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ReMoods Theme Settings Introduction

ReMoods Theme provides you with a deep customization experience for the notes and Joplin’s interface. This document shows the preview and explanations of the settings properties’ effects.

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Table Of Contents

General Settings

Below are the general settings for the entire theme:


ReMoods Hue

The theme color settings use the HSL model. You can edit the color H value with the ReMoods Hue property to change the color tone. Each option has a 10-degree difference. See below for reference:



Theme Mode

ReMoods offers 3 theme modes for different lighting environments. Choose your favorite one and remember to switch the Joplin built-in theme accordingly. Here will not provides the preview of them but you can have a preview on the theme mode introduction.


Split View

There are 2 settings for controlling the split view appearance:

Property Area Options Remarks
Split View Layout Editor Panel 1.Markdown editor to top
2.Markdown editor to bottom
3.Markdown editor to left
- When set to top or bottom, mouse hover over the Render Viewer the divider will appears clearly.
Split View Scale Editor Panel 1.Balanced
2.Markdown editor +20%
3.Markdown editor +30%
4.Markdown editor +40%
5.Render viewer +20%
6.Render viewer +30%
7.Render viewer +40%

Below showing the previews based on the setting "Markdown editor to bottom" on different scales:

Markdown editor +40%:


Markdown editor +30%:


Markdown editor +20%:




Render viewer +20%:


Render viewer +30%:


Render viewer +40%:




Font settings are divided into two separate parts:

  • Screen: This affects all the text within Joplin notes.
  • Print: This affects all the text when you print or export Joplin notes to PDF.

Below are the font settings properties:

Property Area Description
Base Font Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
This affects all the text.
Monospace Font Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
This affects only inline code, code block, and most of the markdown syntax.
Heading Font Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
This affects only headings.
Print Base Font Print & Export PDF This affects all the text.
Print Monospace Font Print & Export PDF This affects only inline code and code block.
Print Heading Font Print & Export PDF This affects only headings.

To change the font settings, you can either:

  1. Enter the name of your preferred font in double quotes: "font name"
  2. Or, if you need multiple fonts for different languages, enter the font names in order of priority from left to right, separated by commas: "font 1", "font 2", "font 3"

Based on you have installed the recommended fonts of ReMoods, the below shows how the fonts looks like under the default font settings:

In English: fonts-eng

In Traditional Chinese: fonts-tc

In Simplified Chinese: fonts-sc


Font Size

Property Area Description Unit Size calculates based on...
Base Font Size Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
Affects the base size for all the text. pixel(px) -
Monospace Font Size Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
Affects the base size for only inline code,
code block, and most of the markdown syntax.
pixel(px) -
H1 Font Size Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
Affects H1 heading. percentage(%) Base Font Size
H2 Font Size Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
Affects H2 heading. percentage(%) Base Font Size
H3 Font Size Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
Affects H3 heading. percentage(%) Base Font Size
H4 Font Size Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
Affects H4 heading. percentage(%) Base Font Size
H5 Font Size Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
Affects H5 heading. percentage(%) Base Font Size
H6 Font Size Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
Affects H6 heading. percentage(%) Base Font Size
Print Base Font Size Print & Export PDF Affects the base size for all the text. pixel(px) -
Print Monospace Font Size Print & Export PDF Affects the base size for only inline code, code block. pixel(px) -
Print H1 Font Size Print & Export PDF Affects H1 heading. percentage(%) Print Base Font Size
Print H2 Font Size Print & Export PDF Affects H2 heading. percentage(%) Print Base Font Size
Print H3 Font Size Print & Export PDF Affects H3 heading. percentage(%) Print Base Font Size
Print H4 Font Size Print & Export PDF Affects H4 heading. percentage(%) Print Base Font Size
Print H5 Font Size Print & Export PDF Affects H5 heading. percentage(%) Print Base Font Size
Print H6 Font Size Print & Export PDF Affects H6 heading. percentage(%) Print Base Font Size
Math Notation Font Size Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF
Affects only the math notation. pixel(px) -
Enable smaller code block text Markdown Editor
Render Viewer
Shrink by 2 pixels. - Base Font Size
Enable smaller markdown table syntax Markdown Editor Shrink by 2 pixels. - Monospace Font Size
Enable smaller non-essential contents Markdown Editor Shrink by 2 pixels. - Monospace Font Size
Enable smaller code block text(pdf) Print & Export PDF Shrink by 2 pixels. - Print Monospace Font Size

To change the font settings, you need to pay attention to the units and then enter only a number.


Note Element Settings

Below are the settings for the notes content elements:

Enable darker background color (Dusk Mode Only)

Property Area
Enable darker background color (Dusk Mode Only) Markdown Editor
Render Viewer

This applies a darker background color for the Dusk Mode, which gives a feeling of being between Dusk Mode and Night Mode.

Enable: darkerBg-enable

Disable: darkerBg-disable


Enable capitalize the first letter of each word on H1 heading

Property Area
Enable capitalize the first letter of each word on H1 heading Markdown Editor
Render Viewer

Enable: firstCaps-enable

Disable: firstCaps-disable


Enable small-caps effect on H1 heading

Property Area
Enable small-caps effect on H1 heading Markdown Editor
Render Viewer

Enable: smallCaps-enable

Disable: smallCaps-disable


Enable emphasize colors for insert text & strikethrough text

Property Area
Enable emphasize color for insert text & strikethrough text Markdown Editor
Render Viewer

Enable: ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable

Disable: ins-s-emColor-disable-bgColor-disable


Enable background colors for insert text & strikethrough text

Property Area
Enable background color for insert text & strikethrough text Markdown Editor
Render Viewer

The effect of this setting is depends on the Enable emphasize colors for insert text & strikethrough text setting is enabled or not.

  1. When Enable emphasize color for insert text & strikethrough text is enabled; Then, if Enable background color for insert text & strikethrough text is:

Enable: ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-enable

Disable: ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable

  1. When Enable emphasize color for insert text & strikethrough text is disabled; Then, if Enable background color for insert text & strikethrough text is:

Enable: ins-s-emColor-disable-bgColor-enable

Disable: ins-s-emColor-disable-bgColor-disable


Enable theme color for list text

Property Area
Enable theme color for list text Markdown Editor
Render Viewer

Enable: listText-themeColor-enable

Disable: listText-themeColor-disable


Enable evident horizontal rule

Property Area
Enable evident horizontal rule Markdown Editor

Enable: evidentHr-enable

Disable: evidentHr-disable


Enable border (H1 ~ H6)

Property Area
Enable H1 border Render Viewer
Enable H2 border Render Viewer
Enable H3 border Render Viewer
Enable H4 border Render Viewer
Enable H5 border Render Viewer
Enable H6 border Render Viewer

Enable: headingBorder-enable

Disable: headingBorder-disable


Enable heading marker

Property Area
Enable heading marker Render Viewer

Enable: headingMarker-enable-headingBorder-enable

Disable: headingMarker-disable-headingBorder-enable


Enable twill pattern for H1 heading

Property Area
Enable twill pattern for H1 heading Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF

Enable: h1Twill-enable

Disable: h1Twill-disable


Enable twill pattern for horizontal rule

Property Area
Enable twill pattern for horizontal rule Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF

Enable: hrTwill-enable

Disable: hrTwill-disable


Enable Markdown TOC floating button

Property Area
Enable Markdown TOC floating button Render Viewer




(It only disappears the button, you can still triggering the TOC at the same area.)



Enable "Justify" effect

The below 4 settings are just center the text of specific elements:

Property Area
Enable "Justify" effect for paragraph text Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF
Enable "Justify" effect for list text Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF
Enable "Justify" effect for checklist Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF
Enable "Justify" effect for Stick Notes text Render Viewer
Print & Export PDF


Enable dotted border

Property Area
Enable dotted border for blockquote Render Viewer
Enable dotted border for code block Render Viewer

Enable: blockquote-dotted-enable codeblock-dotted-enable

Disable: blockquote-dotted-disable codeblock-dotted-disable


Enable Eye-Protector effect

Property Area
Enable Eye-Protector effect for mermaid chart Render Viewer
Enable Eye-Protector effect for attached image Render Viewer


(Dusk Mode) eyeProtector-dusk-enable

(Night Mode) eyeProtector-night-enable


(Dusk Mode) eyeProtector-dusk-disable

(Night Mode) eyeProtector-night-disable


Enable Max-height limit

Property Area
Enable max height limit for code block Render Viewer
Enable max height limit for art gallery Render Viewer

Enable: codeblock-maxHeight-enable artGallery-maxHeight-enable

Disable: codeblock-maxHeight-disable artGallery-maxHeight-disable


Enable symbols

Property Area
Enable the "++" & "--" symbols at the beginning of the insert text and strikethrough text Render Viewer
Enable the ">|" symbol at the beginning of the inline code Render Viewer
Enable the symbol at the beginning of the custom title block Render Viewer


  • Insert Text & Strikethrough Text Symbol ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable-symbol-enable
  • Inline Code Symbol inlinecodeSymbol-enable
  • Custom Title Block Symbol ctbSymbol-enable


  • Insert Text & Strikethrough Text Symbol ins-s-emColor-enable-bgColor-disable-symbol-disable
  • Inline Code Symbol inlinecodeSymbol-disable
  • Custom Title Block Symbol ctbSymbol-disable


UI Settings

Below are the settings properties for UI elements:


Enable wider scrollbar

Property Area
Enable wider scrollbar Notebook Panel
Note List Panel

This effect only appears when mouse hovers over the notebook panel or note list panel.






Enable multiple lines notebook name

Property Area
Enable multiple lines notebook name Notebook Panel

See the difference in the dept-7 and depth-10 directory.






Enable horizontal scrollbar for the notebook name

Property Area
Enable horizontal scrollbar for the notebook name Notebook Panel

The horizontal scrollbar will become thick when mouse hovering over the notebook name but the effect is not included in the below preview.

See the difference in the depth-7 directory.






Enable notebook folder icon

Property Area
Enable notebook folder icon Notebook Panel






Enable "All Notes" button

Property Area
Enable "All Notes" button Notebook Panel






Enable sync feature panel

Property Area
Enable sync feature panel Notebook Panel

See the difference from the sync details and sync button which at the bottom of the notebook panel.






Enable tag feature panel

Property Area
Enable tag feature panel Notebook Panel
Editor Panel

See the difference from the tags section of notebook panel and the tag bar of editor panel.






Enable smaller "New Note" & "New Todo" button

Property Area
Enable smaller "New Note" & "New Todo" button Note List Panel





Enable auto-scroll effect for note list items

Property Area
Enable auto-scroll effect for note list items Note List Panel

If this is enabled, the notes name will auto-scroll from right to left when your mouse hovers over it a while.


Print & Export PDF (Advanced Settings)

Below are the settings for print & export PDF:


Display note title

Property Area
Display note title Print & Export PDF

In editor:


Enable, pdf output: noteTitle-pdf-enable

Disable, pdf output: noteTitle-pdf-disable


Display H1 border

Property Area
Display H1 border Print & Export PDF

When the PDF is showing the note title, h1, and h2 at the same time, you might find that they are all having a border. So, in some similar situation, you might want to disable the H1 border.

In editor:


Enable: printH1Border-pdf-enable

Disable: printH1Border-pdf-disable


Display link href

Property Area
Display link href Print & Export PDF

When anchor link is mean nothing on a paper, this setting allows you to display the link href on the PDF, but it only works when your markdown link syntax is included the "title" attribute. e.g. [Joplin]( "Joplin")

In editor:


Enable, pdf output: linkHref-pdf-enable

Disable, pdf output: linkHref-pdf-disable


Display abbreviation description

Property Area
Display abbreviation description Print & Export PDF

When the tooltip of abbreviation text is mean nothing on a paper, this setting allows you to display the abbreviation description on the PDF.

In editor:


Enable, pdf output: abbreviationDes-pdf-enable

Disable, pdf output: abbreviationDes-pdf-disable


Other display elements

The below elements might be not a must to show in the notes, so you can just hide them based on your needs, but here will not provides the preview of them.

Property Area
Display heading marker Print & Export PDF
Display table of contents Print & Export PDF
Display Sticky Notes Print & Export PDF
Display Key Mention Print & Export PDF
Display Key Mention of Sticky Notes Print & Export PDF
Display the text of Spoiler Inline Print & Export PDF