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SkinsRestorer 15.0.7 (Skin update fix)

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@AlexProgrammerDE AlexProgrammerDE released this 17 Feb 16:21
· 121 commits to dev since this release

This version fixes updates with /skin update and also cleans up internal code and behaviour.


957ee45 Fix unexpected behaviour
433e4b7 Fix updating issues when no skin is explicitly set & cleanup
89350b6 Remove unused field
f087ef0 Update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-simple to v2.0.12 (#1511)
dd0a214 Update dependency io.freefair.gradle:lombok-plugin to v8.6 (#1515)
f978b5e Update plugin lombok to v8.6 (#1516)
ff72bb3 New Crowdin updates (#1505)
6a8e048 Update testcontainers-java monorepo to v1.19.5 (#1512)
1d4be09 Update runtask to v2.2.3 (#1508)
9b21adf Update junit5 monorepo to v5.10.2 (#1510)
53e47ae Some utility class cleanup and implement random user status checks
40e772c Update dependency com.github.cryptomorin:XSeries to v9.9.0 (#1509)
ac49fd5 Update dependency gradle to v8.6 (#1507)
ef57778 Do db lookup, but ignore expiry for updating, only timestamp matters
0a2bc0b Make skin update use Mojang directly, no caches
ea31067 Change method behaviour in skin storage API
d18544b New translations locale.json (Chinese Traditional) (#1504)
06a095c New translations locale.json (Chinese Traditional) (#1503)
a2ba8ad Changeup how files are generated
01f1b7b Update gradle/wrapper-validation-action action to v2 (#1502)
bebf7cb New translations locale.json (Tatar) (#1501)