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ImageSharp Samples

Various ImageSharp related samples.

  1. Resize and add simple effect c# vb

    Simple sample of sizing a jpeg and making it greyscale before saving it out as a png.

  2. Avatar with rounded corners c#

    Crops rounded corners of a source image leaving a nice rounded avatar.

  3. Draw watermark on image c#

    Draw water mark over an image automaticaly scaling the font size to fill the avalible space.

  4. Change default encoder options c#

    Provides an example on how you go about switching out the registered encoder for a file format and changing its default options in the process.

  5. Draw text along a path c#

    Draw some text following the contours of a path.

  6. Applys an image effect only inside a shape c#

    Provides a working example on how to compose various process together to apply a blur but only to a portion of the image specified by a shape.

  7. Create an entire new image processor c#

    Also provides a working example of implementing a custom image processor