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Overview and contributor guide for transformers

Last updated 2022-03-24

This README is intended to track and document the scripts that transform data.

List of transformers

  • states/transform_%_wsb.R: Water system boundary data for % state
  • transform_echo.R: EPA Enforcement and Compliance History Online Exporter admin data
  • EPA Safe Drinking Water Information System data for % SDWIS table
  • transform_tigris_ne.R: TIGER/Line Shapefiles from tigris package and Natural Earth coastline
  • transform_ucmr.R: Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule occurrence data
  • transform_mhp.R: Mobile home parks point data
  • transform_frs.R: EPA Facility Registry Services Geospatial centroids

Running the transformers

After downloading a dataset, its corresponding transformer must be run to clean the data. To run all the transformers easily, step through the transformers section of src/ All transformed data save to a path file specified in the environment variable WSB_STAGING_PATH.

State water service boundary transformers

Each state water system boundary transformer includes basic steps of cleaning excess white space, generating geospatial information about the area and radius of a service area, and creating a standard schema. The output of each state WSB transformer is a geopackage file in the staging directory specified by the environment variable WSB_STAGING_PATH. This file has the format wsb_labeled_{state}.gpkg, where {state} is the state's two-letter abbreviation in lowercase.


Column name Data type Description
pwsid character public water system identifier
pws_name character public water system name
state character state location of water system service area
county character county location of water system service area
city character city location of water system service area
owner character ownership of water system
st_areashape numeric area of water system (square meters)
centroid_long numeric longitude of water system centroid
centroid_lat numeric latitude of water system centroid
radius numeric radius of water system convex hull (meters)
geometry sfc_multipolygon polygon geometry of water service area

Geospatial transformations

The geometry column is transformed to a CRS optimal for area calculations before generating the columns st_areashape and radius. We currently use Albers Equal Area Conic projected CRS for equal area calculations. For AK and HI, we need to shift geometry into this CRS so area calculations are minimally distorted (see tigris::shift_geometry(d, preserve_area = TRUE) at this webpage). The data is then transformed to the standard CRS, which is set in the environment variable WSB_EPSG. WSB_EPSG is a World Geodetic System 1984 (see here) which is the CRS that geojson stores. Finally, in the same CRS as the service area geometry, centroid_long and centroid_lat are computed.

Data source transformations

Each state transformer cleans excess white space, assigns a state column, and selects data that fits in the standard schema. Selected columns are those matching pwsid and pws_name, as well as the county, city, and owner of the water system, if available. The column owner may be removed in a future refactor due to the fact that it is rarely populated and its data are easily retrievable from other data sources.

If a pwsid is not in the standard format, that pwsid is reformatted. This includes operations like adding the state abbreviation (and a state code if necessary; see WA to the front of the pwsid or removing invalid pwsids. Invalid pwsids are filtered out for the states MO, NM, and WA.

ECHO Export transformer

The ECHO transformer run with src/transformers/transform_echo.R includes basic steps of cleaning excess white space, filtering to relevant columns and rows for water systems, and some geospatial processing. The geospatial processing on the ECHO data largely focuses on rendering latitude and longitude values into point geometries and dropping water system facility locations (centroids) that are not in the state served by the water system using f_drop_imposters().

The output of the ECHO transformer is a cleaned csv of water system facilities nationwide.

TIGER/Line transformer

TIGER/Line shapefiles are boundaries for Census Places, or incorporated and census designated places. Because these boundaries overlap with ocean areas in some cases, src/transformers/transform_tigris_ne.R intersects Census Places with Natural Earth ocean geometry to remove ocean areas from Census places.

The output of the TIGER/Line transformer is a cleaned geopackage of TIGER/Line shapefiles without ocean overlap.

SDWIS transformers

SDWIS data provide a relevant data on community water systems nationwide. There are three transformer scripts:

-src/transformer/ Transforms the water system table -src/transformer/ Transforms the geographic area table -src/transformer/ Transforms the service area table

Each transformer includes basic steps of cleaning white space, sanitizing booleans, standardizing dates, and removing duplicate entries. The output is a clean sdwis_%_.csv file where % is the appropriate table name. sdwis_water_system.csv serves as the master file for water system identifiers and names.

UCMR transformer

UCMR includes information about zipcodes served for each water system participating in UCMR. The UCMR transformer, src/transformer/transform_ucmr.R, includes basic cleaning steps of cleaning white space and removing invalid zip codes. The transformer combines zipcode information across two phases of UCMR (UCMR3 and UCMR4) for maximal data coverage. Finally, zipcode areas from the Census are joined to water systems and similar geoprocessing to the labeled water service boundary transformers is conducted: convex hull area, radius, and centroids are calculated.

The UCMR transformer output is a cleaned csv file linking pwsid with zipcodes served and the zipcode centroids.

MHP transformer

The mobile home park transformer run with src/transformers/transform_mhp.R includes basic steps of cleaning excess white space, standardizing colum names, and some geospatial processing. The geospatial processing on the MHP data largely focuses on rendering latitude and longitude values into point geometries and dropping locations (centroids) that are not in the same state of the MHP f_drop_imposters().

The output of the MHP transformer is a cleaned geopackage of mobile home park locations nationwide.

FRS transformer

The FRS transformer run with src/transformers/transform_frs.R includes basic steps of cleaning excess white space, filtering to relevant columns for active, community water systems, and some geospatial processing. The geospatial processing on the FRS data largely focuses on rendering latitude and longitude values into point geometries and dropping water system facility locations (centroids) that are not in the state served by the water system using f_drop_imposters().

The FRS dataset is not used in the pipeline, but a transformer exists to check for updates and compare with ECHO output data.