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File metadata and controls

26 lines (24 loc) · 1.75 KB


Item Format Description
ID Integer The ID of the parameter.
ParameterName String The name of the parameter.
InfoSubText String The parameter description.
IsMonitored Boolean Whether the value of the parameter is being monitored by an alarm template.
IsNumerical Boolean Whether the value of the parameter is numerical.
HasRange Boolean Determines whether the value of the parameter is defined within a certain range.
RangeLow Double If HasRange is true, this determines the lowest value of the parameter range.
RangeHigh Double If HasRange is true, this determines the highest value of the parameter range.
Options String The parameter options (extra flags to e.g. indicate special formatting instructions).
Unit String The unit of measure of the parameter.
PrimaryKeyID Integer If the parameter is a table parameter, the primary key.
DisplayKeyID Integer If the parameter is a table parameter, the display key.
IsLogarithmic Boolean Indicates whether the trend data of this parameter should be displayed on a logarithmic scale.
IsTableColumn Boolean Whether or not the parameter is a table column parameter.
IsTable Boolean Whether or not the parameter is a table parameter.
TableParameterID Integer If the parameter is a column parameter, this indicates the ID of the table parameter.
Discreets Array of DMAParameterEditDiscreet The discreet values of the parameter (only if WriteType is “Discreet”).
DashboardsType String The button panel dashboard type: None, ButtonPanel, ButtonPanelContainers or ButtonPanelCollection.