init script now waits for rethinkdb to stop before restarting (#1115)
  • rethinkdb porcelain now removes the new directory if it fails (#1070)
  • Added cooperative locking to the rethinkdb data directory to detect conflicts earlier (#1109)
  • Improved the comments in the sample configuration file (#1078)
  • Config file parsing now allows options that apply to other modes of rethinkdb (#1077)
  • The init script now creates folders with the correct permissions (#1069)
  • Client drivers now time out if the connection handshake takes too long (#1033)


Release 1.7.1 (Nights of Cabiria)

Released on 2013-07-04

Bug fix update.

  • Fixed a bug causing rethinkdb import to crash on single files
  • Added options to rethinkdb import for custom CSV separators and no headers (#1112)


Release 1.7.0 (Nights of Cabiria)

Released on 2013-07-03

This release introduces hot backup, atomic set and get operations, significant insert performance improvements, nested document syntax, and native binaries for CentOS / RHEL.

New Features

  • ReQL
    • Added r.json for parsing JSON strings server-side (#887)
    • Added syntax to pluck to access nested documents (#889)
    • get_all now takes a variable number of arguments (#915)
    • Added atomic set and get operations (#976)
      • update, insert, delete and replace now take an optional return_vals argument that returns the values that have been atomically modified
    • Renamed getattr to get_field and make it polymorphic on arrays (#993)
    • Drivers now use faster protobuf libraries when possible (#1027, #1026, #1025)
    • Drivers now use r.json to improve the performance of inserts (#1085)
    • Improved the behaviour of pluck (#1095)
      • A field with a non-pluckable value is considered absent
  • Web UI
    • It is now possible to resolve auth_key conflicts via the web UI (#1028)
    • The web UI now uses relative paths (#1053)
  • Server
    • Flushes to disk less often to improve performance without affecting durability (#520)
  • CLI
    • Import and export JSON and CSV files (#193)
      • Four new subcommands: rethinkdb import, rethinkdb export, rethinkdb dump and rethinkdb restore
    • rethinkdb admin no longer requires the --join option (#1052)
      • It now connects to localhost:29015 by default
  • Documentation
    • Documented durability settings correctly (#1008)
    • Improved instructions for migration (#1013)
    • Documented the allowed character names for tables (#1039)
  • Packaging
    • RPMs for CentOS (#268)

Fixed Bugs

  • ReQL
    • Fixed the behaviour of between with null and secondary indexes (#1001)
  • Web UI
    • Moved to using a patched Bootstrap, Handlebars.js 1.0.0 and LESS 1.4.0 (#954)
    • Fixed bug causing nested arrays to be shown as {...} in the Data Explorer (#1038)
    • Inline comments are now parsed correctly in the Data Explorer (#1060)
    • Properly remove event listeners from the dashboard view (#1044)
  • Server
    • Fixed a crash caused by shutting down the server during secondary index creation (#1056)
    • Fixed a potential btree corruption bug (#986)
  • Tests
    • ReQL tests no longer leave zombie processes (#1055)


Release 1.6.1 (Fargo)

Released on 2013-06-19

Critical Security Fixes

  • Fixed a buffer overflow in the networking code
  • Fixed a possible timing attack on the API key

Other Changes

  • In python, r.table_list() no longer throws an error (#1005)
  • Fixed compilation failures with clang 3.2 (#1006)
  • Fixed compilation failures with gcc 4.4 (#1011)
  • Fixed problems with resolving a conflicted auth_key (#1024)


Release 1.6.0 (Fargo)

Released on 2013-06-13

This release introduces basic access control, regular expression matching, new array operations, random sampling, better error handling, and many bug fixes.

New Features

  • ReQL
    • Added access control with a single, common API key (#266)
    • Improved handshake to the client driver protocol (#978)
    • Added sample command for random sampling of sequences (#861, #182)
    • Secondary indexes can be queried with boolean values (#854)
    • Added onFinished callback to each in JavaScript to improve cursors (#443)
    • Added per-command durability settings (#890)
      • Changed hard_durability=True to durability = 'soft' | 'hard'
      • Added a durability option to run
    • Added with_fields command, and pluck no longer throws on missing attributes (#886)
    • Renamed contains to has_fields (#885)
      • has_fields runs on tables, objects, and arrays, and doesn't throw on missing attributes
      • contains now checks if an element is in an array
    • Added default command: replaces missing fields with a default value (#884)
    • Added new array operations (#868, #198, #341)
      • prepend: prepends an element to an array
      • append: appends an element to an array
      • insert_at: inserts an element at the specified index
      • splice_at: splices a list into another list at the specified index
      • delete_at: deletes the element at the specified index
      • change_at: changes the element at the specified index to the specified value
      • + operator: adds two arrays -- returns the ordered union
      • * operator: repeats an array n times
      • difference: removes all instances of specified elements from an array
      • count: returns the number of elements in an array
      • indexes_of: returns positions of elements that match the specified value in an array
      • is_empty: check if an array or table is empty
      • set_insert: adds an element to a set
      • set_intersection: finds the intersection of two sets
      • set_union: returns the union of two sets
      • set_difference: returns the difference of two sets
    • Added match command for regular expression matching (#867)
    • Added keys command that returns the fields of an object (#181)
  • Web UI
    • Document fields are now sorted in alphabetical order in the table view (#832)
  • CLI
    • Added -v flag as an alias for --version (#839)
    • Added --io-threads flag to allow limiting the amount of concurrent I/O operations (#928)
  • Build system
    • Allow building the documentation with Python 3 (#826, #815)
    • Have make build the Ruby and Python drivers (#923)

Fixed Bugs

  • Server
    • Fixed a crash caused by resharding during secondary index creation (#852)
    • Fixed style problems: code hygiene (#805)
    • Server code cleanup (#920, #924)
    • Properly check permissions for writing the pid file (#916)
  • ReQL
    • Use the correct function name in backtraces (#995)
    • Fixed callback issues in the JavaScript driver (#846)
    • In JavaScript, call the callback when the connection is closed (#758)
    • In JavaScript, GETATTR now checks the argument count (#992)
    • Tweaked the CoffeeScript source to work with older versions of coffee and node (#963)
    • Fixed a typo in the error handling of the JavaScript driver (#961)
    • Fixed performance regression for pluck and without (#947)
    • Make sure callbacks get cleared in the Javascript driver (#942)
    • Improved errors when return is omitted in Javascript (#914)
  • Web UI
    • Correctly distinguish case sensitive table names (#822)
    • No longer display some results as { ... } in the table view (#937)
    • Ensured tables are available before listing their indexes (#926)
    • Fixed the autocompletion for opening square brackets (#917)
  • Tests
    • Modified the polyglot test framework to catch more possible errors (#724)
    • Polyglot tests can now run in debug mode (#614)
  • Build
    • Look for libprotobuf in the correct path (#860, #853)
    • Always fetch and use the same version of Handlebars.js (#821, #819, #958)
    • Check for versions of LESS that are known to work (#956)
    • Removed bitrotted MOCK_CACHE_CHECK option (#804)


Release 1.5.2 (Le Gras de Ouate)

Released on 2013-05-24

Bug fix update.


  • Fix #844: Compilation error when using ./configure --fetch protobuf resolved
  • Fix #840: Using .run in the data explorer gives a more helpful error message
  • Fix #817: Fix a crash caused by adding a secondary index while under load
  • Fix #831: Some invalid queries no longer cause a crash


Release 1.5.1 (The Grad You Ate)

Released on 2013-05-16

Bug fix update.


  • Fix a build error
  • Fix #816: Table view in the data explorer is no longer broken

Release 1.5.0 (The Graduate)

Released on 2013-05-16

This release introduces secondary indexes, stability and performance enhancements and many bug fixes.

New Features

  • Server
    • #69: Bad JavaScript snippets can no longer hang the server
      • r.js now takes an optional timeout argument
    • #88: Added secondary and compound indexes
    • #165: Backtraces on OS X
    • #207: Added soft durability option
    • #311: Added daemon mode (via --daemon)
    • #423: Allow logging to a specific file (via --log-file)
    • #457: Significant performance improvement for batched inserts
    • #496: Links against libc++ on OS X
    • #672: Replaced environment checkpoints with shared pointers in the ReQL layer, reducing the memory footprint
    • #715: Adds support for noreply writes
  • CLI
    • #566: In the admin CLI, ls tables --long now includes a durability column
  • Web UI
    • #331: Improved data explorer indentation and brace pairing
    • #355: Checks for new versions of RethinkDB from the admin UI
    • #395: Auto-completes databases and tables names in the data explorer
    • #514: Rewrote and improved the documentation generator
    • #569: Added toggle for Data Explorer brace pairing
    • #572: Changed button styles in the Data Explorer
    • #707: Two step confirmation added to the delete database button
  • ReQL
    • #469: Added an info command that provides information on any ReQL value (useful for retreiving the primary key)
    • #604: Allow iterating over result arrays as if they were cursors in the JavaScript client
    • #670: Added a soft durability option to table_create
  • Testing
    • #480: Run tests on Travis-CI
    • #517: Improved the integration tests
    • #587: Validate API documentation examples
    • #669: Added color to make test output

Fixed bugs

  • Server
    • Fix #403: Serialization of perfmon_result_t is no longer 32-bit/64-bit dependent
    • Fix #505: Reduced memory consumption to avoid failure on read query "tcmalloc: allocation failed"
    • Fix #510: Make bind to be equivalent to all
    • Fix #639: Fixed bug where 100% cpu utilization was reported on OSX
    • Fix #645: Fixed server crash when updating replicas / acks
    • Fix #665: Fixed queries across shards that would trigger Assertion failed: [!br.point_replaces.empty()] in src/rdb_protocol/
    • Fix #750: Resolved intermittent RPCSemilatticeTest.MetadataExchange failure
    • Fix #757: Fixed a crashing bug in the environment checkpointing code
    • Fix #796: Crash when running batched writes to a sharded table in debug mode
  • Documentation
    • Fix #387: Documented the command line option --web-static-directory (custom location for web assets)
    • Fix #503: Updated outdated useOutdated documentation
    • Fix #563: Fixed documentation for typeof()
    • Fix #610: Documented optional arguments for table_create: datacenter and cache_size
    • Fix #631: Fixed missing parameters in documentation for reduce
    • Fix #651: Updated comments in protobuf file to reflect current spec
    • Fix #679: Fixed incorrect examples in protobuf spec
    • Fix #691: Fixed faulty example for zip in API documentation
  • Web UI
    • Fix #529: Suggestion arrow no longer goes out of bounds
    • Fix #583: Improved Data Explorer suggestions for table
    • Fix #584: Improved Data Explorer suggestion style and content
    • Fix #623: Improved margins on modals
    • Fix #629: Updated buttons and button styles on the Tables View (and throughout the UI)
    • Fix #662: Command key no longer deletes text selection in Data Explorer
    • Fix #725: Improved documentation in the Data Explorer
    • Fix #790: False values in a document no longer show up as blank in the tree view
  • ReQL
    • Fix #46: Added top-level tableCreate, tableDrop and tableList to drivers
    • Fix #125: Grouped reductions now return a stream, not an array
    • Fix #370: map after dbList and tableList no longer errors
    • Fix #421: Return values from mutation operations now include all attributes, even if zero (inserted,deleted,skipped,replaced,unchanged,errors)
    • Fix #525: Improved error for groupBy
    • Fix #527: Numbers that can be represented as integers are returned as native integers
    • Fix #603: Check the number of arguments correctly in the JavaScript client
    • Fix #632: Keys of objects are no longer magically converted to strings in the drivers
    • Fix #640: Clients handle system interrupts better
    • Fix #642: Ruby client no longer has a bad error message when queries are run on a closed connection
    • Fix #650: Python driver successfully sends STOP query when the connection is closed
    • Fix #663: Undefined values are handled correctly in JavaScript objects
    • Fix #678: limit no longer automatically converts streams to arrays
    • Fix #689: Python driver no longer hardcodes the default database
    • Fix #704: typeOf is no longer broken in JavaScript driver
    • Fix #730: Ruby driver no longer accepts spurious methods
    • Fix #733: groupBy can now handle both a MAKE_OBJ protobuf and a literal R_OBJECT datum protobuf
    • Fix #767: Server now detects NaN in all cases
    • Fix #777: Ruby driver no longer occasionally truncates messages
    • Fix #779: Server now rejects strings that contain a null byte
    • Fix #789: Style improvements in Ruby driver
    • Fix #799: Python driver handles use_outdated when specified as a global option argument
  • Testing
    • Fix #653: make test now works on OS X
  • Build
    • Fix #475: Added a workaround to avoid make -j2 segfaulting when building on older versions of make
    • Fix #541: make clean is more aggressive
    • Fix #630: Removed cruft from the RethinkDB source tree
    • Fix #635: Building fails quickly with troublesome versions of coffee-script
    • Fix #694: Improved warnings when building with clang and ccache
    • Fix #717: Fixed ./configure --fetch-protobuf
  • Migration
    • Fix #782: Improved speed in migration script


Release 1.4.5 (Some Like It Hot)

Released on 2013-05-03.


Bug fix update:

  • Increase the TCP accept backlog (#369).

Release 1.4.4 (Some Like It Hot)

Released on 2013-04-19.


Bug fix update:

  • Improved the documentation
    • Made the output of rethinkdb help and --help consistent (#643)
    • Clarify details about the client protocol (#649)
  • Cap the size of data returned from rgets not just the number of values (#597)
    • The limit changed from 4000 rows to 1MiB
  • Partial bug fix: Rethinkdb server crashing (#621)
  • Fixed bug: Can't insert objects that use 'self' as a key with Python driver (#619)
  • Fixed bug: [Web UI] Statistics graphs are not plotted correctly in background tabs (#373)
  • Fixed bug: [Web UI] Large JSON Causes Data Explorer to Hang (#536)
  • Fixed bug: Import command doesn't import last row if doesn't have end-of-line (#637)
  • Fixed bug: [Web UI] Cubism doesn't unbind some listeners (#622)
  • Fixed crash: Made global optargs actually propagate to the shards properly (#683)

Release 1.4.3 (Some Like It Hot)

Released on 2013-04-10.


Bug fix update:

  • Improve the networking code in the Python driver
  • Fix a crash triggered by a type error when using concatMap (#568)
  • Fix a crash when running rethinkdb proxy --help (#565)
  • Fix a bug in the Python driver that caused it to occasionally return None (#564)

Release 1.4.2 (Some Like It Hot)

Released on 2013-03-30.


Bug fix update:

  • Replace ~ with About in the web UI (#485)
  • Add framing documentation to the protobuf spec (#500)
  • Fix crashes triggered by .orderBy().skip() and .reduce(r.js()) (#522, #545)
  • Replace MB with GB in an error message (#526)
  • Remove some semicolons from the protobuf spec (#530)
  • Fix the rethinkdb import command (#535)
  • Improve handling of very large queries in the data explorer (#536)
  • Fix variable shadowing in the javascript driver (#546)

Release 1.4.1 (Some Like It Hot)

Released on 2013-03-22.


Bug fix update:

  • Python driver fix for TCP streams (#495)
  • Web UI fix that reduces the number of AJAX requests (#481)
  • JS driver: added useOutdated to r.table() (#502)
  • RDB protocol performance fix in release mode.
  • Performance fix when using filter with object shortcut syntax.
  • Do not abort when the runuser or rungroup options are present (#512)

Release 1.4 (Some Like It Hot)

Relased on 2013-03-18.


  • Improved ReQL wire protocol and client drivers
  • New build system
  • Data explorer query history

Release 1.3.2 (Metropolis)

Released on 2013-01-15.


  • Fixed security bug in http server.

Release 1.3.1 (Metropolis)

Released on 2012-12-20.


  • Fixed OS X crash on ReQL exceptions.

Release 1.3.0 (Metropolis)

Released on 2012-12-20.


  • Native OS X support.
  • 32-bit support.
  • Support for legacy systems (e.g. Ubuntu 10.04)

Release 1.2.8 (Rashomon)

Released on 2012-12-15.


  • Updating data explorer suggestions to account for recent r.row changes.

Release 1.2.7 (Rashomon)

Released on 2012-12-14.


  • Lots and lots of bug fixes

Release 1.2.6 (Rashomon)

Released on 2012-11-13.


  • Fixed the version string
  • Fixed 'crashing after crashed'
  • Fixed json docs

Release 1.2.5 (Rashomon)

Released on 2012-11-11.


  • Checking for a null ifaattrs

Release 1.2.4 (Rashomon)

Released on 2012-11-11.


  • Local interface lookup is now more robust.

Release 1.2.3 (Rashomon)

Released on 2012-11-09.


  • Fixes a bug in the query engine that causes large range queries to return incorrect results.

Release 1.2.0 (Rashomon)

Released on 2012-11-09.


This is the first release of the product. It includes:

  • JSON data model and immediate consistency support
  • Distributed joins, subqueries, aggregation, atomic updates
  • Hadoop-style map/reduce
  • Friendly web and command-line administration tools
  • Takes care of machine failures and network interrupts
  • Multi-datacenter replication and failover
  • Sharding and replication to multiple nodes
  • Queries are automatically parallelized and distributed
  • Lock-free operation via MVCC concurrency


There are a number of technical limitations that aren't baked into the architecture, but were not resolved in this release due to time pressure. They will be resolved in subsequent releases.

  • Write requests have minimal batching in memory and are flushed to disk on every write. This significantly limits write performance, expecially on rotational disks.
  • Range commands currently don't use an index.
  • The clustering system has a bottleneck in cluster metadata propagation. Cluster management slows down significantly when more than sixteen shards are used.