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225 lines (211 loc) · 6.43 KB

File metadata and controls

225 lines (211 loc) · 6.43 KB

Required tools and programming language

0. Index reference genome

index reference sequences in the FASTA format

bwa index hg38.p12.fa

1. Align reads to reference genome

mkdir bam
bwa mem -t 24 \
-R "@RG\tID:$id\tSM:$id" reference.GRCh38.fa \
sample_R1.fastq.gz sample_R2.fastq.gz | \
samtools view -b - > bam/sample.raw.bam && touch sample.align_ok
  • sort bed file
sambamba sort -t 16 \
-m 32G \
--tmpdir /scratch \
-o sample.raw.sorted.bam \
  • remove PCR duplicates
sambamba markdup -t 8 \
--tmpdir ~/tmp \
--overflow-list-size 500000 \
bam/sample.raw.sorted.bam \

2. Variant Calling by sample and chromosome

mkdir vcf
freebayes -f reference.GRCh38.fa \
-r $chr \
-g 500 \
-b bam/sample.bam > vcf/sample.$chr.fb.vcf && touch sample.$chr.fb_ok

-bgzip and tabix

bgzip sample.$chr.fb.vcf
tabix -p vcf sample.$chr.fb.vcf.gz
  • filter vcf for quality > 20
bcftools filter -i "QUAL>20" \
-O z \
-o vcf/sample.$chr.fb.filtered.vcf.gz \
  • tabix
  • normalize filtered vcf
vt normalize -n \
-r GRCh38.fa sample.$chr.filtered.fb.vcf.gz\
> vcf/sample.$chr.fb.norm.vcf && touch sample.$chr_norm_ok
  • bgzip and tabix
  • decompose normalized vcf
vt  decompose_blocksub sample.$chr.fb.norm.vcf.gz \
> vcf/sample.$chr.fb.decomp.vcf && touch sample.$chr_decomp_ok

-bgzip and tabix

3. Merge all samples

bcftools merge -O z \
-0 \
-o testdata/sam/samples.chr22.vcf.gz
-m none \ 
vcf/sample1.$chr.fb.decomp.vcf.gz  vcf/sample2.$chr.fb.decomp.vcf.gz vcf/sample3.$chr.fb.decomp.vcf.gz vcf/sampleX.$chr.fb.decomp.vcf.gz 
  • bgzip and tabix

4. Annotate variants using V.E.P

merged vcf per chromosome. output is a table

testdata/sam/samples.chr22.vcf.gz -> testdata/sam/samples.chr22.vep.tsv testdata/con/controls.chr22.vcf -> testdata/con/controls.chr22.vep.tsv

vep --af_1kg \
--af_gnomad \
--appris \
--biotype \
--buffer_size 5000 \
--check_existing \
--distance 5000 \
--fork 4 \
--polyphen b \
--pubmed \
--regulatory \
--sift b \
--species homo_sapiens \
--symbol \
--tsl \
--cache \
--dir_cache /data/biocontainers/vepcache \
--offline \
--tab \
--fields "Uploaded_variation,Location,Allele,Gene,Feature,Feature_type,Consequence,cDNA_position,\
--force_overwrite \
--variant_class \
-i allsamples.chrx.vcf \
--plugin CADD,/CADD/whole_genome_SNVs.tsv.gz \
-o  allsamples.$chr.vep.tsv && touch tabOk/allsamples.$chr.table_ok

4.1 Remove Header of file VEP

for i in {1..22} X ; do grep -v "##" ${i}.vep.tsv > ${i}.vep.noheader.tsv; done for i in {1..22} X; do sed -i '/Uploaded_variatio/s/^#//g' ${i}.vep.noheader.tsv ; done

5. Extract individual's allele count from vcf

  1. Extract counts with vcftools
mkdir counts
cd counts
mkdir $(chr)
vcftools --gzvcf samples.chr22.vcf.gz \
--out $(chr)/$(id).chr22_counts \
--counts \
--indv $(id)
  1. Change file formatting with
-i = path to input file
-id = sample ID
python3 -i /$(chr)/$(id).$(chr)_counts.frq.count -id $(id)

6. Create db, add annotations and filter variable sites with

Per chromosome

-db DB                path to samples db
-isa ISA              path to samples vep table
-ic IC                path to controls vep table
-gn GN                path to gene lists file
-p P                  path to pLI score table
-ff FF                define rare frequency treshold
-f F                  define additional rare frequency treshold
-os OS                path to samples output file
-oc OC                path to controls output file
-type TYPE            feature_type (Transcript , intergenic, regularoty)
-r R                  set to false to obtain variants with frequency <= of threshold
-pli PLI              threshold for pLI score
-cadd CADD            treshold for CADD score
-g G                  number of gene lists
-cl CL                list of control samples id
-i I                  number of iterations
-n N                  number of individual to sample
-pathTodirCtrl PATHTODIRCTRL  path to file with control allele counts directory
-chrom CHROM          chromosome name
-ac AC                allele count >= of
-ctgn CTGN            path to control genes file
-gtd GTD              path to genes to discard file
-gt GT                threshold for excluding genes
-sl SL                list of sampes id
-pathTodir PATHTODIR  path to sample allele counts directory
-o O                  path to output file

Command line example

python3 scr/ \
-db chr22.db \
-isa testdata/sam/samples.chr22.vep.tsv \
-ic controls.chr22.vep.tsv \
-gn testdata/db/all_geneList.tsv \
-p testdata/db/pLIscore.tsv \
-ff 0.01 \
-f 0.05 \
-os samples.chr22.csq.tsv \
-oc controls.chr22.csq.tsv \
-type Transcript \
-r false \
-pli 0.7 \
-cadd 0.5 \
-g 2 \
-cl testdata/con/controls_id.txt \
-i 100 \
-n 10 \
-pathTodirCtrl /control/alleleCount/chr22 \
-chrom chr22 \
-ac 1 \
-ctgn controlGenes.chr22.tsv \
-gtd GenesToDiscardHgdp.chr22.tsv \
-gt 0.5 \
-sl testdata/sam/samples_id.txt \
-pathTodir /samples/counts/chr22 \
-o samples.chr22.filtered.tsv

Concat all chromosomes -> allSamples.filtered.tsv

7. Format results with grep.curation_nolow.R

merge all chromosomes samples files

Options : 
filtered samples file
plot and tables names prefix

command line example :
Rscript grepPipeline/scr/grep.curation_nolow.R allSamples.filtered.tsv Grep_allsamples