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Releases: Sinacs/Joplin.Plugin.ReMoods.Theme

ReMoods Theme v4.1.7 Updates 2023-3-24

24 Mar 15:18
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  • Markdown Editor:
    • Fix: Fixed selected text background color missing for some users
  • Render Viewer:
    • Fix: Fixed the symbol color is too close to the inline code
    • Fix: Fixed the abbreviation text-decoration is unclear in night mode
    • Fix: Fixed the smaller code block syntax setting not working as expected
  • Joplin UI:
    • Style: Redesigned note list panel header
    • Style: Changed the notebook icon on the notebook panel header
  • 3rd Party Plugins:
    • Plugin:Enhancement: Image link style adjustments

ReMoods Theme v4.1.4 Updates 2023-02-27

27 Feb 12:04
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  • Joplin UI:
    • Fix: Fixed the note list panel header style missing (Joplin v2.10.6+) #33
    • Fix: Fixed the unexpected margin change of note count label
    • Fix: Fixed the selected item background color of the options menu (Joplin v2.10.4+)
    • Fix: Fixed the h2 heading color of the encryption page of the options panel (Joplin v2.10.4+)
    • Style: Adjusted the editor toolbar colors in Day Mode
    • Style: Added animation for unfolding notebook directory #24
    • Style: Changed notebook directory icons

ReMoods Theme v4.1.1 updates 2023-02-10

10 Feb 08:57
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To Chinese Language Users:

To improve the combination of Chinese & English note-taking experience, this update added a new member "GenSenRounded TW"(ζΊζ¨£εœ“ι«”) as the default Chinese font. When compared with the "Chiron Hei HK", it appears more clearly in terms of the font strokes, especially in Traditional Chinese.

The "Chiron Hei HK" is already removed from the recommended font list, if you are enjoy using it you don't have to make any changes. But one exception, if you have installed both "Chiron Hei HK" & "GenSenRounded TW" on your computer, ReMoods will always use the "GenSenRounded TW" as a priority.

Download "GenSenRounded TW" from my Google Drive


  • Markdown Editor & Render Viewer:
    • Style: Improved mark text clarity.
    • Fix: Fixed mark text styles overwritten by other styles.
  • Markdown Editor:
    • Fix: Fixed mark text style missing.
    • Fix: Fixed editor padding overwritten by other plugins.
    • Fix: Fixed checklist item hover effect missing.
    • Fix: Fixed sup & sub text displaying the wrong size in headings.
    • Fix: Fixed code block padding missing.
    • Fix: Increased specificity to avoid selected text styles overwritten by other plugins.
  • Render Viewer:
    • Style: The <span> font size will inherit from H1 when using it in H1 heading.
  • Joplin UI:
    • Style: Fixed command palette unreadable color.
    • Style: Day Mode color adjustments. It's not experimental anymore!
    • Style: Added new Chinese font "GenSenRounded TW" to the default font family.
    • Style: Improved settings page description.
    • Style: Fixed the note count label position.
  • Print & Export PDF:
    • Fix: Fixed the print custom font settings doesn't work as expected.
  • 3rd Party Plugins:
    • Style: Added styles for Code Clipboard plugin.
      • Repositioning copy code button and adding hover effects.

ReMoods Theme v4.0.4 updates 2023-02-02

02 Feb 15:14
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Note: If you met any problems when updating ReMoods from v3 to v4, please read this.

  • General:
    • Style: General visual improvements.
    • Style: Day mode color adjustments.
    • Style: Night mode color adjustments. It's not experimental anymore!
  • Markdown Editor:
    • Fix: Fixed unexpected text colors.
    • Fix: Fixed selected text background color didn't display in the code block.
    • Style: Improved mark text style.
    • Style: Added selected text background color for the focused state.
  • Render Viewer:
    • Style: Improved Eye-protector effect in night mode.
  • Joplin UI:
    • Fix: Fixed note list panel scrollbar missing.
    • Fix: Fixed panel divider color missing.
    • Style: Improved option menu description.

ReMoods Theme v4.0.0 updates 2023-01-29

28 Jan 18:38
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This major update has rewritten all the codes to make general improvements. If you found that the content of your note doesn't display as usual after updating to ReMoods Theme V4, it might be due to the font settings didn't load the default values, please follow the below steps in case you meet the problem:

  1. Open Joplin
  2. Navigate to tools > options > ReMoods Theme
  3. Please check all the font settings values and ensure they do not go blank or unreasonable.
  4. Below are the default settings values for reference, or you can enter any other of your expected values:
    • Base Font > Default
    • Monospace Font > Default
    • Heading Font > Default
    • Base Font Size > 15
    • Monospace Font Size > 14
    • H1 Font Size > 170
    • H2 Font Size > 140
    • H3 Font Size > 130
    • H4 Font Size > 120
    • H5 Font Size > 110
    • H6 Font Size > 100
    • Math Notation Font Size > 0
  5. Go to Show advanced Settings
    • Print Base Font > Default
    • Print Monospace Font > Default
    • Print Heading Font > Default
    • Print Base Font Size > 13
    • Print Monospace Font Size > 12
    • Print H1 Font Size > 180
    • Print H2 Font Size > 160
    • Print H3 Font Size > 140
    • Print H4 Font Size > 130
    • Print H5 Font Size > 120
    • Print H6 Font Size > 110
  6. Quit and restart Joplin.


  • Markdown Editor & Render viewer:
    • Fix: Fixed the margin-top of content is not consistent in the split view.
    • Fix: Fixed the selected text background color disappeared.
    • Improve: Improved the compatibility with Joplin V2.10
    • Improve: Improved special text styles in headings.
  • Render Viewer:
    • Fix: Fixed the math notation hover effect doesn't work as expected.
    • Fix: Fixed the math notation using the Incorrect font.
  • Joplin UI:
    • Feat: Added option to hide the tag list and tag bar.
    • Feat: Added option to hide the sync button and sync details.
    • Feat: Added option to hide the all notes button.
    • Feat: Added option to set headings font size.
    • Feat: Added option to set math notation font size.
  • Print & Export PDF
    • Feat: Added option to display link href.
    • Feat: Added option to display abbreviation description.
    • Improve: Improved reading experience.

ReMoods Theme v3.5.0 updates 2022-12-17

17 Dec 07:56
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ReMoods Theme v3.5.0 updates 2022-12-17

  • Render Viewer:
    • Fix: The h1 twill pattern affecting mark text and inline code. #20
    • Fix: Displaying the wrong font size when using special text within the heading. #19
  • Markdown Editor:
    • Fix: The special text background color is overlapping when using it on multiple lines heading. #21
    • Fix: Inline code style broken. #18
  • Rich Text Editor:
    • Fix: Inline code didn't display as expected style. #17
    • Fix: The line-through effect is missing from the checked item. #16
    • Fix: The content line ends without a margin. #15
    • Fix: The bold text button has overlapped by another element. #14
  • Notebook Panel:
    • Fix: Fixed the emoji icon can't be fully displayed. #23
    • Style: Remove the icons from notebook panel header, all notes button, and tags list header. #22
  • Note List Panel:
    • New: Added option to turn off the auto-scrolling text effect.

ReMoods Theme v3.4.6 updates 2022-12-05

04 Dec 17:14
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ReMoods Theme v3.4.6 updates 2022-12-05

This tiny update is just because I want to rip that hate thing off at once!

  • Joplin UI:
    • Fix: Fixed the tag bar position as too low when no other plugin panel is below it.

ReMoods Theme v3.4.5 updates 2022-12-03

03 Dec 04:59
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ReMoods Theme v3.4.5 updates 2022-12-03

  • Render Viewer:
    • Change: The paragraph text justify settings property will affect all paragraph text but not include list, checklist, footnote list and sticky notes.
    • Change: The paragraph text justify settings property set default to turn off.
    • New: Added option to enable list text justify.(default off)
    • New: Added option to enable checklist text justify.(default off)
    • New: Added option to enable sticky notes text justify.(default off)
    • Fix: Fixed the horizontal line missing when changing to solid through settings. #12
    • Fix: Fixed editor notebook title text shadow missing in dusk mode.
  • Rich Text Editor:
    • Fix: Fixed the editor toolbar overlapping the notebook navigation button. #13
    • Style: Improved editor footer pop up message bar colors.
  • Print/Export PDF:
    • Fix: Fixed custom font settings properties didn't work as expected.
  • Joplin UI:
    • Fix: Fixed the editor toolbar can't pop up when the notebook navigation button is displaying.
    • Improve: Improved description in options menu.
    • Style: Improved notebook folder icon colors. (Joplin v2.9.12+)
    • Style: Added divider to notebook panel & note list panel.

ReMoods Theme v3.4.1 updates 2022-11-26

25 Nov 19:58
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ReMoods Theme v3.4.1 updates 2022-11-26


In this release, ReMoods has moved all the font settings to the options page, so now you can configure everything right there! So, if you still have the older versions' font settings codes on your userstyle.css and userchrome. css, you should delete all of them.


  • Markdown Editor & Render viewer:
    • Change: The default font combination has changed.
    • Change: Added one more recommended font choice Mulish, it has a better reading experience than Montserrat.
    • Change: Due to the original font sizes difference between non-monospace and monospace, the font size grouping is also split into two parts --usp-base-font-size and --usp-monospace-font-size.
    • Change: The recommended and default Chinese font has changed from chiron hei text hk to chiron hei hk.
    • Change: For the customization needs, the font family has split into three parts base font, monospace font, and headings font, you can now use your favorite font on headings to create a better personality style.
    • New: Added option for font settings.
    • New: Added option to set the list text color equal to paragraph text.
    • New: Added feature to auto-switch the chiron hei hk font weight fitting the theme mode.
    • Fix: Fixed the Chinese font weight invalid on headings.
    • Fix: Fixed the inline code sizing.
    • Style: Improved selected text styles.
    • Style: Improved sub & sup text styles.
  • Markdown Editor:
    • Change: Removed sub & sup text from smaller monospace font group.
  • Render Viewer:
    • Change: Added the list token to the monospace font group.
    • New: Added the scrollbar styles to the floating TOC list.
    • New: Added option to turn off horizontal line twill pattern.
    • Fix: Fixed the unexpected color of the list text.
    • Style: Improved list styles.
  • Joplin UI:
    • New: Added option to change the theme modes Night, Dusk, Day.
    • New: Added option to change theme color hue.
    • New: Added colors to notebook panel folder icon. (Joplin v2.9.12+)
    • New: Added option to hide notebook panel folder icon. (Joplin v2.9.12+)
    • New: Added option to enable the bolder scrollbar for notebook panel & note list panel.
  • Plugins:
    • New: Added support for Note Link System plugin.
    • Enhancement Plugin:
      • Style: Improved footnote marker styles.
    • Note Link System Plugin:
      • Style: Hide hash button for spoiler block title and content.
      • Style: Hover the spoiler block title to show the hash button.
    • Spoiler:
      • Style: Improved span title style.

ReMoods Theme (BETA) v2.1.0 updates 2022-10-23

22 Oct 19:20
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ReMoods Theme (BETA) v2.1.0 updates 2022-10-23

Markdown Editor

  • New: Added CSS styles for the Enhancement plugin.

Render Viewer

  • Fixed: Eye-Protector cannot turn off.
  • Fixed: The span tag is treated as a span title when trying to change the text color inside the spoiler block with a span tag. (Spoiler & Text Colorize plugin | P.S. I won't make any changes to the span title, but you can use span to change the text color or background color normally. Just make sure your span style is starting with color:/ background:/ background-color:)

Print & Export PDF

  • Improved: Darken the note title color. #10
  • Improved: Center aligns the mermaid chart.
  • Improved: Improve page break experience.
  • Improved: Remove chart background color. (Turn To Chart plugin v1.9.2)
  • Improved: Color adjustments. (Turn To Chart plugin v1.9.2)
  • Fixed: The circle color tag displays the wrong color. (Turn To Chart plugin v1.9.2)
  • Fixed: H5 & H6 border color abnormal.
  • Fixed: Code block didn't expand.