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This repo base on nestjs-agenda and wrap decorator agenda job defined Agenda module for Nestjs

Agenda version is ^4.1.3


npm i @sigmaott/nestjs-agenda


Thank for @golevelup build the easy way to implement Dynamic Module and Discovery Module


1. Import AgendaModule:

Sync register:

import { AgendaModule } from '@sigmaott/nestjs-agenda';

  imports: [AgendaModule.forRoot(AgendaModule, { db: { address: 'mongodb://xxxxx' }})], // Same as configuring an agenda
  providers: [...],
export class FooModule {}

Async register:

import { AgendaModule } from '@sigmaott/nestjs-agenda';

  imports: [
    AgendaModule.forRootAsync(AgendaModule, {
      imports: [ConfigModule],
      useFactory: async (config: ConfigService) => ({
        db: { address: config.get('MONGODB_URI') },
      inject: [ConfigService],
  providers: [...],
export class FooModule {}

2. Inject AgendaService (AgendaService is a instance of Agenda):

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AgendaService } from '@sigmaott/nestjs-agenda;

export class FooService {
  constructor(private readonly agenda: AgendaService) {
    // schedule a job
    this.agenda.schedule('10 seconds from now', 'TEST_JOB', {});

    name: 'TEST_JOB',
    lockLifetime: 10000
  private async testJob(job: any, done: any): Promise<void> {
    console.log('a job');
    await job.remove();