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Commands & Permissions

Jason edited this page Apr 14, 2024 · 2 revisions

BungeeCord commands

Command Description Alias
/filecleanerbungee cleannow Force the file cleaning task /fcb cleannow
/filecleanerbungee reload Reload the plugin /fcb reload

Paper commands

Command Description Alias
/filecleaner cleannow Force the file cleaning task /fc cleannow
/filecleaner reload Reload the plugin /fc reload

Velocity commands

Command Description Alias
/filecleanervelocity cleannow Force the file cleaning task /fcv cleannow
/filecleanervelocity reload Reload the plugin /fcv reload


Permission Description Default
filecleaner.cleannow Allows using the /filecleaner cleannow command and its respective proxy aliases OP (Backend only)
filecleaner.command Allows using the base /filecleaner command and its respective proxy aliases OP (Backend only)
filecleaner.reload Allows using the /filecleaner reload command and its respective proxy aliases OP (Backend only)
filecleaner.updatenotifs Notifications when there is an update available OP (Backend only)
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