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Installation helpers for Sitecore Experience Platform (XP)


These steps assume you have all of the prerequisites installed as detailed in the instructions


If you haven't already done so, you need to ensure you have the correct (supported) version of Solr installed.

See solr instructions for details.

A bit about the process

The install-singledeveloper.ps1 script takes in a JSON configuration file (defaults to .\configuration-xp0.json) and runs through the entire platform installation.

The install-modules.ps1 script uses the same JSON configuration file as the install-singledeveloper.ps1 script and installs optional modules.

The assets.json file is used to manage which modules you would like to install. Make sure this file is configured correctly before you run the set-installation-*.ps1 scripts.

The configuration-xp0.json is generated by running two powershell scripts, set-installation-defaults.ps1 and set-installation-overrides.ps1.

The set-installation-defaults.ps1 does what it sounds like - it creates the configuration-xp0.json file and populates it with the default values based on the version of the platform it was meant to support.

The set-installation-overrides.ps1.example script needs to be copied and renamed to set-installation-overrides.ps1 then modified to suit your needs. Executing it once it has been renamed will fill in the rest of the information in the configuration-xp0.json file as well as override some of the default values. This script should only be executed once after first running set-installation-defaults.ps1.


1. Preparing for Installation

Just a couple of steps before we get started. Take a look at preparing for installation before going any further.

2. Installing Sitecore XP

Now that your configuration is set, let's install!

3. Installing Modules

If all went well, you have a successful installation of Sitecore XP. In order to support HabitatHome.Platform (SXA Demo) you need to install additional modules.

Let's move onto the final step: Installing Modules

KNOWN ISSUE: Downloading large files take time and can sometimes encounter connection issues. If this issue has occured you may get Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. error. In this case the download was NOT completed successfully.

You should delete the partially downloaded file and try again or:

WORKAROUND: Manually download the larger Sitecore WDP Package required and place it into the repository specified in set-installation-defaults.ps1.

Next Steps

Warming up an Instance

Installing Experience Commerce (XC)

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