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Simple Shell


This repository is an Alx School Project. This project involves writing a shell like sh (Bourne Shell) by Stephen Bourne , in C, using a limited number of standard library functions, and practically applying we have learnt in C during the past 3 months Here

The goal in this project was to make us understand how a shell works. To single out some items: what is the environment, the difference between functions and system calls, how to create processes using execve...


In order to run this program,

Clone This Repo

git clone

compile it with

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c -o hsh.
You can then run it by invoking ./hsh in that same directory.

How to use it

In order to use this shell, in a terminal, first run the program:
prompt$ ./hsh
It wil then display a simple prompt and wait for commands.
A command will be of the type $ command
This shell can handle two types of commands: builtins and normal program.

List of built-ins

Currently the list of built-ins I wrote is:

  • cd [directory]
    Switch to the specified directory (path).
  • env
    Displays the environment variable
  • exit [exitstatus]
    Exit from the program with exitstatus value. 0 by default.
    Sets the enviromental variable of key VARIABLE with the value of VALUE
  • unsetenv Unset an environment variable whose key is VARIABLE
  • echo [$$] or [$?] or [$PATH] Return pid and exit statue and PATH.

Basicly Every Program in $PATH It Support Single Word like ls

It Support chaining commands like ls || ls && cp new.txt file.txt ; echo $OLDPWD

It Handle Path ls /tmp

it Handle Options Like ls -l

it Handle All Three Togther Like ls -l /var

it Handle Command Path Also Like /bin/ls And All The Option And Path Like /bin/ls -l /var

it Handle Comments #

Examples Command

Example 1

Username@your-regular-prompt:~$ ./hsh
($) pwd
($) ^D

Example 2

Username@your-regular-prompt:~$ ./hsh
($) ls -l /tmp 
-rw------- 1 username username    0 Dec  5 12:09 config-err-aAMZrR
drwx------ 3 root   root   4096 Dec  5 12:09 systemd-private-062a0eca7f2a44349733e78cb4abdff4-colord.service-V7DUzr
drwx------ 3 root   root   4096 Dec  5 12:09 systemd-private-062a0eca7f2a44349733e78cb4abdff4-rtkit-daemon.service-ANGvoV
drwx------ 3 root   root   4096 Dec  5 12:07 systemd-private-062a0eca7f2a44349733e78cb4abdff4-systemd-timesyncd.service-CdXUtH
-rw-rw-r-- 1 username username    0 Dec  5 12:09 unity_support_test.0
($) ^D

Exmples Builtin

case env and exit

Username@your-regular-prompt:~$ ./hsh
($) exit

Case Exit Status

Username@your-regular-prompt:~$ ./hsh
($) exit 98
Username@your-regular-prompt:~$ echo $?

Additional Features

  • Handle Ctrl+C: your shell should not quit when the user inputs ^C
  • If no argument is given to cd the command must be interpreted like cd $HOME
  • handle the command cd -
  • Handle variables replacement
  • Handle the $? variable
  • Handle the $$ variable
  • Handle batch mode like ./hsh [filename] Where test is a file filled with command and builtin to excute.

List of functions and system calls we could use

List of allowed functions and system calls

access (man 2 access)
chdir (man 2 chdir)
close (man 2 close)
closedir (man 3 closedir)
execve (man 2 execve)
exit (man 3 exit)
fork (man 2 fork)
free (man 3 free)
fstat (man 2 fstat)
getcwd (man 3 getcwd)
getline (man 3 getline)
kill (man 2 kill)
lstat (man 2 lstat)
malloc (man 3 malloc)
open (man 2 open)
opendir (man 3 opendir)
perror (man 3 perror)
read (man 2 read)
readdir (man 3 readdir)
signal (man 2 signal)
stat (man 2 stat)
strtok (man 3 strtok)
wait (man 2 wait)
waitpid (man 2 waitpid)
wait3 (man 2 wait3)
wait4 (man 2 wait4)
write (man 2 write)
_exit (man 2 _exit)

Custom Function (Recreation of Standard Function in C)

  • _strncpy
  • _strlen
  • _putchar
  • _atoi
  • _puts
  • _strcmp
  • _isalpha
  • _reverse
  • intlen
  • _itoa
  • _join
  • _strcpy
  • _strchr
  • _strncmp
  • _strdup
  • _realloc
  • _freearray
  • _getenv
  • _readline
  • _tokenise
  • _hashtag

For More Info About It Check The Man Page by

Username@your-regular-prompt:~$ man ./man_1_simple_shell

Project Done in 15 Days
