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Library which implements a FixedSize variant of Dictionaries. These can be stack allocated and have O(1) indexing performance without boundcheck. It implements most parts of the Base.Dict interface. This package is useful, when you want anonymous composite types. You should be a bit careful with generating a lot of FixedSizeDict's, since it will compile a unique set of functions for every field of a Dict.


    # constructors:
    kvdict = FixedKeyValueDict((:a => 22, :b => 3f0, :c => 3f0))
    FixedKeyValueDict(((:a, 22), (:b, 3f0), (:c, 3f0)))
    FixedKeyValueDict(:a => 22, :b => 3f0, :c => 3f0)
    FixedKeyValueDict((:a, :b, :c), (22, 3f0, 3f0))
    FixedKeyValueDict(Dict(:a => 22, :b => 3f0, :c => 3f0))
    @get(kvdict.a) == 22
    @get(kvdict.b) == 3f0
    @get(kvdict.c) == 3f0
    keys(kvdict) == (Val{:a}, Val{:b}, Val{:c})
    values(kvdict) == (22, 3f0, 3f0)

    val = get(kvdict, Val{:a}) do
    val == 22
    val = get(kvdict, Val{:Y}) do
    val == "default"
    kvdict = FixedKeyDict((:a => 22, :b => 3f0, :c => 3f0))
    kvdict == FixedKeyDict(((:a, 22), (:b, 3f0), (:c, 3f0)))
    kvdict == FixedKeyDict(:a => 22, :b => 3f0, :c => 3f0)
    kvdict == FixedKeyDict((:a, :b, :c), [22, 3f0, 3f0])
    kvdict == FixedKeyDict(Dict(:a => 22, :b => 3f0, :c => 3f0))

    # same functions as FixedKeyValueDict plus:

    @get kvdict.a = 10
    values(kvdict) == (10, 3f0, 3f0)

Automatic generated API docs:


Dictionary types which keys are fixed at creation time

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:4

FixedSizeDictionaries.FixedKeyDict{Keys<:Tuple, Values<:AbstractArray{T, 1}}

Dictionary types which keys are fixed at creation time

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:15

FixedSizeDictionaries.FixedKeyValueDict{Keys<:Tuple, Values<:Tuple}

Dictionary types which keys and values are fixed at creation time

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:9


Allows getfield like access to the keys of a FixedDict

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:145


call(::Type{FixedSizeDictionaries.FixedKeyDict{Keys<:Tuple, Values<:AbstractArray{T, 1}}}, key_values)

Constructor for a list of pairs of key => value. Arbitrary data structures of length 2 can be used

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:63

call(::Type{FixedSizeDictionaries.FixedKeyValueDict{Keys<:Tuple, Values<:Tuple}}, key_values)

Constructor for a list of pairs of key => value. Arbitrary data structures of length 2 can be used

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:41

call{N}(::Type{FixedSizeDictionaries.FixedKeyDict{Keys<:Tuple, Values<:AbstractArray{T, 1}}}, keys::NTuple{N, Symbol}, values::AbstractArray{T, 1})

Constructor for a list of keys together with a list of values which should have the same length

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:54

call{N}(::Type{FixedSizeDictionaries.FixedKeyValueDict{Keys<:Tuple, Values<:Tuple}}, keys::NTuple{N, Symbol}, values::NTuple{N, Any})

Constructor for a list of keys together with a list of values which should have the same length

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:31

call{T<:FixedSizeDictionaries.AbstractFixedSizeDict{Keys}}(::Type{T<:FixedSizeDictionaries.AbstractFixedSizeDict{Keys}}, args...)

Generic constructor that dispatches XDict(pair, pair, ...) to XDict((pair, pair))

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:22

getfield_expr(dict, key)

generates the expression to acces a field of a dict via a Val{Symbol}

source: FixedSizeDictionaries/src/core.jl:138


Library which implements a fixed size variant of Dictionaries.







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